I found this Mining Guide and it has helped me a lot so I wanted to share it with all of you.
A Bujo on Caithsith wrote this guide.
This guide is simply a description of what I did in the process of becoming, 90 blacksmith, 59 cloth, 55 wood, 50 leather… and 46 gold.
Mining might be the single most easiest, and profitable way to make gil in ffxi. Pickaxes are dirt cheap and they can be obtained quick easily. If you are a new player, and have no gil… no problem… mining is the way to go. Even if you are not new, mining is such a good way to make money. First thing… where do u get pickaxes? Easy, pickaxes can be obtained by
Boytz: Bastok Mines
Numa: Port Bastok
Champalpieu: Upper Jeuno
Ostalie: South San d’oria
Upih Khachla: Windurst Waters
They are dirt cheap, although they break frequently, but the items you get from them are worth much more.
The first area I suggest, is Zeruhn Mines. The entrance is located in Bastok Mines. In this area, you can obtain iron ore, silver ore, zinc ore, copper ore, tin ore, and darksteel ore. You will get many pebbles here, I just discarded all of them as they are useless, but if you want you can go around throwing them at mobs to raise your throwing skills, otherwise they are a waste of time. Where the money comes in is not simply selling every single ore you get in the AH, but making something out of them. Bring yourself a few stacks of fire crystals, and start off by making cheap ingots. The first ingots, would be copper ingots, bronze ingots and brass ingots. These can be made by…
Bronze Ingot(smithing cap lvl 3): Fire: Tin ore x1, Copper ore x3
Copper Ingot(goldsmithing cap lvl 4): Fire: Copper ore x4
Brass Ingot(goldsmithing cap lvl 9): Fire: Copper ore x3, Zinc ore x1
My suggestion, is stay here until you have all your crafts capped at these levels. If you are a beginner, know that crafting brass ingots will not occur right away as you are not close enough to the cap to successfully synth it without breaking it and wasting valuable dollars… so…. Save the ore or sell them until you are around level 4 goldsmithing and start crafting them. I suggest just selling the darksteel for now, as it will sell for a very hefty sum. This area is useful for low level synthing and that’s all. Sell all your ingots in stacks on ah, they are going for quite a bit lately.
Another area I suggest for low level synthing is Palborough Mines. In this area, you can find such ore as iron, tin, copper, silver, zinc and platinum. If you start here, you can do the same thing as Zeruhn Mines, the advantage is platinum ore sells for a little more. If you do not have at least a level 30 character though, I suggest just starting in Zeruhn mines as some of the mobs in this area will cream you.
The smart thing to do now, is not waste the money you have just made frivolously, but use it to bring the crafting skills up so that you can use some of the other ore, like tin, iron and silver to your advantage.
Tin Ingot(blacksmith cap lvl 15): Fire: Tin ore x4
Iron Ingot(blacksmith cap lvl 20): Fire: Iron ore x4
Silver Ingot(Goldsmithing cap lvl 20): Fire: Silver ore x4
Hey guess what, now you can make 6 different ingots, and they are all pretty much pure profit. If you decide that you don’t want to level your crafting anymore, you can continue mining in these areas and be quite wealthy rather fast.
What I did though, was took it further. I used the money I made from all of this, and I levelled my crafting even further. The next step, and you can use many guides to get you to these stages, including a blacksmith guide to level 91 that I created. If you did this, then you can now use the darksteel ore to make darksteel ingots.
Darksteel Ingot(smithing cap lvl 52): Fire: Darksteel ore x1, Iron ore x3
Other areas
There are so many areas in ffxi that you can mine in. Some of my favourite areas are Gusgen mines, oldton movalpolas, and ifrits cauldron.
For gusgen mines, you have to be at least level 50 to get absolutely no aggro other then the NM’s that spawn occasionally, and this are provides some of the best ore. I pretty much spend most of my time in Gusgen mines, as you can get your darksteel AND gold ore which either you can sell or make into ingots.
