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.dat race change?

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  • #16
    Re: .dat race change?

    Originally posted by Lidda
    is ther a special place the .reg needs to be saved, am i missing something when i copy it, and could there something different i need to do for .reg. I am also open for any other ideas, thank you.
    I dunno if it makes a difference, but my .reg is just in C:\


    • #17
      Re: .dat race change?

      just to make sure, this is what needs to be in the .reg?

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

      [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlayOnline\InstallFold er]
      "1000"="C:\\Program Files\\PlayOnline\\SquareEnix\\PlayOnlineViewer"

      And in any case would the "C:\\Program Files\\PlayOnline\\SquareEnix\\PlayOnlineViewer" part ever change, depending on difference computers (my FFXI is loaded in normal place)


      • #18
        Re: .dat race change?

        this is exactly what i have in my .reg

        Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

        "1000"="C:\\Program Files\\PlayOnline\\SquareEnix\\PlayOnlineViewer"


        • #19
          Re: .dat race change?

          And in any case would the "C:\\Program Files\\PlayOnline\\SquareEnix\\PlayOnlineViewer" part ever change, depending on difference computers (my FFXI is loaded in normal place)
          yes it would change if you installed playonline+ffxi in a different folder. btw the program assumes your ffxi and playonline are all under the SquareEnix folder. If you installed them in seperate places, it won't work.

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #20
            Re: .dat race change?

            I just wanna check a few more things:

            i have FFXI in C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI, and the actual raceconverter is in C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI, is this the right folder? (it is in the Final Fantasy XI folder)

            the .reg file says:

            Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

            [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlayOnline\InstallFold er]
            "1000"="C:\\Program Files\\PlayOnline\\SquareEnix\\PlayOnlineViewer"
            Does this mean that i have the converter in the wrong place?or does .reg have nothing to do with where the converter is?

            if these are both correct as is, im stumped again

            Also, when saving the .reg file, notepad has options for the type of file encoding "ANSI," "Unicode," "Unicode big endian," and "UTF-8." Do these have anything to do with it?

            Another thing i just found, the error message i get after hitting yes on the first part is mostly in random characters and stuff, except one part. That part is "VTABLE.DAT," which i found in C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI, though it is just out in the open, is this the right place for this aswell? Try finding where yours is, and tell me if i need to maybe move that. Then after i hit ok on that error, what seems to be the program flashes on the screne for maybe 2 tenths of a second, then disapears.

            Double Post Edited:

            after finding a website to translate the japanese from the DL page, i had a random idea. on the website it says something about VTABLE.DAT and FTABLE.DAT being the directory for what face or something. so then i copied those 2 .dat files into the raceconv file. however, when i pasted and came back to folder, it had created a backup file within the raceconv file (maybe this is what did it.)

            the text from the Japanese site is this (these are the 2 colums on the right hand side)

            The table file which is referred to the occasion where FFXI searches the data file (FTABLE.DAT,
            VTABLE.DAT) File of direct rewriting and another race another sex another face
            By the fact that it makes FFXI READ, it is the tool which makes the respective replacement possible.

            2004/07/25 version 1.3.2004.725
            Adding - saving load performance
            At the time of −FFXI version upgrade cancelling the problem which has the possibility of happening
            −GUI fine control

            Under that, on the page is:

            [soraneyo] up to of version 1.2.2004.715 to errand

            With [soraneyo], the job backup file is designated as the master file when replacement unconditionally
            It is to be operation, but in the future with the version upgrade of FFXI FTABLE.DAT and VTABLE.DAT
            It is renewed with both when not be able to recognize that on [soraneyo] side, the job backup file
            The file which on the basis of the data which while it is old state exists, as a result is old, is renewed
            The problem that was found it superscribes.

            With present version upgrade as for the table file we are not renewed from [soraneyo] release,
            As for actual damage it is not with you think under present conditions, but acknowledgment.
            Because measure to the above-mentioned problem was administered in version 1.3.2004.725,
            Please do not use old version if possible.
            (As for backup restoration operation before the upgrading it is necessary sort to do until recently)

            Before upgrading FFXI as a measure when it continues to use with v1.2,
            1. Backup restoration is done with [soraneyo]
            2. It ends [soraneyo]
            3. The job backup file (FTABLE.BACKUP and VTABLE.BACKUP) it deletes
            It upgrades 4.FFXI
            Problem is the expectation which does not happen now.

            [soraneyo] is the name of the program for yalls information

            Double Post Edited:
            ok i have figured everything out except one thing, can someone give specific instructions on how the changing of faces works for me, thank you. this is ALL i need to know now
            Last edited by Lidda; 02-08-2006, 05:15 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

