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Skill up!

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  • Skill up!

    Alright so Im a lvl 30 mnk now and I really need to start bringing in gil.

    Im only lvl 3 in goldsmithing.

    Besides copepr ingots what should I try? Is brass too high?

    Im doing farming inother things I just seem to be having difficulty in goldsmithing because really copper rings and hairpins arent worth much.
    Currently: 30Mnk/25Whm/19War/37Blu/10Blm/20NIN and growing!

    Which FF Character Are You?

  • #2
    Re: Skill up!

    Moved to Goldsmithing forums.


    Generally speaking, you lose money while skilling up, and (particularly with goldsmithing), you don't even vaguely start making any money at it until level 30 or so, when you can desynthesize silver rings for some mild profit.



    • #3
      Re: Skill up!

      Besides copepr ingots what should I try? Is brass too high?
      Copper hairpins probably.


      • #4
        Re: Skill up!

        I think I made maybe half a dozen Copper Hairpins before I said screw it and skipped right to Brass Ingots, always with Advanced Image Support. Of course, I was mining my own Zinc from Zeruhn and taking it really, really slowly, so even with breaks I made okay profit (selling Iron and Silver and waiting til I got back to the guild to try and make Brass Ingots).

        Another option would be to try and desynth and resynth Copper Rings/Hairpins as you go. You'll still lose money, but maybe not as much.
        Ellipses on Fenrir
        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
        . . .


        • #5
          Re: Skill up!

          Icemage is correct: In general you will lose money skilling up. That's the way ffxi goes.

          With respect to Goldsmithing, it is the most expensive skill to level. And by expensive, I mean either dumping a large amount of money into the craft, or (for the extremely patient) spending a large amount of time obtaining the materials on your own.

          If it is your first craft, it can be done with a great deal of patience, but as I have little patience , I chose crafts that are easier to level. I have found in general that crafts with more consumables (e.g. Cooking and Alchemy) tend to be quicker to level.

          My Goldsmithing is currently level 24 (Alchemy sub for Silver Bullets). I did the Copper > Brass > Silver route where you create hairpins and then desynth them back into materials.

          Have you hugged your Taru today =)


          • #6
            Re: Skill up!

            Yeah, I guess you can skip the hairpins. And that'll let you sell some copper ingot stacks for decent money also.


            • #7
              Re: Skill up!

              You can make gil leveling Goldsmithing all the way to 60 if you do it correctly, but it does require more work. If you're going to use 2 stacks of Silver Ingots to skill-up with, then make a total of 4 stacks: 2 to craft with 2 to sell on AH. Same with Copper, Brass and Mythril. Once you hit 40-42 Goldsmithing, desynthing Mythril Earrings will be your main source of income (or at least it was about 6 months ago).

              As far as the OP's question, at Lv3, I went and mined Zeruhn Mines for about 6hrs one night. I got Smithing to 15 before I went mining so I could make Iron Ingots from the Iron Ore mined in Zeruhn as well. When I cam out of the mines that night, I had about 800k profit, but this was back when Darksteel Ore sold for like 70k per Ore and all the prices on everything were inflated. I ended up getting 7 DS Ores alone that night and quite a few stacks of Brass and Iron Ingots and I capped Brass Ingots at Lv9 and almost capped Iron Ingots for Smithing at 20.

              When you go to mine, clean out your inventory except for Mining gear if you have it. Go to the Knick Knack shop (forgot the name) in B.Mines to buy some Pickaxes and get about 6 stacks of them. Buy about 6 or 7 stacks of Fire Crystals and head off to the mines. When you get 3 Copper Ore and 1 Zinc Ore, make a Brass Ingot. Drop any Tin Ore, Snapping Moles and Silver Ore out of your inventory. I know Silver Ore sells well on AH, but it's not worth the inventory space and it's not worth saving when you can buy Silver Ore from the guild for around 400g each on Lightnings Day I think. If you didn't skill up Smithing to 15, then drop Iron Ore as well. Kill Worms in the area because they drop Ores as well.

              When you get full of Zinc Ore and if you're Rank 5, head to the NPC in Port Bastok near the Airship and buy your Copper Ore for 9g each and craft Brass Ingots until you're out of Zonc. Go repeat this until you've capped Goldsmithing at 9.

