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Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

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  • Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

    Does anyone know if there is some kind of a chart which tells you the times for each of the days? Or is it just a guessing game?

    For e.g. In Vana 'diel, what time is Winsday, or what time is Lightsday, or Darksday?

    Following the ingerdients at the bottom of THIS PAGE I'm trying to grow some wild onions from gardening, and though I have tried it once, I didn't really get what I was looking for, and the result was something else instead.

    But then another search brought me to this page, Click Here where certain days are mentioned at which you can grow things, which probably results in what you are hoping to grow. In my case, wild onions.

    So using a brass pot, vegetable seeds and lightning crystals, if I plant them on Lightsday, then I presume this will quite definitely result in wild onions, rather than planting on any random day and obtaining something else.

    So is there any quick way of knowing for e.g. at what time of day Lightsday, or Iceday is at, so that I can make it to my mog house to plant my seeds before missing it? Like I said.... some kind of a time chart for this, or at least something a bit like this would be helpful.
    (\ /)
    ( . .)

  • #2
    Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

    You could try Pikko Pots... Just remember much of what is gardening is speculation. Some people think you basically have to find the affinite element of the product and "move" the plant's elemental signature as close as you can to the product's signature thus eliminating many of the possibilities you would otherwise get... In practice, there is a good bit of luck involved... Take a look at what Pikko has to say about Wild Onions here:


    • #3
      Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

      No idea about gardening, but they drop nicely from Gobs in Horutoto. If you're high enough level not to get aggro and kill them quickly (20ish I'd say, or 30 if you want /THF) then you can probably get plenty of them without breaking a sweat.

      Plus you get things like Goblin Armor/Mail which can be desynthed into nice items if you have the craft high enough
      Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams
      75 Summoner
      58 White Mage
      Pandemonium Server


      • #4
        Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

        Originally posted by Snowball View Post
        So is there any quick way of knowing for e.g. at what time of day Lightsday, or Iceday is at, so that I can make it to my mog house to plant my seeds before missing it? Like I said.... some kind of a time chart for this, or at least something a bit like this would be helpful.
        Good old clanwind: Follow this link, click on "Day/Moon Calendar" and then the Run Report button. That'll tell you the real world timespans of each Vana'diel day for the next few in-game weeks.

        Even if you do everything just right though, results from gardening are always somewhat random, and there's no way to guarantee you get what you want. The yields on wild onions are really low too. You would get them a lot faster doing what Likibiki said and taking whm/thf to any of these locations to farm goblin thugs. With TH1 you should get an onion off of every two or three goblins.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

          So using a brass pot, vegetable seeds and lightning crystals, if I plant them on Lightsday, then I presume this will quite definitely result in wild onions, rather than planting on any random day and obtaining something else.
          there is nothing definate about gardening. your plants could still turn out to be other stuff even if you followed all those conditions.

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #6
            Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

            I'm curious to know what you need the onions for... If you're skilling up cooking there's probably a cheaper/easier alternative perhaps involving Selbina Butter? If you're doing the S.O.B. Quest, you're probably better off just buying them...

            I don't even bother with Vegetable/Grain/Herb/Fruit seeds anymore--all my pots are either Wildgrass, Tree Cuttings, or Tree Saplings.


            • #7
              Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

              If it's the quest, you could have stormed Inner Horutoto Ruins in the time it took to type the original post and acquired 4 Wild Onions.

              If it's cooking, as mentioned, there are various alternatives (in fact, the only Cooking recipe with wild onions even worth doing as skillup is meat mithkabobs).



              • #8
                Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

                Gobin Drink, Navarin, Tomato Soup and Yellow Curry use onions and can be good skillup synths for break-even/minor profit.

                I still garden grain seeds with the dark crystal recipe. Now that the chocobo raising craze has died down, the profit from rice, coral fungus and light crystals is pretty similar to what I would make if I sold my greens and carrots. I've shyed away from gardening trees. I don't like the thought of losing a large investment if I fail to log in for a day in a month, or just don't get back around to my mog house. It's a love/hate relationship with gardening. On the one hand, it's free money, but on the other it's a looming threat of punishment should I decide to spend 24 hours straight in the real world.

