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How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?

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  • #16
    Re: How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?

    Originally posted by Aeni
    Regardless of whether or not you have unlimited funding (To me, that's always suspicious since no matter the cost, nothing is worth anything trying to power skill since it might take weeks to months just to recover the losses incurred)

    (1) It's nearly impossible to get to 40 in one day.
    To you - everything is suspicious.

    Regardless of your intentions earlier in your post and previous posts... this is utterly utterly wrong and inaccurate.

    As for your thoughts on people being gil buyers - you already concluded that people breaking synths to skill up were also buying gil.

    Please stop assuming that people looking to do something are doing it illegally. My personal account of going from 30 - 52 Clothcraft in two hours of crafting (yes TWO HOURS) - was down to having a large supply of materials already built up and a favourable moon phase. Cost wise - 120k in actual expenditure. Profit total? Maybe 300k and various resources further muled for later synths. And yes - by your rote - I'm obviously buying gil too. It's a shame you couldn't turn round and say, nice job on being frugal enough to save up enough to blow some hard earned investment on crafting, but that would be utterly out of character for you.

    Originally posted by Aeni
    If you want to level craft so badly in a day, go p/u WOW. This is why I love crafting in FFXI. Not just anyone get get their craft high and this offers a bit of protection and ways to profit for the serious crafter.
    I'm not going to abuse you any further for suggesting someone goes and plays WoW. Just highlight a potentially profitable route to 40 - where you should break even at the end at minimum. While the path has taken me weeks to do... it's not been bad.

    0 - 2: Copper Ingots (make spares).
    2 - 4: Copper Hairpins (save and desynth)
    4 - 9: Brass Ingots (save for next synth)
    9 - 14: Cornettes (AH or trade to Windi quest for fame)
    14 - 20: Silver Ingots (Beastcoin / Ore Synths)
    20 - 22: Onyx Earrings (AH for Breakeven/Profit)
    22 - 31: Hiraishin (toolbag and sell)
    31 - 38: Mythril Ingots (Beastcoins > Ore Synths again)
    38+ : Mythril Sheets - (sell on AH)

    Honestly.. not everyone looking to do something quickly or efficiently is a gil buyer. Go on - say it out loud... Not everyone looking to get somewhere fast is a gil buyer.

    To take this route - would cost approximately 1.5 mill on my server in costs... and would return a similar amount back. Now... I realise that being able to spend more than 1 mill obviously makes me a gil buyer - so heaven help anyone who'd dare spend more than that on skilling up... oh wait... people do.. at high levels.. they craft with adaman and orichalcum to synth.. and heaven forbid a break - that stuff blows this cost out of the water.

    - Saeriel.


    • #17
      Re: How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?

      It can take you a day (Unlimited funds)

      If you do it slow and sell off the things you craft or save them for materials for later lvl's you can make a profit. I got to lvl 80 smithing only spending like 4-5 mil. The same can be done for any craft I guarantee it. (Although I am not specifing any time lengths)
      Last edited by Omnitank; 06-08-2006, 06:37 AM. Reason: sent to fast, didn't finish


      • #18
        Re: How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?

        I got to 40 in two days, and end the end I made a profit. Setting up on the right moon, having a little bit of luck, and not worrying about losing gil you could do it in a day.

        Taking some time to research your market and to use your mules to buy materials and sell finished goods, you can do it in two days with profit.

        I'll list the route I took, but every server is different.

        0-3 Copper ingot. Sell at AH for profit
        3-9 Brass ingot. 6 level gap so get advanced guild support. Save ingots for next stage.
        9-11 Brass sheets. (use ingots from previous stage) Save for next stage.
        11-13 Brass scales. (NPC for loss) If you run out of sheets to turn into scales, get advanced support and move on to the next stage.
        13-15 Silver ingots. Buy beastcoins at AH. Keep for level 24 stage
        15-20 Silver ingots. Buy ore from guild. Save for stage after next.
        20-24 Brass Hammer. Buy bronze Hammers from NPC in Bastok. Sell to NPC for loss.
        24-31 Hiraishin. Sell on AH for small profit or to NPC for big loss
        31-33 Silver Chain. Sell chain on AH (slow), or to NPC for big loss.
        You can now sell any left over ingots.
        33-35 Mythril Ingot. Buy beastcoins at AH and sell for small loss.
        35-40 Mythril Ingot. Buy ores at Airship vender. Sell for good profit.

