Leather crafting is not for everyone. All crafts require rather large amounts of gil, and Leather Crafting is no different, so If you're not patient enough to either farm your gil, or wait for things to sell on AH, perhaps you should wait before starting to work with leather. That being said, after much hard work and time and gil invested into Leather crafting, it CAN be profitable. Hopefully this guide will help you find your own niche in the leather market without too much pain and failed synths. ![Smile](https://www.ffxionline.com/core/images/smilies/smile.png)
Sheep Leather - 0-2
Crystal: Dark 3-4k a stack
Ingredients: Sheep Skin(200-400gil each on AH, less at Guild, Windurst Tea Leaves (400-500 per stack on AH) , Distilled Water (9g each at Guild)
*This synth doesn't get you much skill, but you'll be using the Sheep Leather in other synths rather soon. Otherwise you can make
Sheep Wool 0-4
Crystal: Wind 1.2-1.5k a stack
Ingredients Sheep Skin X2
*This synth is somewhat profitable, especially if you buy your Sheepskins from the Guild.
Leather Gloves 2-8
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Grass Cloth (1k per stack on AH), Sheep Leather x 2(7500-9000 per stack on AH)
You're probably going to lose money here, but after getting to 6, switching to Solea is fine, and you can do without that Grass Cloth
Soliea 6-11
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Sheep Leather x 2
Lizard Mantle 8-14
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Grass Thread (1k at AH), Lizard Skin (8k per stack at AH) Lizard Molt (2-3k per stack at AH)
You're definately going to lose money here, but you'll lose less money than with any other recepie at this level.
Dhalmel Leather 13-21
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Dhalmel Hide (400-500 gil each on AH) Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
I've always liked skilling on leathers, because you don't really lose any money even if you buy your hides from AH, and if you farm them yourself, you can make money easily. Selling Stacks of leather is good at any city, as it's a consumable item used in several different guilds. If you don't really need the money, you can save the leather, because you'll be using it soon anyway.
Leather Ring 18-22
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Dhalmel Leather (14k per stack on AH)
In case you want to use Dhalmel Leathers right away instead of selling them, this is a good recepie, and your Leathers will last a while. Wind crystals are much cheaper than Dark crystals also.
At this point you have two options. Dhalmel Mantles, or Sandals
Dhalmel Mantle 21-27
Crystal: Ice (900-1.2k a stack on AH)
Ingredients: Dhalmel Hide, Wool Thread (20-22k per stack on AH)
At this point, you may not be comfortable buying Wool Thread as such a high price, but you're gonna be making lots of other kinds of mantles later on, so you might as well get used to it now.
If you dabble in Cloth craft, you can always make your own Wool Thread, but you won't be saving a whole lot of money doing it that way, and it takes alot more time of course.
Sandals 22-29
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Sheep Leather, Dhalmel Leather
Slightly Cheaper than Dhalmel Mantles, but you're going to fail a bit more until 23.
Parchement 25-31
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Sheep Leather, Rolanberry (I don't actually remember the price of this, i'll edit it in later. It's not terribly expensive though)
Chance are you're not gonna be skilling using this synth a whole lot, as you won't find Rolanberries for sale on AH that often. It can be profitable to sell in Jeuno to aspiring bards though, which is why I mention it.
Ram Leather 27-35
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Ram Skin (400-600 each at AH), Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
Another good money making synth. If you've got a lvl 30ish job you can go to Lathiene or Konschtat with several stacks of crystals, water and tea leaves, and leave with several stacks of Ram Leather, which go for 15k each on AH.
To continue, you've got several options here as well. Leather Gorget, Wolf Gorget, or Waistbelt, it all depends on what's available and how much cash you have to spend.
Leather Gorget 32-37
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Grass Thread (1k a stack on AH) Ram Leather (15k a stack on AH)
A decent synth, rather inexpensive if you make your own leather, but Ram Leather is better, even though it doesn't get you as far. I mention it because you may want to use that Ram Leather as you make it, and this is a good use for it.
Wolf Gorget 34-39
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Cotton Thread (5k a stack on AH), Wolf Hide (400-500 each on AH)
You *may* have trouble finding Wolf Hides, but it's a decent synth.
