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Growing any kind of elemental ore

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  • Growing any kind of elemental ore

    Moon phase, elemental day(it might)...Dave Matthews in concert...Does not effect your out come of the harvest. Honsetly i think you only need a few things...of course your pots and misc array of element furniture and mogenhancments and the sapplings.

    So to put to test!

    last month i planted on watersday 21 sapplings in porcelin pots. fed earth crystals on both feeding times didin't see what eleday it was or moon phase. yeilded 18 earth ores and 36 Persikos. Harvested in bastok with HELM gear on and also on darksday. I finally have an outstanding earth energy flowing thru my moghouse.

    SO! planted in a earthly rich enviroment and fed with earth crystals...what would you expect...??? a water ore since i planted on watersday?

    Honestly i don't think planting/harvesting on a specific day and moon phase matters.

    Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004

  • #2
    Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

    I wanted to do an experiment with Dark Aura house, but I haven't had the stomach to buy all of the furniture for that yet. I might try Lightning Aura since I need that Aura for my existing furniture already. My Sapling Mules' houses are filled with Earth energy for MH: Gardening, but I've never tried to grow an Earth ore... I guess I have some aversion to Earth since it's the weakest of the Elemental spells.


    • #3
      Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

      Tried growing earth ores with overwhelming earth energy, planting, giving crystals, and checking only on earthsday. 10 plants, not one damn ore. Think I overdid it. I never could get very many ores on one mule. Think you actually have to spread it out, don't always check on one day, don't worry about when you plant, etc. Always had terrible luck with saplings > ores. Think I may try again while being less anal about it.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #4
        Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

        Also to note...I'm prolly the laziest gardener i check my plants whenever i'm in my MH in bastok or whenever i remember. I do seldom check in on my journal to count the days but its always in the back of my head to check on them. I try not to over do it...i mean my mom always taught me and eager gardener/farmer will get nothin but the seed they planted just to plant it over again. i just remembered that becasue i went and tilled up my parents 5 acre field they have before the first snowfall here in MN.

        Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


        • #5
          Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

          My first try was a failure as well. It was hastily put together to begin with; all I have for furniture is a desk for Moghancement: Gardening. I planted 3 saplings in porcelain pots on Firesday, not sure of the moon phase. Fed both fire crystals on Firesday. Harvested last night on Firesday, moon phase 28%. I harvested almost 10 stacks of cinnamon sticks. God what a waste. At least I'm not out any money, my girlfriend and I farm Goobbues in Boyahda pretty regularly.

          This next go around I'm going to try planting the seeds on a full moon and see what happends. I also have another mule trying wind ores I'll see in about 2 weeks what happens with that, still only on first crystal.


          • #6
            Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

            Wow...Cina sticks...that sucked lol but sorry to hear that. I always found Dark ore and Earth ore grow the best in my set up. Havn't tried any other ore tho plus those 2 ores are the top sellers on Fairy.

            Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


            • #7
              Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

              Yeah it was a hasty attempt to begin with. The more I do it though I figure the more I'll learn. I just wish they didn't take so long, lol.


              • #8
                Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

                Yeah and a plus is that you're occasionally farming Goobues who drop saoplings or cuttings. Easy way to get more is plant those cuttings into saplings. Plant Cutting>>1st light crystal>>no 2nd crystal and in 2 weeks you should have saplings or a light cluster...those are the only 2 items i've got out of gardening for saplings.

                Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                • #9
                  Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

                  Originally posted by Malevolent View Post
                  Plant Cutting>>1st light crystal>>no 2nd crystal and in 2 weeks you should have saplings or a light cluster...those are the only 2 items i've got out of gardening for saplings.
                  Either you are lucky, or you've found a secret furniture setup / feeding & harvesting timing. I tried that very same recipe a few weeks ago with 40 plants, and got:

                  17.5% Tree Saplings
                  30.0% Gold Beastcoins
                  35.0% Rock Salt
                  17.5% Bronze Nuggets

                  Originally posted by FatCharlie
                  I planted 3 saplings in porcelain pots on Firesday, not sure of the moon phase. Fed both fire crystals on Firesday. Harvested last night on Firesday, moon phase 28%. I harvested almost 10 stacks of cinnamon sticks.
                  With only 3 plants, that's not surprising. When I got 20% of my saplings to yield Elemental Ores, I counted myself lucky. 15% was closer to my "average". If you had gotten just 1 ore from those 3 plants, that would be 33%.

