Has anyone noticed an increased amount of gold ores being dug up? Recently, all my mining sessions have yielded 2 or 3 times more gold ore than my old mining sessions. Plus prices for gold ore dropped from 20-22k to 13-14k in the recent week which only supports my claim that gold ore has become a more common item in mining.
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Gold Ores
Re: Gold Ores
remember we have new mining spots aswell, in ragnarok the prices droped too.
they either made it more common, or the new areas are helping alot, tho im not sure if you can dig up gold or drksteel in new areassignatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
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Re: Gold Ores
when i left on vacation on june 30th darksteel ores were 29k a pop. when I got back on the 9th of july, darksteel ores were 18k a pop.Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7
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Re: Gold Ores
I have noticed an increase lately in mining of Darksteel ores in Gusgen. I used to get only 1-2 per 1.5 to 2 hour session and lately I have been getting anywhere from 3-5 in the same time frame. I'm thinking this is more due to a reduction in people mining there recently than a game fix, but I still seem to be getting "lucky" a lot more than I used to.
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Re: Gold Ores
Actually, I noticed this in halvung. When I mine there, there are usually 0 people there or some blu trying to learn a couple spells and thats it. After another mining session today, I came back with another good supply of gold ores.
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Re: Gold Ores
Yes, it seems like a decrease in luminium ores when I need it the most as well >< Spent another 7 stacks of picks there yesterday night and nothing at all. However, my goldsmithing skill is just at the point where I skill up on mythril, so I guess I can't complain too much on free skill ups.
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Re: Gold Ores
darksteel, adaman, and gold ore are at all-time lows on remora right now. the price of platinum, orichialuam, and elemental ores have dropped as well.Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7
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Re: Gold Ores
Alright, after another 8 stacks of picks at halvung, now totalling 384 picks used in halvung, I've came to the following conclusions:
Gold ore has become more common.
Orich ore has become more common.
Luminium ores have become a lot more rare.
Each session, I'm yeilding at least 2x more gold ore than my past sessions. Most sessions I'm yielding an average of 3x more than before. Orich ores seems to be slightly more common. I'm getting about 1 per day on average. Luminium ores seems non-existent now. I couldn't get a single one, where as before, I mined up 6.
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Re: Gold Ores
Did this change in luck coincide with a game update? If it did, then it is possible that they changed Rare rates. If it didn't, then this is just a streak of good luck. My experience with mining leads me to believe that it is luck, plain and simple.
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Re: Gold Ores
Really I completely forgot that people actually mine for ores.I dig for ores instead. So when the expansion was released and I couldn't go digging, I forgot to think of the people that actually mine this stuff up. So yeah, having an all new mining zone probably did have an affect on the return.
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Re: Gold Ores
No, people claim that its because of the new mining zones. What you dont understand is that these numbers were put in contrast to my old observations in the SAME mining zone. Meaning I've been mining in halvung (expansion area) before, and I'm comparing it to now. In the past, I've used a total of around 500-600 picks ONLY in halvung. Now I'm almost reaching the 400 mark and I'm seeing a huge difference in the results I'm getting. At first, I attributed this to luck, but I'm beginning to think otherwise due to the same results every single time I go mine. I'm not sure if there has been updates in that zone recently, but those are my numbers and I'll continue to report on it as I mine there because I'm in disbelief as well.
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Re: Gold Ores
i went to west altepa as a newly crowned a25 digger and pulled up 7 gold ores and 2 philoshpers stones in 20 stacks of greensDig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7
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