        All of the ingrediants it takes to get to 40 are always available. So If you got the gil you can do it in one day. Or if you have to wait for things to sell at the AH (like me) you can do it in two days.

        If you wanted to get to 50 it would only take another day with unlimited funds.
        40-43 Mythril Chain
        43-47 Mythril ring
        47-49 I did silver bangels, silver beast coins are hard to find.
        49-50 Gold ingots using ore not beast coins.

        This stage took me 2 weeks because all of the synths except for Gold ingots are a loss.
        Last edited by Wertyone; 06-08-2006, 10:58 AM.


        • #19
          Re: How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?

          Originally posted by Spinnthrift
          To take this route - would cost approximately 1.5 mill on my server in costs... and would return a similar amount back.
          Here you have blindly omitted many things.

          First of all, material availability. What country is in first place. Who has what. What region (if any) is actually under conquest of a nation as opposed to a beastmen. With ToAU, many people have stopped providing the AH with materials from farming and now many items have soared in prices (Anywhere from 50% to 500%) and as such, the availability is really poor.

          Secondly, that bolded line above shows how ignorant you are. Show me how, w/o multiple muling and spending a total of at least an hour or two uploading to AH and moving stuff around and then having the fortune of having people buy out ALL OF YOUR THINGS will you make back your losses? We're talking within 24 hours buddy ... twenty four hours.

          FYI, the bulk of huge skillups I've seen so far are from RMTs. They're becoming more efficient in their gil accumulating process, now branching off into crafting and other areas.


          • #20
            Re: How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?

            Originally posted by Aeni
            Here you have blindly omitted many things.

            First of all, material availability. What country is in first place. Who has what. What region (if any) is actually under conquest of a nation as opposed to a beastmen. With ToAU, many people have stopped providing the AH with materials from farming and now many items have soared in prices (Anywhere from 50% to 500%) and as such, the availability is really poor.

            Secondly, that bolded line above shows how ignorant you are. Show me how, w/o multiple muling and spending a total of at least an hour or two uploading to AH and moving stuff around and then having the fortune of having people buy out ALL OF YOUR THINGS will you make back your losses? We're talking within 24 hours buddy ... twenty four hours.

            FYI, the bulk of huge skillups I've seen so far are from RMTs. They're becoming more efficient in their gil accumulating process, now branching off into crafting and other areas.
            Umm... he didn't say in a day.
            Everyone knows it takes a bit of time to sell things.
            You can get your money back, just over time.

            Also; gilsellers already knew about crafting.
            And there's a lot of skillups recently because people got fed up of the price inflation and decided to go and make their own whatever item they needed.

            As to the OP: if you plan your route well, you can get a lot of skillups.
            I did Cooking to 60 in about 3 days. I started off cooking cos I wanted to sign a Love Chocolate for my boyfriend's char.
            I then realised it was rather fun and before I knew it I was 60.
            That was just 6 long sessions sitting down and crafting. 2 per day, with a break in between and doing something else.
            Always craft at the Guild for synth support, by the way.
            Windurst Rank 6

            SMN:33/BST:9/RDM:8/THF:32/RNG:19/DRK:15/SAM: 27/NIN:19/BLU5/PUP10/COR5


            • #21
              Re: How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?

              Originally posted by Aeni
              Here you have blindly omitted many things.

              First of all, material availability. What country is in first place. Who has what. What region (if any) is actually under conquest of a nation as opposed to a beastmen. With ToAU, many people have stopped providing the AH with materials from farming and now many items have soared in prices (Anywhere from 50% to 500%) and as such, the availability is really poor.

              Secondly, that bolded line above shows how ignorant you are. Show me how, w/o multiple muling and spending a total of at least an hour or two uploading to AH and moving stuff around and then having the fortune of having people buy out ALL OF YOUR THINGS will you make back your losses? We're talking within 24 hours buddy ... twenty four hours.

              FYI, the bulk of huge skillups I've seen so far are from RMTs. They're becoming more efficient in their gil accumulating process, now branching off into crafting and other areas.
              Aye - I blindly omit stuff like common sense. If you need me to highlight common sense for you... well...

              Now - firstly - I stated specifically that the path above took me a couple of weeks to do, but if I'm honest, I wasn't particularly focused at the time at trying to level it up.

              Now - I specifically stated my server. Meaning the route that I took. I see that you're from Hades, so that makes you emminently qualified to call me a moron about my server. I mean, I turn round and tell you that you don't know the price of Silent Oils all the time on Hades don't I? Oh wait.. I don't.

