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So, you want to be a Leather Crafter? - Leathercraft 101

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  • #31
    Well I'm up to lvl 89 now ^^

    An alternative to Tiger Masks is Griffon Leather, which caps at lvl 97. On my server, Griffin Hides sell for 30k each, which is *sort* of comparable to Wyvern Skins at 25k, and considering the other ingredients in Tiger masks, these synths are both about the same cost per synth.

    Just make sure every synth counts, as materials are not only very expensive, but also rather rare.

    One other note . . . there's alot of info out there about what days/moon phase is best for HQ or skill ups, and i've done a bit of my own research and found that, apart from full moon/lightsday . . . full moon windsday is also very good for skill up (vs. full moon/other days) Note, this is using earth crystals, wearing no + or - elements aside from the +1 dark on my guild gloves, and with earth energy in mog house. Just in case any of that affects it significantly. So, I hope that information helps you.

    edit: updated original post a bit.


    Rank 10 San d'Orian.


    • #32
      Well, I know I planned on being further than this by now, but I'm now at 84 and I already have the materials for 85-89. Only reason it's going so slow is that coeurl hides sell very fast on my server and I've probably farmed about 30 of my own. 2.5K each on Valefor. Anyways, once I hit 87-89, however far my 14 stacks of coeurl leather take me, I am going to do an in depth research on day of the week affecting HQ. My recipe will also be using an earth crystal b/c imo it's the most important crystal for a leathercrafter to have success with(assuming they're trying to make money). Once I've done the research I will post it on here and on the Day of the Week topic. Goodluck leathercrafters.


      • #33
        Leathercrafters , lets keep this current >

        Thanks for the guide it has really helped me Alot, I've Reached Level 88.999 lol thanks to your guide. I have spent alot of money because of powerleveling but i am happy to be this high in only 1.5 weeks.

        Level 90-100 Is going to literally take me months to achieve because of limited Options to skill up on. Wyvern skins are 32k Per skin on fairy and Griffon Hides are 40k Per. I really dont care about the price but the supply is what really hurts me. So far i have been able to get my hands on about 15 wyvern skins in the last week. It's THAT bad, i have many other Leathercrafters who camp the AH daily so its difficult to get enough materials at times.

        As far as sub skills, it looks like clothcraft(Brigandine,etc), bonecraft(Bison gear,etc) and smitthing(Byrnie, etc) are going to be needed to really be the best leatherworker possible.

        I have also noticed during Fullmoon to be the best day for skill, however Last full moon i wasnt able to take much advantage or test it enough.

        As far as HQs which is supposed to be better Full moon or New Moon??
        Leatha Crafta Masta
        Leathercraft 100+3
        Smithing 60
        Clothcraft 60
        [img][/i mg]


        • #34
          Well just wanted to share my terrible experience this last full moon.

          I am curently 92+1 leathercrafting and I got a behemoth hide off of byakko. I was looking forward to crafting it into a mantle, i figure i had a chance of HQ on Full moon. Unfortunatly it failed and i lost the hide ;; 1million gil (See you again) However i did make a nomads+1 so i was happy.

          As far as skillups it has been extremely slow 89-92. I am paying at least 500k per level these days because of the slow skill, high prices for materials and limited supplies to craft with. AT this rate I am guessing i wont be 100 for another 4 months at least, but after you reach 90+ you can make alot of cool things so its pretty fun being this high.
          Leatha Crafta Masta
          Leathercraft 100+3
          Smithing 60
          Clothcraft 60
          [img][/i mg]


          • #35
            /wave Bigbirdd. I was skilling up on dhalmel hides 2 weeks ago and chatting w/ you. You were making coeurl/ogre masks, I think.

            Anyhow, I hit 21 leather. My goal is to get to 35 (the end of ram skins) as a support for bonecraft. The way I see it, I've got to get my skill up to about 27 or 28, then I can go nuts farming the living hell out of battering rams. (25 drops in 4 rams? {Yes, Please!})

            So I need advice for the 21-27 stretch. Reading the thread, one guy mentioned leather rings + desynth, which just seems like throwing money away to me. What other options are there? Parchment sounds like it about breaks even...if it sells at AH. How quickly do stacks usually sell? I know bast parchment is used in shihei, but I'm not sure if it is the same item as regular parchment.
            You know I'm right.


            • #36
              Originally posted by guyincorporated
              Anyhow, I hit 21 leather. My goal is to get to 35 (the end of ram skins) as a support for bonecraft. The way I see it, I've got to get my skill up to about 27 or 28, then I can go nuts farming the living hell out of battering rams. (25 drops in 4 rams? {Yes, Please!})
              When you go for rams, occasionally shout in the zone that you're buying skins incase anyone else gets the pull before you. I've bought 24+ ram skins for 100 to 300 each doing this, as some people don't see them worth as much as the horn and taking up inventory space.