              To make gil at this low of a level, buy a few stacks of Lightning Crystals and hed to the weapon shop in Bastok Markets. Buy Sapara for 700g each and desynth them:

              NQ = Brass Ingot
              HQ = Brass Ingot x2
              HQ2 = Silver Ingot

              I haven't played FFXI in 3 months, so check the prices of these materials and make sure you're making gil from desynthing. You will fail a lot when desynthing, but the key to doing well when desynthing is volume. You'll have spurts where you fail 5 times in a row and spurts where you'll HQ2 5 times in a row. Just stick with it. Remember this desynth for when you need Brass Ingots for skilling up more so you don't have to buy the Brass Ingots or Zinc to make the Ingots from AH at inflated rates.

              Sig created by THE Cesario.


              • #8
                Re: Skill up!

                can you mine?


                • #9
                  Re: Skill up!

                  Being level 30 myself, I have bonecrafting at level 15 and leveled my fishing twice yesterday to level 6.

                  So far, seems like fishing is the quickest way to make gil. A stack of moat carp sells for 10k in Sandy. I had the same problems with bonecrafting as you are with goldsmithing, I was LOSING money! I'm sure it could pay off later, but I like to see results now.

                  Thanks for the sig, Selphiie!!

                  FFXI Xbox360 user ----- BLM 63 / RDM 36/ WHM 42 / THF 25
                  DRK 26 / BST 21 / DRG 17 / WAR 17 / MNK 10 / SMN 9 / PUP 4 /
                  BLU 1 / PLD 1 / BRD 1 / RNG 1 / NIN 1 / SAM 1
                  Bonecraft 63 / Leathercraft 19 / Fishing 7 Windhurst Rank 5


                  • #10
                    Re: Skill up!

                    Originally posted by Miyokonami View Post
                    Alright so Im a lvl 30 mnk now and I really need to start bringing in gil.

                    Im only lvl 3 in goldsmithing.

                    Besides copepr ingots what should I try? Is brass too high?

                    Im doing farming inother things I just seem to be having difficulty in goldsmithing because really copper rings and hairpins arent worth much.
                    If you want to make some money, try mining. I make it a point to go to Yughott Grotto a couple times a week and hit up all the mining points in there. Depending on the day of the week (shoot for Darksday and Firesday, in my experience), you can make some pretty decent bank. I'm a 32 MNK myself, and all the mobs down there are 18-21, so you don't have to worry about aggro at all.

                    The way I do it is run from the bottom to the top hitting all the mining locations on the way, then run back down and hit whatever I the time I'm back to the beginning, the mining points I'd hit on the way up have re-spawned, so I just run up and down, back and forth, until I'm out of pickaxes (I bring 3 stacks, usually lasts about and hour or so).

                    Throw out copper, tin, silver, and the random pebbles you come up with. Save Darksteel (18k each on fairy), Gold (10k), and Zinc (2k). Iron can go either way, depending on what you get...they only sell for a few hundred gil about, so if you still have pickaxes (and none of the crap ores I mentioned earlier) then pitch Iron's one at a time in favor of a potentially better "drop". Save the flintstones you get, too, they stack and sell for up to 5k a stack.

                    Now here comes the fun part...after you're all out of pickaxes, go to the middle chamber of Yughott Grotto (G-8) and start taking out the Orcs in that chamber...after you've cleared them out, wait for Ashmaker Gotblut to pop, he's a weak NM that you should have no trouble taking out solo (I pwn him in like 5 hits wearing mining gear). He drops Hermit Wands (5k at auction) and Priest's Robes (100k at auction!), but the robes don't drop nearly as often. Still, you'll get one eventually, and that's definitely a nice payday, coupled with a couple darksteels and golds, and you're looking at 150k+ for 2 or 3 hours work. I've never made less then 50k in a trip after selling off the ores I collect.

                    Unfortunately, you're going to have to get your mining set first, which is 4 pieces, Field Hose, Field Boots, Field Gloves, and Field Tunic. It cost me about 80k total for a complete set at auction, but they can be crafted if you know someone with high enough skill (Not sure on what that takes, the guy in our ls I asked to craft them for me just gave me the money to buy it myself at auction cause he was feeling lazy that day...must be nice

                    I'm kinda negligent in my crafting, but based on what I've heard from the crafters in our ls, it's kinda a pain in the ass, and you need to lay out loads of gil (or time) to skill up past the crap recipes, but I'm sure you already knew that...

                    Good Luck!
                    I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
                    -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

                    Check out my blog! =>

