Has anyone messed around with Desynthing JSE Subligar? Been scouring forums and bugging alot of people trying to get a definitive answer, and so far there isn't one.
So, has anyone attempted to desynth a JSE subligar?
If yes, what were your results for NQ, HQ, etc?
At what CC skill did you manage to get different results on synthesis?
What even bother with it? If desynthing subligar can open an additional source for crafting materials, then that's a good thing isn't it?
So, has anyone attempted to desynth a JSE subligar?
If yes, what were your results for NQ, HQ, etc?
At what CC skill did you manage to get different results on synthesis?
What even bother with it? If desynthing subligar can open an additional source for crafting materials, then that's a good thing isn't it?