Waistbelt 37-43
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Ram Leather x2, Grass Thread
This is the recepie I personally recommend, as you can recover most of your investment selling to NPC or to guild.
From this point on, you're going to have far fewer options, and resources will be much harder to come by and generally more expensive. Not for the faint of heart.
Ram Mantle 42-49
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Ram Skin, Wool Thread
I told you you'd be using Wool Thread eventually. If you've gotten this far though, you may not mind the 20-22k per stack cost of this. Get every last skill point you can out of this synth, because after this it gets ugly for a while.
Himantes 47-52
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Lizard Cesti, Raptor Skin (30k per stack on AH)
You can start this at 47, perhaps even 46, but I really recomment waiting till 49, just due to cost.
Raptor Mantle 48-53
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Grass Thread, Raptor Skin x2
A doubly painful synth, as you use Raptor Skins twice as fast.
At this point, take a break from Leather crafting, and come back after you've forgotten the pain this has caused you.
Tiger Leather 53-61
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Black Tiger Hide(400-500 each on AH), Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
Ahh, sweet relief! Another profitable recepie. If you're one of those people that like to hunt Tiger Fangs to farm, bring along some leather making ingredients and double your income from hunting Tigers. ^^ You will fail alot but you may want to start using this recepie at 52, or even 51. You may find that this is a cheaper way to skill than the raptor gear, even in spite of failed synths. There are dark clouds once again on the horizon though.
Hard Leather Ring 56-62
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Tiger Leather (15-17k per stack on AH)
This is if you want to put that tiger leather to good use, and to delay having to use Cockatrice skins for one more skill level.
Beak Mantle 58-63
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Grass Thread, Cockatrice Skin x2 (1-2k on AH)
Cockatrice Skins are much more expensive in San d'Oria than they are in other cities, at least on Asura, so you may want to consider purchasing them elsewhere. I strongly suggest you don't start this synth until 62, as this is a big money looser. From 62-63 though, you'll want to make this, because it doesn't cosh as much money to make as your next synth.
Beak Jerkin 63-69
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Sheep Leather. Cockatrice Skin x 2
This is another synth that there is just no way around, at least for a few levels. You don't have to take it all the way to 69, because soon you can make Coeurl Leather.
Coeurl Leather 63-71
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Coeurl Hide (1-2k on AH) Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
Like other leather types, you can make this for a longer time with less failures than other recepie types, and you may wish to do so, since it's a cheaper synth, cost wise. I'd suggest not starting until 65 though, as 63-65 will cost about as much as Beak Jerkins, due to failures on THIS synth. But, Coeurl Leathers sell QUITE nicely, 35k a stack on Asura. Like Cockatrice skins, the San d'Oria prices of Coeurl Hides tend to be inflated compared to the prices in other cities.
You've got a few options coming up. Choose which you do based on cost, and whats available at the time.
Tiger Mantle 70-75
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Wool Thread, Black Tiger Hide
I bet your glad to be buying that Wool Thread now, aren't you? It's not TOO much cheaper over all than Cockatrice Skins of Coeurl Hides, but hey, it stacks, and its more readily available.
Tiger Jerkin 73-79
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Sheep Leather, Tiger Leather x2
I'd suggest taking Mantles until they cap, but overall this is not a bad synth.
Coeurl Gorget 73-79
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Cotton Thread, Coeurl Hide
Cheaper to make than Tiger Jerkin, but again Coeurl Hides are hard to find sometimes. They don't sell to NPC as well either.
Manticore Leather 73-80
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Manticore Hide (2-2.5k on AH), Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
This is also a profitable synth, and you can break even despite a higher failure rate if you choose to start at 72. I see stacks selling in Jeuno for about 60k pretty regularly.
Coeurl Mantles 79-85
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Wool Thread, Coeurl Hide
This is where I'm at now, so I can't provide much insight past this point.
Coeurl Jerkin 85-89
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Sheep Leather, Coeurl Leather x 2 (35k per stack on AH)
You'll almost definately have to make your own leathers for this synth, I almost always have to. Kind of a pain, yeah, but it's likely cheaper, depending on server prices.
Tiger Mask 89-95
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Black Tiger Hide x 2, Wool Thread, Ram leather, Wyvern Skin (25k each)
Griffin Leather 90-97
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water, Griffin Hides(30k each).
