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Post your custom models!

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  • Re: Post your custom models!

    Ooh, I'd definately download those if you posted em'.


    • Re: Post your custom models!

      I would like the dats for those also, especially your mithra ones =3


      • Re: Post your custom models!

        could you please email them to FFXIYasmine @ gmail dot com? :D


        • Re: Post your custom models!

          I agree they look great! you should upload ^^


          • Re: Post your custom models!

            Post post! ;o
            My Video Archive:


            • Re: Post your custom models!

              squee~ All the files I posted pics of above can be downloaded here:

              I also included one more in it ~^ Of my chibi Vrtra wyvern that I just completed =3 Preview of it here:


              • Re: Post your custom models!

                Yay! These are all awesome ^_^


                • Re: Post your custom models!

                  >.> <.<


                  *scurries off*


                  • Re: Post your custom models!

                    Takari, I enjoy your .dats.^^ They are very good.
                    My Video Archive:


                    • Re: Post your custom models!

                      Can someone tell me how to post a DL link and picture? The HTML I used didn't work. (|Please.|) (|Help me out!|)
                      Last edited by Ritsusei; 02-19-2006, 12:04 PM.

                      I'll come up with an original sig tomorrow...yeah.......tomorrow..........


                      • Re: Post your custom models!

                        I love your face .dats Takari! :D Been looking all over for a new mithra face.


                        • Re: Post your custom models!

                          I've got a lot to say here, so I'll just copy what I posted in the VRS forum and Badkittys:

                          Brace for it, this is gonna be a long post... *takes a deep breath*

                          Made every one of these myself, though they seem to have bunched up, so I've got a few to post all at once. Also, all of these are mithra onry, with what I know transfering these between races would be just about as complicated as creating them again from scratch

                          Firstly, on request I combined the corsage and tail ribbon into one head-equipable file.

                          Wings of Selh'Teus. I pulled the wings directly from the NPC. They're a bit big for normal use, and I can't get rid of that red glow, but then, I'm not all that sure I want to. This is head-equipable just like the corsage or tail ribbon.

                          My own dancer class, since it's looking less and less likely that SE is going to give me one. This is loosly based on the Ragnarok Online class.

                          And finally, a mithra Garuda. I ported the avatar over into equipable files. I've got a lot to say here, so I'll just copy over my post from Badkittys:

                          She blinks, she sings, she walks, she sits, she tears crap up. Not many problems with it either. As mentioned above, there's some minor clipping with weapons. I had to mess with those chicken legs for a few hours to get the bone weights right. Now they nicely fold in so it almost looks natural. It's not perfect, granted, but without another bone there, it's probably the best that can be done. Especially considering after I tried my initial plan for those legs, that back "knee" went clear up through the upper leg when sitting.

                          There was only one other problem I ran across, and I couldn't for the life of me fix it. The orignial Garuda never walked, her feet never touched the ground. This caused a problem because us as players do walk on the ground, and in doing so, our feet make sounds when we step. Garuda doesn't have ANY sound effect attatched to her walking or stepping. It isn't just quiet, though. Every step errors out and produces an annoying ping sound. I tried to get rid of it, but in doing so, the texture on the feet was fudged up on an unfixable scale. It looks fine in the viewer, but not in-game. It's just the texture though, and it's not *that* bad, so I included both files in the zip. Outside of remaking those feet from scratch, I can't fix it, and to be honest, I don't care enough to devote another week to it just to fix this. I seriously tried everything I could, I can't fix it. >.>

                          I think I know why there's a ping there but not when singing. (since we all know Garuda never sang either.) Garuda does make vocal sounds, like sighs and such when getting hit, or attacking, etc. As a result, the "head" has a sound "file" with it. When you sing, it finds this "file", but can't find the sound, so doesn't play anything. However, there isn't even a "file" attatched to the feet, so it just errors out, producing that ping.

                          All the files for these and possibly better pictures are on my website:
                          If doing something isn't fun, it's not worth doing...

                          Current record:

                          All problems can be solved with a string array!


                          • Re: Post your custom models!

                            Nakate, that Garuda dat was enough to make me stop lurking and actually post because I'm so amazed. I played around with it in model viewer and it actually works really well. O_O Near perfect infact!

                            I ignored the hand/weapon issue because I didnt use the .dat for hands. I just put on war gloves instead, which matched really well.

                            You should be proud! That seems like THE most advanced DAT I've seen to date! I only hope you continue your great work. *psst, do Shiva! Or a Garuda version without the wings* >_>
                            Property of Elements.


                            • Re: Post your custom models!

                              Heh, was wondering about that garuda mod. Found this pic today and had to check. Very impressive
                              Last edited by Deo; 07-26-2007, 05:59 AM.

                              More Weapons


                              • Re: Post your custom models!

                                haha yeah I posted a few pics of garuda mod on badkitty forums ans LS website its awsome XD