              Originally posted by guyincorporated
              So I need advice for the 21-27 stretch. Reading the thread, one guy mentioned leather rings + desynth, which just seems like throwing money away to me. What other options are there? Parchment sounds like it about breaks even...if it sells at AH. How quickly do stacks usually sell? I know bast parchment is used in shihei, but I'm not sure if it is the same item as regular parchment.
              I did the following:

              [15-22] Leather Ring: Wind Crystal + Dhalmel Leather
              [22-24] Sandals: Wind Crystal + Sheep Leather + Dhalmel Leather
              [24-31] Parchment Paper: Dark Crystal + Sheep Leather + Rolanberry
              [28-35] Ram Leather: Dark Crystal + Ram Skin + Distilled Water + Windurst Tea Leaves

              The parchment was selling the fastest in stacks in Jeuno on Valefor server, and I probably only made 3 or 4 stacks before I had moved on to ram leather. So probably parchment till about 29 or 29.5 I guess.
              [ 75PLD / 75WAR / 75BLU / 75NIN / 75DNC / 41MNK ] : [100 +3 bonecraft / 60 +1 leathercraft ] : [ LJ: ]


              • #37
                I did exactly what Onorok Did.

                Leather ring is the way to go, its the easiest and fastest way to get skill at that point. You can make your own dhamel leather if you want to save some gil, but of course that will take a longer time. As far as desynthing them, 8/10 times you will fail so i dont believe it is worth it. You get secure gil by selling to the NPC and using that to buy more supplies. Although, i did try desything alot at later levels, it was mostly because the materials are alot more difficult to obtain, but at your level its pretty easy to buy or make your own ram and sheep leather.
                Leatha Crafta Masta
                Leathercraft 100+3
                Smithing 60
                Clothcraft 60
                [img][/i mg]


                • #38
                  Forgot to mention that I was making dhalmel leather to 21 too, and basically once I made however many dhalmel leathers I synthed to rings, then NPC'd. I forget if the guild buys the, but the guild will usually pay you more for the item than other NPC's -if- the guild is buying the item at that time.
                  [ 75PLD / 75WAR / 75BLU / 75NIN / 75DNC / 41MNK ] : [100 +3 bonecraft / 60 +1 leathercraft ] : [ LJ: ]


                  • #39
                    Brennon know any higher lv leather crafters who HQ amemet mantles for profit? im 89.7 and i wanna know when i can really start, i was thinking 95- was good enough to get a steady rate?

                    Edit: btw this is the first time ive posted since i first registered on this site i think.. how do i change my profile lol...

                    Edit again: yey i found it!


                    • #40
                      You can already start but if you dont do it on the right days you could lose alot of gil. I got alot beter results at lvl 91+1 tho. On a bad day i'll do about 15-20% and on a good day its more like 33%.

                      Amemet is turning into a dead market because of gill sellers who camp it 24/7 there are over 11 amemet+1s for sale over 15 regulars for sale and over 33 skins for sale on my server, the prices decrease by the hour for the mantles. Wish these guys didnt have to ruin our markets with over supply.
                      Leatha Crafta Masta
                      Leathercraft 100+3
                      Smithing 60
                      Clothcraft 60
                      [img][/i mg]


                      • #41
                        Well, there were 27 amemit skins in AH on my server last I checked going for 150K. So for 3 synths it would cost 450K. Well, the mantles +1 still sell for 750-800K. So on my server if you were crafting them 33% of the time you would still be making a good bit. And if you sell the regulars they go for about 35K. So you would have about 835-460K. That's 375K profit on three synths. I just wish I had completed my day and moon phase study so I could start crafting these things. Oh well, I'm only lvl 88 atm, I still need to skill up some more.... but not much more.


                        • #42
                          ur totally right about the gilfarmers ruining many things, which is one of the reasons im trying to get my skill up and make money off the mantles while i can b4 the market dies

                          ive put too much time and money into this craft and they arent gonna ruin it for me until i make that money back.


                          • #43
                            im gonna try to HQ a few mantles, and ive been told several things.. so i need help clearing this up.. HQ moon is New moon?
                            better HQ rate is on the day the element of the crystal is weak too?
                            so for +1 mantles i would try to synth on New Moon Windsday?

                            som1 who does HQ freaking tell me plz lol...

                            Edit: Nevermind lol, i found a thread that had a link to a test i find to make alotta freaking sense and i know what im gonna do woot


                            • #44
                              FairyServer Wyvern skins = 40k each

                              Losing like a million each level and its rare to find them on the AH X.X Finally got lvl 93 last night tho.
                              Leatha Crafta Masta
                              Leathercraft 100+3
                              Smithing 60
                              Clothcraft 60
                              [img][/i mg]


                              • #45
                                Hi, I'm stuck at the lv79 and I need advice, that couerl hide is a pain..

