Re: How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?
To you - everything is suspicious.
Regardless of your intentions earlier in your post and previous posts... this is utterly utterly wrong and inaccurate.
As for your thoughts on people being gil buyers - you already concluded that people breaking synths to skill up were also buying gil.
Please stop assuming that people looking to do something are doing it illegally. My personal account of going from 30 - 52 Clothcraft in two hours of crafting (yes TWO HOURS) - was down to having a large supply of materials already built up and a favourable moon phase. Cost wise - 120k in actual expenditure. Profit total? Maybe 300k and various resources further muled for later synths. And yes - by your rote - I'm obviously buying gil too.
It's a shame you couldn't turn round and say, nice job on being frugal enough to save up enough to blow some hard earned investment on crafting, but that would be utterly out of character for you.
I'm not going to abuse you any further for suggesting someone goes and plays WoW. Just highlight a potentially profitable route to 40 - where you should break even at the end at minimum. While the path has taken me weeks to do... it's not been bad.
0 - 2: Copper Ingots (make spares).
2 - 4: Copper Hairpins (save and desynth)
4 - 9: Brass Ingots (save for next synth)
9 - 14: Cornettes (AH or trade to Windi quest for fame)
14 - 20: Silver Ingots (Beastcoin / Ore Synths)
20 - 22: Onyx Earrings (AH for Breakeven/Profit)
22 - 31: Hiraishin (toolbag and sell)
31 - 38: Mythril Ingots (Beastcoins > Ore Synths again)
38+ : Mythril Sheets - (sell on AH)
Honestly.. not everyone looking to do something quickly or efficiently is a gil buyer. Go on - say it out loud... Not everyone looking to get somewhere fast is a gil buyer.
To take this route - would cost approximately 1.5 mill on my server in costs... and would return a similar amount back. Now... I realise that being able to spend more than 1 mill obviously makes me a gil buyer - so heaven help anyone who'd dare spend more than that on skilling up... oh wait... people do.. at high levels.. they craft with adaman and orichalcum to synth.. and heaven forbid a break - that stuff blows this cost out of the water.
- Saeriel.
Originally posted by Aeni
Regardless of your intentions earlier in your post and previous posts... this is utterly utterly wrong and inaccurate.
As for your thoughts on people being gil buyers - you already concluded that people breaking synths to skill up were also buying gil.
Please stop assuming that people looking to do something are doing it illegally. My personal account of going from 30 - 52 Clothcraft in two hours of crafting (yes TWO HOURS) - was down to having a large supply of materials already built up and a favourable moon phase. Cost wise - 120k in actual expenditure. Profit total? Maybe 300k and various resources further muled for later synths. And yes - by your rote - I'm obviously buying gil too.

Originally posted by Aeni
0 - 2: Copper Ingots (make spares).
2 - 4: Copper Hairpins (save and desynth)
4 - 9: Brass Ingots (save for next synth)
9 - 14: Cornettes (AH or trade to Windi quest for fame)
14 - 20: Silver Ingots (Beastcoin / Ore Synths)
20 - 22: Onyx Earrings (AH for Breakeven/Profit)
22 - 31: Hiraishin (toolbag and sell)
31 - 38: Mythril Ingots (Beastcoins > Ore Synths again)
38+ : Mythril Sheets - (sell on AH)
Honestly.. not everyone looking to do something quickly or efficiently is a gil buyer. Go on - say it out loud... Not everyone looking to get somewhere fast is a gil buyer.
To take this route - would cost approximately 1.5 mill on my server in costs... and would return a similar amount back. Now... I realise that being able to spend more than 1 mill obviously makes me a gil buyer - so heaven help anyone who'd dare spend more than that on skilling up... oh wait... people do.. at high levels.. they craft with adaman and orichalcum to synth.. and heaven forbid a break - that stuff blows this cost out of the water.
- Saeriel.