Even though the cost of these synths are roughly the same, you'll likely be able to sell the Tiger Masks easier than the Griffin Leather.
95-100 Panzer Mask
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Wool Thread, Ram Leather, HQ Coeurl Leather x2 (500gil each), Wyvern Skin
Sheep Leather - 0-2
Crystal: Dark 3-4k a stack
Ingredients: Sheep Skin(200-400gil each on AH, less at Guild, Windurst Tea Leaves (400-500 per stack on AH) , Distilled Water (9g each at Guild)
*This synth doesn't get you much skill, but you'll be using the Sheep Leather in other synths rather soon. Otherwise you can make
Sheep Wool 0-4
Crystal: Wind 1.2-1.5k a stack
Ingredients Sheep Skin X2
*This synth is somewhat profitable, especially if you buy your Sheepskins from the Guild.
Leather Gloves 2-8
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Grass Cloth (1k per stack on AH), Sheep Leather x 2(7500-9000 per stack on AH)
You're probably going to lose money here, but after getting to 6, switching to Solea is fine, and you can do without that Grass Cloth
Soliea 6-11
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Sheep Leather x 2
Lizard Mantle 8-14
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Grass Thread (1k at AH), Lizard Skin (8k per stack at AH) Lizard Molt (2-3k per stack at AH)
You're definately going to lose money here, but you'll lose less money than with any other recepie at this level.
Dhalmel Leather 13-21
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Dhalmel Hide (400-500 gil each on AH) Windurstian Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
I've always liked skilling on leathers, because you don't really lose any money even if you buy your hides from AH, and if you farm them yourself, you can make money easily. Selling Stacks of leather is good at any city, as it's a consumable item used in several different guilds. If you don't really need the money, you can save the leather, because you'll be using it soon anyway.
Leather Ring 18-22
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Dhalmel Leather (14k per stack on AH)
In case you want to use Dhalmel Leathers right away instead of selling them, this is a good recepie, and your Leathers will last a while. Wind crystals are much cheaper than Dark crystals also.
At this point you have two options. Dhalmel Mantles, or Sandals
Dhalmel Mantle 21-27
Crystal: Ice (900-1.2k a stack on AH)
Ingredients: Dhalmel Hide, Wool Thread (20-22k per stack on AH)
At this point, you may not be comfortable buying Wool Thread as such a high price, but you're gonna be making lots of other kinds of mantles later on, so you might as well get used to it now.
Sandals 22-29
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Sheep Leather, Dhalmel Leather
Slightly Cheaper than Dhalmel Mantles, but you're going to fail a bit more until 23.
Parchement 25-31
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Sheep Leather, Rolanberry (I don't actually remember the price of this, i'll edit it in later. It's not terribly expensive though)
Chance are you're not gonna be skilling using this synth a whole lot, as you won't find Rolanberries for sale on AH that often. It can be profitable to sell in Jeuno to aspiring bards though, which is why I mention it.
Ram Leather 27-35
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Ram Skin (400-600 each at AH), Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
Another good money making synth. If you've got a lvl 30ish job you can go to Lathiene or Konschtat with several stacks of crystals, water and tea leaves, and leave with several stacks of Ram Leather, which go for 15k each on AH.
To continue, you've got several options here as well. Leather Gorget, Wolf Gorget, or Waistbelt, it all depends on what's available and how much cash you have to spend.
Leather Gorget 32-37
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Grass Thread (1k a stack on AH) Ram Leather (15k a stack on AH)
A decent synth, rather inexpensive if you make your own leather, but Ram Leather is better, even though it doesn't get you as far. I mention it because you may want to use that Ram Leather as you make it, and this is a good use for it.
Wolf Gorget 34-39
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Cotton Thread (5k a stack on AH), Wolf Hide (400-500 each on AH)
You *may* have trouble finding Wolf Hides, but it's a decent synth.
Waistbelt 37-43
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Ram Leather x2, Grass Thread
This is the recepie I personally recommend, as you can recover most of your investment selling to NPC or to guild.
From this point on, you're going to have far fewer options, and resources will be much harder to come by and generally more expensive. Not for the faint of heart.
Ram Mantle 42-49
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Ram Skin, Wool Thread
I told you you'd be using Wool Thread eventually. If you've gotten this far though, you may not mind the 20-22k per stack cost of this. Get every last skill point you can out of this synth, because after this it gets ugly for a while.