                Tangential musing {Do you need it?}
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #9
                  Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

                  It has absolutely NOTHING to do with cooking, skillups or even quests for that matter! I have about half a stack of wild onions sitting in my mog house just doing nothing! I have managed to collect these overtime from just farming them from gob thugs, and I can tell you, it was VERY DIFFICULT too! (what with drops being very random and all) And now I'm finding a quick way to collect the rest of them so that I can sell them off at an AH.

                  And now that all 4 of my jobs have reached way past thug LvL, making them not worth bothering to kill, well I don't know about other players, but whenever a creature becomes too low level, and not worth bothering with, I NEVER get one single drop from any of them! It's all the creatures which are EP and onwards where I get the drops! Thugs are just pointless from now on!
                  I used to start collecting rabbit hides from hares in west and east Ronfaure at one time, but that amounts to the same problem! They have become too useless to fight, thus giving me absolutely NO DROPS whatsover! Even with thf.

                  I was hoping for a quick way to obtain the rest of my onions so that I can go and sell them. I think they sell at about 15k a stack at an AH when I last looked, but I guess it's possible the price may have dropped a bit since then.

                  I guess my only other option is buying the rest of them from an NPC since they are sellable in this way, but I wanted a way to get them for free!
                  That's why I thought of gardening the rest of them, and I still have some vegetable seeds left over too.

                  So what should I do? Anyone got any ideas please?

                  Edit : Now that I have these vegetable seeds left over, (about 9 or 10 I think) I was thinking about buying the rest of them to sell off, but none of the FFXl sites say that they are sellable. So I'll either have to buy them from an AH, or farm them.... which can be rather tedious at that! (I really HATE random drops!)
                  Last edited by Snowball; 11-07-2006, 06:44 PM.
                  (\ /)
                  ( . .)


                  • #10
                    Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

                    Oh, just one other thing!

                    On somepage, it says that you can steal various items from various mobs. (so obviosly that uses thf only) So for e.g. I'm looking at vegetable seeds noted here, Click Here and it says that they can be stolen from saplings and pines. Now, before today, I have looked on somepage, searching for an item I am interested in stealing, but found that this does NOT work at all when I'm playing.

                    So far, the only items I have ever successfully stolen are beast coins from orcs and gobs. (right now, I'm only getting the small black ones which don't really sell very well, so I've stopped farming them) So I don't know why somepage even bothers to have this info available!

                    Can I just have a confirmation from someone to say whether or not these types of items (like the vegebale seeds and other things which are not beast coins) are really stealable or not, just incase I'm reading the info wrong or trying to steal from the wrong type of creature?

                    (\ /)
                    ( . .)


                    • #11
                      Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

                      Gardening isn't a quick way to do anything, but it is the only way to get onions other than thugs. You can't buy them from an NPC.

                      I've heard people say that drop rates aren't has high if you're too high above the mob's level, but I've never heard of them stopping completely. I know that the last time I farmed them I was at least level 50, and I was getting a really good drop rate of one onion every second or third gob. You shouldn't have any trouble picking them up, especially subbing thf.

                      Vegetable seeds can definately be stolen from the saplings in batallia. I haven't stolen from the others, but I have no reason do doubt somepage's information on that.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #12
                        Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

                        I run 70 pots with my mules and the wild onion crop is very low. You can't buy from NPC but if you check bazaars you will find some people dumping them at a low price to clear slots in inventory. At AH, bid 400, even if going rate is 700, you might find the same situation where someone only has 1 or 2 taking up a needed spot so they want it to sell quickly. It's a fairly common drop from gobs, worth the effort even if it's not EXP..chance for gob armour helps also. The secret is patience, don't let one minor difficulty hang you up, you'll go crazy !!
                        Beast 69 Blue 42 War 36 Pld 35 Red 35
                        Thf 30 Nin 23 Rgr 17 Sam 15

                        Cook 100 Wood 52 Fish 31 Leather 30 Cloth 30
                        Smith 22 Alchemy 20 Gold 16 Bone 15


                        • #13
                          Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

                          Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                          Gardening isn't a quick way to do anything, but it is the only way to get onions other than thugs.
                          You can't buy them from an NPC.
                          Can you believe that I actually had to log into the game for a few mins just to check this out too?!

