Does anyone know if there is some kind of a chart which tells you the times for each of the days? Or is it just a guessing game?
For e.g. In Vana 'diel, what time is Winsday, or what time is Lightsday, or Darksday?
Following the ingerdients at the bottom of THIS PAGE I'm trying to grow some wild onions from gardening, and though I have tried it once, I didn't really get what I was looking for, and the result was something else instead.
But then another search brought me to this page, Click Here where certain days are mentioned at which you can grow things, which probably results in what you are hoping to grow. In my case, wild onions.
So using a brass pot, vegetable seeds and lightning crystals, if I plant them on Lightsday, then I presume this will quite definitely result in wild onions, rather than planting on any random day and obtaining something else.
So is there any quick way of knowing for e.g. at what time of day Lightsday, or Iceday is at, so that I can make it to my mog house to plant my seeds before missing it? Like I said.... some kind of a time chart for this, or at least something a bit like this would be helpful.

For e.g. In Vana 'diel, what time is Winsday, or what time is Lightsday, or Darksday?
Following the ingerdients at the bottom of THIS PAGE I'm trying to grow some wild onions from gardening, and though I have tried it once, I didn't really get what I was looking for, and the result was something else instead.

But then another search brought me to this page, Click Here where certain days are mentioned at which you can grow things, which probably results in what you are hoping to grow. In my case, wild onions.
So using a brass pot, vegetable seeds and lightning crystals, if I plant them on Lightsday, then I presume this will quite definitely result in wild onions, rather than planting on any random day and obtaining something else.
So is there any quick way of knowing for e.g. at what time of day Lightsday, or Iceday is at, so that I can make it to my mog house to plant my seeds before missing it? Like I said.... some kind of a time chart for this, or at least something a bit like this would be helpful.
