For this I wanted to save the most gil so I looked up some cheap items that caped at higher levels. And for 80-89 I found Corair's Hats. earth:Wool thread + wool cloth + Marine hat. Might be slow, but really a money saver.
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80-89 Skillups
Re: 80-89 Skillups
80-82 Puk Fletchings
82-84 Arhats Hakama
84(+2)-90/93 Wamoura Silk/G.B. Fletchings
it will take forever to skill up 9 levels o.O with NM dropsMonchichieTaruTaru, Windurst
RDM/75, WHM/41, BLM/37, DRK/37, NIN/20, WAR/18, SAM/15
Clothcrafting 88(+5), Goldsmithing 40, Leathercraft 36, Smithing 31, Bonecraft 21, Alchemie 10
W-M: 6-1 CoP: 1-3 ZM: 14 ToAU: 14
Ayumieon ICE
Mithra, Windurst
SAM/49, THF/49, WAR/32, NIN/31
W-M: 5-1, CoP: 3-1 ZM:
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Re: 80-89 Skillups
hey viper how are the prices of wam. cocoons/ silk on your server? on AH on midgar they are out of this world (but at guild dirt cheap... but gl getting any). And wouldn't u break a ton starting G. bird plumes @ 84 even with the +2?
Thanks 0
Re: 80-89 Skillups
i wasen`t online for about 2 monath, so i don`t know any prices atm
i`m moving atm to another home
at 84+2 (+ adv. synth support) you have a skill from 88.. so 94 are only 6 levels
with a little knowing of what you do (day, moon etc..) it should be very easy to do this
even with 86 it should work fine
you will for sure loss money, but the last time i synthed for money 3 synth gave me 400k profit.MonchichieTaruTaru, Windurst
RDM/75, WHM/41, BLM/37, DRK/37, NIN/20, WAR/18, SAM/15
Clothcrafting 88(+5), Goldsmithing 40, Leathercraft 36, Smithing 31, Bonecraft 21, Alchemie 10
W-M: 6-1 CoP: 1-3 ZM: 14 ToAU: 14
Ayumieon ICE
Mithra, Windurst
SAM/49, THF/49, WAR/32, NIN/31
W-M: 5-1, CoP: 3-1 ZM:
Thanks 0