At oldton movalpolas, I suggest being level 51, at 50 you wont get most aggro but there is a bomb in one tunnel that is intimidated by you half the time, and will aggro you. There are moblin leadmen that are in the way of another area leading to one mining point, but by now you should know that there isn’t just one mining spot available at any given time but at least 2 ore 3. Therefore don’t worry about it. This area provides quite a bit of good ore including darksteel and platinum, and a bunch of moblin pieces which can be desynthed or sold on auction house for pure profit.
In Ifrit’s Cauldron, I suggest having a sub whm with invisible and sneak, as you get aggro here even at level 75. So why go here? Well in this area, you can get Adaman ore, and orichalcum ore, two of the most expensive ore in ffxi. I haven’t gone here in awhile, but I did get quite good at it at one point. You can find maps on the internet that show you all the mining points in all the areas, use them and master the area as you can make quite a bit of cash here.
Finally, another area which I have only tried once myself is Newton Movalpolas. This area though, is death! The whole area is blocked off by big walls, that move with buttons. If you can figure this area out go for it, but you will get aggro at lvl 75 therefore you need sneak/invis… and therefore its hard. I wasn’t able to pull up any good ore, but you can get the newest ore, aluminum ore, which is use in blacksmithing and goldsmithing to make alumine/luisant gear… which is sweet gear. So guess what, the ore sells for tons.
Another important note, and I have said it before in my blacksmthing guide. If you have the cash, I suggest buying mining gear. Mining gear does absolutely nothing BUT increase your chance of obtaining rare ore. Take it from me, I have been doing this for the last 2 years, I have patterned the whole thing out. Its useful, yes, because you can leave an area with 4 darksteel ores, instead of 2 or 3.
Well you my knowledge on mining now, use it and you will make a bit of money. I have recently been accused of buying gil by a player on my server Caitsith, and I tell you the truth I have not bought gil once in my life. I can make a lot of cash fast, and I can use it to powerlevel synthing… so sue me!
Again, like I say in all my guides, my name is Bujo on Caitsith and I welcome all questions and I will assist anyone with whatever knowledge I have towards their success.
A Bujo on Caithsith wrote this guide.
This guide is simply a description of what I did in the process of becoming, 90 blacksmith, 59 cloth, 55 wood, 50 leather… and 46 gold.
Mining might be the single most easiest, and profitable way to make gil in ffxi. Pickaxes are dirt cheap and they can be obtained quick easily. If you are a new player, and have no gil… no problem… mining is the way to go. Even if you are not new, mining is such a good way to make money. First thing… where do u get pickaxes? Easy, pickaxes can be obtained by
Boytz: Bastok Mines
Numa: Port Bastok
Champalpieu: Upper Jeuno
Ostalie: South San d’oria
Upih Khachla: Windurst Waters
They are dirt cheap, although they break frequently, but the items you get from them are worth much more.
The first area I suggest, is Zeruhn Mines. The entrance is located in Bastok Mines. In this area, you can obtain iron ore, silver ore, zinc ore, copper ore, tin ore, and darksteel ore. You will get many pebbles here, I just discarded all of them as they are useless, but if you want you can go around throwing them at mobs to raise your throwing skills, otherwise they are a waste of time. Where the money comes in is not simply selling every single ore you get in the AH, but making something out of them. Bring yourself a few stacks of fire crystals, and start off by making cheap ingots. The first ingots, would be copper ingots, bronze ingots and brass ingots. These can be made by…
Bronze Ingot(smithing cap lvl 3): Fire: Tin ore x1, Copper ore x3
Copper Ingot(goldsmithing cap lvl 4): Fire: Copper ore x4
Brass Ingot(goldsmithing cap lvl 9): Fire: Copper ore x3, Zinc ore x1
My suggestion, is stay here until you have all your crafts capped at these levels. If you are a beginner, know that crafting brass ingots will not occur right away as you are not close enough to the cap to successfully synth it without breaking it and wasting valuable dollars… so…. Save the ore or sell them until you are around level 4 goldsmithing and start crafting them. I suggest just selling the darksteel for now, as it will sell for a very hefty sum. This area is useful for low level synthing and that’s all. Sell all your ingots in stacks on ah, they are going for quite a bit lately.
