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Leather Craft Key Items

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  • Leather Craft Key Items

    I have Just hit Leathercraft Novice and started to aquire Guild points. So far the only thing that looks worth getting is a Key item that allows you to make more leathers with less Crystals. But the Problem is, I dont really understand how it works. Could someone Explain it to me? Will it allow me to "HQ" Skins and get a stack from 1 set of mats? Will it allow me to Synth 12 leathers at at time with all the correct mats but only one crystal? Anything special I need to activate it? It is worth Getting?

    Any help you can offer will be appresiated. Thank you

    Windurst Rank 5
    <[75 White Mage retired]> ((May she rest in piece))
    Originally posted by
    spoon·y also spoon·ey ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spn)
    adj. spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est
    1. Enamored in a silly or sentimental way.
    2. Feebly sentimental; gushy.

  • #2
    Re: Leather Craft Key Items

    From what I understand, in leatherworking you never get anything more than one result from one skin. It's just weird that way.


    • #3
      Re: Leather Craft Key Items

      You're talking about tanning here... and in my opinion, it's one of the first things you should get if you're serious about your leathercraft... as it saves you *so* much time and inventory space.

      When I got sheep leather farming... if I were to go pre tanning, I'd have to take 18 spaces of inv in leaves, crystals and water alone.. now I take 12.

      So very very worth it.


      • #4
        Re: Leather Craft Key Items

        Originally posted by Spinnthrift
        as it saves you *so* much time and inventory space.

        When I got sheep leather farming... if I were to go pre tanning, I'd have to take 18 spaces of inv in leaves, crystals and water alone.. now I take 12.

        So very very worth it.
        What does it do? and how does it work?
        Windurst Rank 5
        <[75 White Mage retired]> ((May she rest in piece))
        Originally posted by
        spoon·y also spoon·ey ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spn)
        adj. spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est
        1. Enamored in a silly or sentimental way.
        2. Feebly sentimental; gushy.


        • #5
          Re: Leather Craft Key Items

          Let's look at Sheep Leather as a x1 synth:

          1x Dark Crystal + 1x Windurstian Tea Leaves + 1x Distilled Water + 1x Sheep Skin. = 1x Sheep Leather.

          Now, when you go farming leather in the field (so to speak), you need to take ingredients to synth with... so, for each stack of leather, you need to bring 12x Dark Crystals, 12x Tea Leaves and 12x Distilled Water.. taking up 3 inventory spaces.

          With Tanning, the synth changes to:

          1x Dark Crystal + 3 Windurstian Tea Leaves + 1x Distilled Water + 1x Tanning Vat + 3 Sheepskin = 3x Sheep Leather.

          So to make a stack of Sheep Leather, I need to bring:
          4 Dark Crystals, 12x Tea Leaves, 4x Distilled Water and 4x Tanning Vats. This takes up four slots in inventory, compared to three with the previous recipe... however...

          To make two stacks of Sheep leather.. you need either:

          24x D.Crystals, 24x W.T.Leaves's, 24x D. Water and 24 S.Skins taking up 8 slots of inventory...


          8x D. Crystals, 24x W.T. Leaves, 8x D. Water, 8x T. Vats and 24 S.Skins taking up 7 slots of space...

          Three stacks is 12 inv spaces with the original method, or 8 with tanning... and so on...

          If that makes sense?


          • #6
            Re: Leather Craft Key Items

            Heck, even I'm kind of confused right now. But I'm sure you're right. XD


            • #7
              Re: Leather Craft Key Items

              I dont have this for leathercraft, but i have the same thing in clothcraft called spining.

              Basically it means that you get to use 1 crystal to do 3 sytnths when you use the tool, in the case of leather crafting it is callled a tanning vat. It saves space and time and is well worth the investment (has already saved me tons of money in lighting crystals)

              RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


              • #8
                Re: Leather Craft Key Items

                Another way to say it:

                1. It saves you money on Dark Crystals. Instead of 3 Dark Crystals for 3 Sheep Leather, you only need 1. If Dark Crystals cost 8,000gil per stack (667 per crystal) you have saved 1333 for every 3 synths, or 444gil per synth. This does not include the price of the tanning vat or the 2 distilled water you also saved.


                • #9
                  Re: Leather Craft Key Items

                  I'm so glad Dark Crystals don't cost 8k on my server. Or conversely, I'm sad that they don't, because my crystal mule is overloaded with them.


                  This is all good to know though. I have a mule that is sort of tinkering with leatherworking on the side (she started just by making sheep leather to sell, but now I'm moving further into it with her for fun), so that's something for me to consider.


                  • #10
                    Re: Leather Craft Key Items

                    Originally posted by Aelathir
                    I'm so glad Dark Crystals don't cost 8k on my server. Or conversely, I'm sad that they don't, because my crystal mule is overloaded with them.


                    This is all good to know though. I have a mule that is sort of tinkering with leatherworking on the side (she started just by making sheep leather to sell, but now I'm moving further into it with her for fun), so that's something for me to consider.
                    I've seen them range anywhere from 6000 to 12000 on Asura. Fire crystals were at 10000 this weekend.


                    • #11
                      Re: Leather Craft Key Items

                      Well, that's because Asura is ridiculous. :p A good friend of mine plays there, and we compare prices all the time. I do not envy you folks.

