I am thinking of lvling clothcraft and I was wondering about Guild points. Now once I can start turning in items can I turn in more than one of the same item to get more points? When it says 1200 points for this item does that mean if I turn in 3 I get 3600 points that day? If this is not true, do I really have to save up 70 days worth of points to get just one item at 48CC is this true?
So sorry for the n00b questions lol I have never really done any crafting before and I figured I'd take CC to at least 100 and Leather + Bonecraft to 60 are those the crafts I should take to 60 if I want to main CC? I know some synths require you to have another craft to a certain lvl to make some of the parts. That is why I was wondering.
Thanks for all the help in advance =]
So sorry for the n00b questions lol I have never really done any crafting before and I figured I'd take CC to at least 100 and Leather + Bonecraft to 60 are those the crafts I should take to 60 if I want to main CC? I know some synths require you to have another craft to a certain lvl to make some of the parts. That is why I was wondering.
Thanks for all the help in advance =]