Another area I suggest for low level synthing is Palborough Mines. In this area, you can find such ore as iron, tin, copper, silver, zinc and platinum. If you start here, you can do the same thing as Zeruhn Mines, the advantage is platinum ore sells for a little more. If you do not have at least a level 30 character though, I suggest just starting in Zeruhn mines as some of the mobs in this area will cream you.
The smart thing to do now, is not waste the money you have just made frivolously, but use it to bring the crafting skills up so that you can use some of the other ore, like tin, iron and silver to your advantage.
Tin Ingot(blacksmith cap lvl 15): Fire: Tin ore x4
Iron Ingot(blacksmith cap lvl 20): Fire: Iron ore x4
Silver Ingot(Goldsmithing cap lvl 20): Fire: Silver ore x4
Hey guess what, now you can make 6 different ingots, and they are all pretty much pure profit. If you decide that you don’t want to level your crafting anymore, you can continue mining in these areas and be quite wealthy rather fast.
What I did though, was took it further. I used the money I made from all of this, and I levelled my crafting even further. The next step, and you can use many guides to get you to these stages, including a blacksmith guide to level 91 that I created. If you did this, then you can now use the darksteel ore to make darksteel ingots.
Darksteel Ingot(smithing cap lvl 52): Fire: Darksteel ore x1, Iron ore x3
Other areas
There are so many areas in ffxi that you can mine in. Some of my favourite areas are Gusgen mines, oldton movalpolas, and ifrits cauldron.
For gusgen mines, you have to be at least level 50 to get absolutely no aggro other then the NM’s that spawn occasionally, and this are provides some of the best ore. I pretty much spend most of my time in Gusgen mines, as you can get your darksteel AND gold ore which either you can sell or make into ingots.
At oldton movalpolas, I suggest being level 51, at 50 you wont get most aggro but there is a bomb in one tunnel that is intimidated by you half the time, and will aggro you. There are moblin leadmen that are in the way of another area leading to one mining point, but by now you should know that there isn’t just one mining spot available at any given time but at least 2 ore 3. Therefore don’t worry about it. This area provides quite a bit of good ore including darksteel and platinum, and a bunch of moblin pieces which can be desynthed or sold on auction house for pure profit.
In Ifrit’s Cauldron, I suggest having a sub whm with invisible and sneak, as you get aggro here even at level 75. So why go here? Well in this area, you can get Adaman ore, and orichalcum ore, two of the most expensive ore in ffxi. I haven’t gone here in awhile, but I did get quite good at it at one point. You can find maps on the internet that show you all the mining points in all the areas, use them and master the area as you can make quite a bit of cash here.
Finally, another area which I have only tried once myself is Newton Movalpolas. This area though, is death! The whole area is blocked off by big walls, that move with buttons. If you can figure this area out go for it, but you will get aggro at lvl 75 therefore you need sneak/invis… and therefore its hard. I wasn’t able to pull up any good ore, but you can get the newest ore, aluminum ore, which is use in blacksmithing and goldsmithing to make alumine/luisant gear… which is sweet gear. So guess what, the ore sells for tons.
Another important note, and I have said it before in my blacksmthing guide. If you have the cash, I suggest buying mining gear. Mining gear does absolutely nothing BUT increase your chance of obtaining rare ore. Take it from me, I have been doing this for the last 2 years, I have patterned the whole thing out. Its useful, yes, because you can leave an area with 4 darksteel ores, instead of 2 or 3.
Well you my knowledge on mining now, use it and you will make a bit of money. I have recently been accused of buying gil by a player on my server Caitsith, and I tell you the truth I have not bought gil once in my life. I can make a lot of cash fast, and I can use it to powerlevel synthing… so sue me!

Again, like I say in all my guides, my name is Bujo on Caitsith and I welcome all questions and I will assist anyone with whatever knowledge I have towards their success.