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Clothcraft 101

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  • I've been reading through this thread and its incredibly informative ^-^

    however, my clothcraft skill is 52 now (bless insect wings lol)

    I prefer to power level a craft using the gil i farmed rather than farm the materials and use them for my crafting. adter lv 52 this is what im planning to level up on and i would like someone to tell me if this is a good plan or not.

    52-61/62 ribbons then 61-65 silk headbands. Then 65-71 blk. chocobo fletchings. 71-77 rainbow thread.
    77-79/80 rainbow cloth.

    thx in advance.


    • that looks like a good list RPGdemon, although prepare to take a big hit on the silk headbands as the price of silk thread has gone sky high, on my server at least. Also, blk. choco fletchings is a pretty big loss also, although nothing you cant handle in the process of getting to 100 XD
      Clothcraft Veteran


      • Hmmmm I see...... So Stokes you blew up a Noble's Tunic eh?


        • Just an update for people who have been following my posts:

          Errant Cuffs and Dance Shoes will only get you to 98. I've noticed many clothcrafters usually stop at 98, because there are only 3 recipes left that can skill you up past 98. The Rasetsu armor can get you up to 99, but this requires raxas, which will require time camping the AHs. You lose somewhere around 100k a synth on these, so they're not even worth it unless you somehow manage to HQ one.

          To get up to 100, you can either make Errant Capes which are rare as heck since Capricious Cassie only drops Amity Capes like once every week if you consistently camp her. You can't skill up this way. The only other choice is Dalmatica, which you can actually sell back to AH, but this will require lots of time waiting in between crafts if you don't have lots of gil. If you blow up a Dalamtica, expect to lose lots of gils.

          Imo, square needs to add a new recipe or something to reach 100 in Clothcraft. Errant Cape is not even a real option, so you're only left with 1 recipe to get to 99 and 1 to get to 100, and both are not worth the gil and effort. Boo.
          The most depressing FFXI moment ever...


          • so suprised drew? you were there when It happened if i'm not mistaken XD

            nice coat Ash^^

            Im at 95.6 taking a break to make money because errant cuffs till 98 sell maybe 1/2 a day at a 50k loss ; ; Dance shoes also sell at a 80k loss a synth so iether way I'm gonna need a lot to invest. Errant body are ok, but gold ingots have risen to 50k each on our server, so it's gonna lose about 40k per houppleand. In any case, I hope 4 million gets me to at least 98 ; ;
            Clothcraft Veteran


            • just wanted to make sure on something. Approx how often will i fail if i start to make ribbons now (lv 52). Of course i will use craft support and craft on lightsday full moon as i hear this is the best phase for skillups.


              Also, would anyone suggest desynthing ribbons back to silk cloths at the early stages of making them? will i fail often or is it better to be safe and sell the ribbons to the npc at a loss? please bear in mind that i have desynth mog enhancement and that i only craft on full moon phase.


              hehe sorry for the many questions, but i went on 2 different sites to see the products of desynthesis from tonberry robe. However one of them said that products from HQ1, HQ2 and HQ3 are the sane (2 linen cloths) but another site said that on HQ1 you get 2 cloths, HQ2 3 cloths, HQ3 4 cloths. This makes more sense, but can someone please confirm which is true as i would really like to HQ2 and HQ3 tonberry coats in the future.

              hopefully there wont be an edit3 *fingers crossed*

              thx in advance.


              • HQ 2 gives you 3 cloths
                HQ 3 should be 4 cloths

                Heimadal - Rank 10 Windurst - 75赤 38黒 36白 37


                • New Clothcraft recipes! For WHM: Blessed Brulait (100?), Blessed Mitts(98?), Blessed Trousers(98?) available for Clothcrafting. Also new are the Yasha pieces for NIN.
                  The most depressing FFXI moment ever...


                  • Departure

                    Just a notice for any who might be wondering what in the hell happened to me, I decided to quit ffxi about a month back and now my character is nearing deletion. Thanks everyone for having made this such a massive thread and for listening to my stumbling through the process of maxing out clothcraft.

                    At the end of the game, I ended up at Clothcraft 97 and my final synth was a signed Royal Cloak ^_^

                    Good luck everyone, see you on the flip side (*'-')/
                    -pdac (retired)

                    At the endgame, I had: Full AF for RDM, RNG and NIN. Sky, Clothcraft 97, smithing 45 and far too much gil. My Jobs ended at RDM 75, NIN 65, RNG 59, BLM 37, WAR 33 and SMN 26. Finally, I synthed a Royal Cloak /signed/ for a friend.

                    Time to move on.

                    See you all on the flip side (*'-')/


                    • Currently looking at getting a single lvl from 98 to 99 off of Rasetsu Samue. I wish they would add something else that caps at 99/100. Are the prices very differnt on any other servers, on midguard they are:

                      Rasetsu Samue:

                      Costs: Steel Sheet(5k), Darksteel sheet(20k), velvet cloth(4k), Tiger Leather(4k), Rainbow thread(37k), 2 Raxa(2x70k) = 210k a synth, sells on AH for 20-25k.

                      All I know is I sure hope I get 10 .1s in a row so I only have to burn 2M >_> sigh, this is gonna cost so much I think I'll go out back and cry for a little while. . .
                      Clothcraft Veteran


                      • Most clothcrafters stop at 98 simply because of the lack of decent skill-up recipes.
                        The most depressing FFXI moment ever...


                        • Maybe i'll take a break and try to gather 10+M together and burn it all lol. Only reason I wanna get to 99 is so that I can try to ding 100 off making dalmaticas for my LS. Once I get to 99 I may finally use the A.Abj.Body that's collecting dust in my mog lol. Did you stop at 98 ash?
                          Clothcraft Veteran


                          • Profit is my main problem I just recently hit lvl 33 craft and i need a way to make some profit off this skill you guys got any ideas??
                            Thanx in advanced


                            • Even at 97 I have good days, and bad. Today I lose about 250k, last night I made about 800k :\ I don't really know what you could make at that level, if you can make silk cloths you could buy stacks of thread and sell the cloths in singles.
                              Clothcraft Veteran


                              • I stopped at 98. I get occasional skillup on the Yasha Armor, Brulait Armor, Errant Cape, and Dalmatica. Enough to keep me at 98.2, lol.

                                On a realistic note, I only synthed 2 Errant Capes, 1 Yasha, and 1 Brulait. .2 for 4 synths isn't bad. These items are rare to synth because of the cost and availability though, so this is definitely going to be a long-term process.
                                The most depressing FFXI moment ever...