Himantes 47-52
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Lizard Cesti, Raptor Skin (30k per stack on AH)
You can start this at 47, perhaps even 46, but I really recomment waiting till 49, just due to cost.
Raptor Mantle 48-53
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Grass Thread, Raptor Skin x2
A doubly painful synth, as you use Raptor Skins twice as fast.
At this point, take a break from Leather crafting, and come back after you've forgotten the pain this has caused you.
Tiger Leather 53-61
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Black Tiger Hide(400-500 each on AH), Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
Ahh, sweet relief! Another profitable recepie. If you're one of those people that like to hunt Tiger Fangs to farm, bring along some leather making ingredients and double your income from hunting Tigers. ^^ You will fail alot but you may want to start using this recepie at 52, or even 51. You may find that this is a cheaper way to skill than the raptor gear, even in spite of failed synths. There are dark clouds once again on the horizon though.
Hard Leather Ring 56-62
Crystal: Wind
Ingredients: Tiger Leather (15-17k per stack on AH)
This is if you want to put that tiger leather to good use, and to delay having to use Cockatrice skins for one more skill level.
Beak Mantle 58-63
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Grass Thread, Cockatrice Skin x2 (1-2k on AH)
Cockatrice Skins are much more expensive in San d'Oria than they are in other cities, at least on Asura, so you may want to consider purchasing them elsewhere. I strongly suggest you don't start this synth until 62, as this is a big money looser. From 62-63 though, you'll want to make this, because it doesn't cosh as much money to make as your next synth.
Beak Jerkin 63-69
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Sheep Leather. Cockatrice Skin x 2
This is another synth that there is just no way around, at least for a few levels. You don't have to take it all the way to 69, because soon you can make Coeurl Leather.
Coeurl Leather 63-71
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Coeurl Hide (1-2k on AH) Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
Like other leather types, you can make this for a longer time with less failures than other recepie types, and you may wish to do so, since it's a cheaper synth, cost wise. I'd suggest not starting until 65 though, as 63-65 will cost about as much as Beak Jerkins, due to failures on THIS synth. But, Coeurl Leathers sell QUITE nicely, 35k a stack on Asura. Like Cockatrice skins, the San d'Oria prices of Coeurl Hides tend to be inflated compared to the prices in other cities.
You've got a few options coming up. Choose which you do based on cost, and whats available at the time.
Tiger Mantle 70-75
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Wool Thread, Black Tiger Hide
I bet your glad to be buying that Wool Thread now, aren't you? It's not TOO much cheaper over all than Cockatrice Skins of Coeurl Hides, but hey, it stacks, and its more readily available.
Tiger Jerkin 73-79
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Sheep Leather, Tiger Leather x2
I'd suggest taking Mantles until they cap, but overall this is not a bad synth.
Coeurl Gorget 73-79
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Cotton Thread, Coeurl Hide
Cheaper to make than Tiger Jerkin, but again Coeurl Hides are hard to find sometimes. They don't sell to NPC as well either.
Manticore Leather 73-80
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Manticore Hide (2-2.5k on AH), Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water
This is also a profitable synth, and you can break even despite a higher failure rate if you choose to start at 72. I see stacks selling in Jeuno for about 60k pretty regularly.
Coeurl Mantles 79-85
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Wool Thread, Coeurl Hide
This is where I'm at now, so I can't provide much insight past this point.
Coeurl Jerkin 85-89
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Sheep Leather, Coeurl Leather x 2 (35k per stack on AH)
You'll almost definately have to make your own leathers for this synth, I almost always have to. Kind of a pain, yeah, but it's likely cheaper, depending on server prices.
Tiger Mask 89-95
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Black Tiger Hide x 2, Wool Thread, Ram leather, Wyvern Skin (25k each)
Griffin Leather 90-97
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Windurst Tea Leaves, Distilled Water, Griffin Hides(30k each).
Even though the cost of these synths are roughly the same, you'll likely be able to sell the Tiger Masks easier than the Griffin Leather.
95-100 Panzer Mask
Crystal: Ice
Ingredients: Wool Thread, Ram Leather, HQ Coeurl Leather x2 (500gil each), Wyvern Skin