Hi all a quick question.
I was wondering, i know new moon is best for skill ups. I also knopw that if you craft on the day thats weak against the crystal you using, same dayelement as crystal or darksday, it helps, as well as if you face HQ direction for the crystal or safe direction. Anyway, what i was wondering was this:
When i wish to improve the posibility of HQ is there more i can do then just face right? Do the moon have anything to say? and what day would be best? Sure i know i need to be good over skill cap and all unless im just lucky, but any tips on this will be great help. If anyone know any good tips for fast skillup, im greatfull too.
Currently clothcraft 56 leather 21
I was wondering, i know new moon is best for skill ups. I also knopw that if you craft on the day thats weak against the crystal you using, same dayelement as crystal or darksday, it helps, as well as if you face HQ direction for the crystal or safe direction. Anyway, what i was wondering was this:
When i wish to improve the posibility of HQ is there more i can do then just face right? Do the moon have anything to say? and what day would be best? Sure i know i need to be good over skill cap and all unless im just lucky, but any tips on this will be great help. If anyone know any good tips for fast skillup, im greatfull too.
Currently clothcraft 56 leather 21