OK, i heard it was possible to change your race, (the way you see it, weaponskills the same race as well). .dat switching is aparently what needs to be done, sorry if its been asked before.. anyone have any idea's how its done. A program is supposedly able to do this.. thanks.
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.dat race change?
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Re: .dat race change?
This page has the program in a zip : http://www.geocities.co.jp/Hollywood-Studio/6415/
on to website, it's on the top right.
Unzip these files to the Final Fantasy XI folder inside the Playonline/SquareEnix folder, then run the .exe file from there
This is a nice program I found on a Japanese website that allows you to change one race to another or switch heads. Please note, changes that this program makes is seen by YOU only. Basically, this program will tell your computer which files to load for which character. It does NOT switch .dat files, but it alters the Ftable.dat and Vtable.dat files instead. Right now, I changed my Hume into a Tarutaru, so now most hume males I see are now Tarutaru, but those who were already Tarutaru are still Tarutaru. Also, if you are already in game when making these changes, exit out to POL then start FFXI again.
The drop down menu on the first tab is what you will change a race into, if you see only ???? then it follows the order that you see on the character creation screen. From top down: Male Hume, Female Hume, Male Elvaan, Female Elvaan, Male Tarutaru, Female Taruaru, Mithra, Galka.
The list right underneath the drop down menu is what you want to change, in the same order, but missing Female Tarutaru (they are combined into one). So Male Hume, Female Hume, Male Elvaan, Female Elvaan, Taruaru, Mithra, Galka.
So first select a race to turn into from the drop down menu, then pick which one you are changing, then hit the button underneath to apply the change.
The button all the way on the bottom restores everything that you changed.
Also, the second tab will let you change heads only, in case you're not happy with yours, but remember everyone else sees you with your regular head and body.
if get error make a notepad file put this code in it and rename the file to something like poop.reg and run the registry file if you get an error the first time u run the program
Code Sample <- dont copy/paste this bit.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"1000"="C:\\Program Files\\PlayOnline\\SquareEnix\\PlayOnlineViewer"
End quote.
(its the link in the upper right hand corner.)75 SMN, 75BLM, 65 BLU, 63 WHM, 37 RDM, 39 BRD, 32 BST, 15 THF, 12 NIN
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Re: .dat race change?
Thanks for the info, i try to run it, and it flashes an error i think, all in japanese, and the program shows up for like half a second and vanishes. Gives me a Yes or No option..
How do i run that text, after saving it as that file. (poop.reg) Do i have to have POL running while using the program.?Arien
75 Nin
Relic Obtained: Koga Boots.
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Re: .dat race change?
Importing a file into the registry is dangerous is it not, this seems like a complicated process... Wish i could read japanese. Still will not let me run the program, it just pops up for a second, and vanishes.Arien
75 Nin
Relic Obtained: Koga Boots.
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Re: .dat race change?
It's dangerous if you don't know what changes the file will make to the registry, or if it's from an unknown source you do not trust.
In this case no harm will be done. All you need to do is save the file as a .reg and double click it to apply it, POL doesn't need to be open.
Edit: Also make sure you followed the installation instructions. The program must be unzipped into the Final Fantasy XI folder. Otherwise, you'll recieve an error when opening it.Last edited by Myrix; 08-19-2005, 09:51 AM.
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Re: .dat race change?
"1000"="C:\\Program Files\\PlayOnline\\SquareEnix\\PlayOnlineViewer"[/code]
btw if your FFXI is not installed in C:\\Program Files, please be sure to change it.
edit: dunno why there is whitespace in between 'InstallFold' and 'er' but it should not be there.
Thanks Yyg!
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Re: .dat race change?
ok, computer n00b question: how do i import this to the registry?
i have the files unzipped and saved in the ffxi folder. i made a notepad, copied that text to the notepad, and saved it a poop.reg. when i click on my poop.reg note it says "this file is not registry script, you can only import binary files to the registry" as an error message.
please don't laugh at my computer illiteracy. what did i do wrong?
ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
I live to entertain!
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Re: .dat race change?
I cant really get this to work. I have unzipped it (i think) to the FFXI folder. I have made the notepad document with "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlayOnline\InstallFold er]and i have saved it in FFXI folder under "poop.reg" and All Files. However it says i cant import binary stuff into the registry, and whenever i try to launch the face changer i get a japenese error message. Help me out plz, i wanna be a taru
"1000"="C:\\Program Files\\PlayOnline\\SquareEnix\\PlayOnlineViewer"
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Re: .dat race change?
I was wondering if you could give me a little extra help on setting up this program to change races. I am thinking that I did something wrong when doing the .reg part. I unzipped the folder in the "C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI" and then i made the .reg file in note pad, i copied it from the forum and pasted it into notepad (and corrected the space after "fold er"). When i saved the file i saved as a .reg and all file types. then when i double clicked it, it said that it successfully added it to the registry. However, when I went to try the program again, it gave me the same errors. So i have a couple questions, is ther a special place the .reg needs to be saved, am i missing something when i copy it, and could there something different i need to do for .reg. I am also open for any other ideas, thank you.
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