                          I feel quite disappointed that they're not sellable by any NPC in the game, as there's a lot of items you can buy quite cheaply from one, then selling them for a higher price at an AH. That was the whole point! *sigh!*

                          I've heard people say that drop rates aren't as high if you're too high above the mob's level, but I've never heard of them stopping completely. I know that the last time I farmed them I was at least level 50, and I was getting a really good drop rate of one onion every second or third gob. You shouldn't have any trouble picking them up, especially subbing thf.
                          Well it's lucky for you then, that's all I can think of!
                          So why in gods name doesn't it work for me?!

                          The last time I farmed for wild onions, I was in King Ranperre's Tomb with my thf, and drop rates on the onions weren't very high either.
                          But you know, the odd thing is..... I can't really remember if I had reached LvL 15 for Treasurew Hunter, so I might try this thing again now I have LvL 16. I'm still not very optimistic about it though!

                          Maybe I could do with a bit of encouragement here. Heh heh.

                          Vegetable seeds can definately be stolen from the saplings in batallia. I haven't stolen from the others, but I have no reason to doubt somepage's information on that.
                          Well this sounds more positive at least. When I get the chance, I'll try that out.

                          I think I once tried stealing from a sapling in Tahrongi Canyon thinking, well if seeds can be stolen from those in Batallia Downs, then surely because they are the same type of mob, that they can be stolen from those in Tahrongi too.
                          How wrong I was on that.

                          By the way, I'm just wondering..... but is there some kind of a singular list around somewhere, on all the items which can be stolen in the game, so that I can look through and decide which items I would like to try out ans steal from?
                          I think it would be rather useful, but if not, then it will just take me a bit longer to look round in different places.
                          Last edited by Snowball; 11-08-2006, 09:12 PM.
                          (\ /)
                          ( . .)


                          • #14
                            Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

                            Originally posted by Heartily View Post
                            I run 70 pots with my mules and the wild onion crop is very low.
                            WHOAH! That's A LOT of pots!!
                            Just how many mules do you have, and how many pots do each of your mules have in their mog houses!?

                            You can't buy from NPC, but if you check bazaars you will find some people dumping them at a low price to clear slots in inventory.
                            Well so far, I haven't really seen anyone selling them on Fenrir, but one place I CAN try, is outside the culinary guild. Players are sometimes hanging around there selling things in their bazaars, so I'll check that out at some point I think.

                            I suppose I could also send out a /shout asking for them. That might work too.

                            At AH, bid 400, even if going rate is 700, you might find the same situation where someone only has 1 or 2 taking up a needed spot so they want it to sell quickly.
                            On Fenrir, they're selling for about 1k for singular onions (as oppose to a stack) in Windy at the moment. I have bought myself a couple to add to the 6 I already have. Just need to find a way to get the rest without having to buy all of them. Maybe this is where my thf comes in, though as I've alrady said....
                            I'm not very positive about it right now..... well not until I have re-tried it at least.

                            It's a fairly common drop from gobs, worth the effort even if it's not EXP..chance for gob armour helps also. The secret is patience, don't let one minor difficulty hang you up, you'll go crazy !!
                            Gob armour?? Well I know I can't wear it. So it won't serve a purpose in that manner.
                            I'm guessing that it could probably be used for crafting instead. Is that why you mentioned it?
                            Last edited by Snowball; 11-09-2006, 12:56 AM.
                            (\ /)
                            ( . .)


                            • #15
                              Re: Growing Wild Onions. Help Please.

                              You can get the onions at the cooking guild, but htye are very expensive. on garuda last night they were about 2.6k each with only 4 in stock.

                              Somepage page showing all mobs that drop and NPC's that sell

                              Thanks to the recent "pruning" of the population by SE i.e. gillsellers kicked etc. prices have dropped and In garudas AH they are going for around 8-10k a stack. 6 months ago this was closer to 20k a stack.

                              As for gob armour, you can desynth it (see somepage for recipies and lvls) but you can normally get 1k per suit min. by selling it on the AH, a nice little gil boost when your struggling.

                              Veg seeds can be stolen and farmed from saplings as well as fruit and grain. The grain ones you can use or sell as in Garuda they are about 22k a stack last time I looked.
                              Last edited by Jarre; 11-09-2006, 12:14 AM.