                  Back when I did elemental ore gardening on a regular basis, I found I had better luck if I did the two feedings on different days of the week. For instance, if I were growing Fire Ore, I would feed once on Firesday and the other feeding on Darksday or Watersday. I've even harvested Earth Ores from plants I mistakenly planted on Iceday.

                  Moral of the story: not everything has to happen on the day of the week corresponding to the type of ore you are trying to grow. Experiment with small variations (don't change every variable at once!), and see what gives you the best results.
                  lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                  Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                  Fishing 60

                  Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                  Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                  Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                  Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                  • #10
                    Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

                    One thing I'm curious about, I'm not sure if I read it somewhere or if my GF told me early on in my laying days, but I heard/read that you should only have 6 pots in any MH at once. Anything more than that reduces harvest yields. Any truth to this? I'll feel like a moron if it's just myth, lol.


                    • #11
                      Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

                      Originally posted by Malevolent View Post
                      Yeah and a plus is that you're occasionally farming Goobues who drop saoplings...
                      There is only one known way to get a Tree Sapling and that is to grow it from a cutting. Goobue only drop Cuttings.


                      • #12
                        Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

                        I think i've tested so many combos i think i've found my niche`...So now since i'm at a higher lvl i can farm gobbues in pashow and not having to buy saplings form the AH anymore. Maybe i'll get into selling and growing Ele ores and saplings since i can farm cuttings and garden saps...

                        but all in all Since RMT is not going away and prices are still high. I'm happy to share my insight on making a few just have to have patientce

                        Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                        • #13
                          Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

                          Originally posted by FatCharlie View Post
                          One thing I'm curious about, I'm not sure if I read it somewhere or if my GF told me early on in my laying days, but I heard/read that you should only have 6 pots in any MH at once. Anything more than that reduces harvest yields. Any truth to this? I'll feel like a moron if it's just myth, lol.
                          I think its just a myth...i have 63 pots in my MH...i have ok to great harvests...So i'm really not sure...i've never heard that before...

                          Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                          • #14
                            Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

                            Originally posted by FatCharlie View Post
                            One thing I'm curious about, I'm not sure if I read it somewhere or if my GF told me early on in my laying days, but I heard/read that you should only have 6 pots in any MH at once. Anything more than that reduces harvest yields. Any truth to this? I'll feel like a moron if it's just myth, lol.
                            I've never heard this one before. And I'm doubtful that anyone has done enough controlled testing to be able to back this up with reliable statistical data.

                            For those who are algebraically inclined:

                            Let x be the harvest rate of elemental ores when there are 10 pots in the MH.
                            Let y be the harvest rate of elemental ores when there are 6 pots in the MH.

                            To harvest more elemental ores with 6 pots than you would with 10 pots...
                            6y > 10x
                            y > (10/6)x
                            y > 1.67x

                            In other words, you would have to not only know that the harvest rate is higher with only 6 pots, but you would have to know by how much. For example, if you get 15% elemental ores at 10 pots, you would have to exceed a 25% harvest rate at 6 pots to get a better overall harvest. If limiting yourself to 6 pots increased the harvest rate from 15% to 20%, you would still be better off using a full 10 pots (10 pots would yeild 1.5 ores, while 6 pots would yield 1.2).
                            lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                            Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                            Fishing 60

                            Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                            Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                            Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                            Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                            • #15
                              Re: Growing any kind of elemental ore

                              My primary sources of income, Mining and Smithing, involve way too much interaction/competition with gilsellers for my taste lately. I have been thinking about starting to grow elemental ores as a way to avoid all that.

                              I am currently taking a break from the game, but when I return I am going to start farming tree cuttings, and replace some of my MH furniture so I can get MH: Gardening. From what I have read seems that the type of pots don't matter, so I am going to get 10 Bronze pots and start growing Tree Saplings.

                              Any advice/suggestions for a newbie? I have some experience gardening, as I grew all my own chocobo food for choco raising, but this will be my first try for growing anything else.
                              Main Jobs: DRG75 PLD56
                              Sub Jobs: WAR37, BLU37, SAM37, DRK46

                              Angon (1) Deep Breathing (1) Empathy (2)
                              Polearm (6) Sword (2) Crit Hit % (2) MP (2)

                              Smithing (26.0), Clothcraft (59.8)

                              Mission Progress:
                              Bastok Rank 10, ZM 16, CoP 3-5
                              ToAU 44, Chief Sergeant
                              WoTG 7, Mythril Wings $$