              Now - why are you imposing a 24 hour curfew on selling everything. If you'd read my posts on issues such as the alchemy skillup, I've already said, sometimes you have to just wait out a lull (although that would take cross referencing - here - provided just for you). Is that to make yourself seem more reasonable? I don't believe things do sell in 24 hours all the time. But... since we're going down that route...

              Firstly - every material barring silver ore can be bought from NPC vendors in unlimited supply, or can be desynthed for more materials.

              Copper Ore - unlimited quantities - airship vendor. Silver Earrings - Jeuno Vendor and desynthed. Mythril - airship vendor.

              So I really know nothing about what I'm talking about... or actually.. yes I do, and you're trying to pose unreasonable demands after saying it was impossible - to save face.

              Oh, and about RMT, methinks the lady doth protest too much. Have a nice day sunshine.

              - Saeriel


              • #22
                Re: How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?

                Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                To you - everything is suspicious.

                Regardless of your intentions earlier in your post and previous posts... this is utterly utterly wrong and inaccurate.

                As for your thoughts on people being gil buyers - you already concluded that people breaking synths to skill up were also buying gil.

                Please stop assuming that people looking to do something are doing it illegally. My personal account of going from 30 - 52 Clothcraft in two hours of crafting (yes TWO HOURS) - was down to having a large supply of materials already built up and a favourable moon phase. Cost wise - 120k in actual expenditure. Profit total? Maybe 300k and various resources further muled for later synths. And yes - by your rote - I'm obviously buying gil too. It's a shame you couldn't turn round and say, nice job on being frugal enough to save up enough to blow some hard earned investment on crafting, but that would be utterly out of character for you.

                I'm not going to abuse you any further for suggesting someone goes and plays WoW. Just highlight a potentially profitable route to 40 - where you should break even at the end at minimum. While the path has taken me weeks to do... it's not been bad.

                0 - 2: Copper Ingots (make spares).
                2 - 4: Copper Hairpins (save and desynth)
                4 - 9: Brass Ingots (save for next synth)
                9 - 14: Cornettes (AH or trade to Windi quest for fame)
                14 - 20: Silver Ingots (Beastcoin / Ore Synths)
                20 - 22: Onyx Earrings (AH for Breakeven/Profit)
                22 - 31: Hiraishin (toolbag and sell)
                31 - 38: Mythril Ingots (Beastcoins > Ore Synths again)
                38+ : Mythril Sheets - (sell on AH)

                Honestly.. not everyone looking to do something quickly or efficiently is a gil buyer. Go on - say it out loud... Not everyone looking to get somewhere fast is a gil buyer.

                To take this route - would cost approximately 1.5 mill on my server in costs... and would return a similar amount back. Now... I realise that being able to spend more than 1 mill obviously makes me a gil buyer - so heaven help anyone who'd dare spend more than that on skilling up... oh wait... people do.. at high levels.. they craft with adaman and orichalcum to synth.. and heaven forbid a break - that stuff blows this cost out of the water.

                - Saeriel.
                But in my opinion you should always concider costs, especially with goldsmithing. When hit mythril you are spending about 90k (not including crystals or breaks) to make a stack of ingots from ores. Cost and how much gil I had directly affected how long it took me. If you automatically assume unlimited funds then that means you have a lot of gil already on hand, and about the only times people get enough gil to be concidered infinite is when they buy gil.

                All that aside, I'd like to bring up the battle of ores vs beastcoins, on all stages. In both the silver and mythril stages I skipped beastcoins and went straight to ores, and it wasn't so bad. I still made a profit afterwards. Sure I broke some in the beginning, but always expect that when synthing, even after what you are synthing is capped (in other words, you can't skill up on it anymore). The main reason I skipped beastcoins was because a stack of silver was going for 30k at that time, and that would mean 30k for 3 synths, which I don't see reasonable at all. Sooo I camped the guild and did a bit of mining (before I went insane and went back to camping the guild).

                Also, unless I'm desynthing stuff, I really don't give a hoot about the moon phase. I usually stick to avoiding the wrong elemental day and facing the right direction, moon phases take way too long to wait for unless you are extremely lucky. I'll try and find a place with charts of moon phases/directions and put up the link....

                Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                Susan>> Just smaller.
                [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                [GM]Dave>> ...
                [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                • #23
                  Re: How long would it take to take goldsmith to 40?

                  Ok - firstly I'd like to apologise to the readers of this thread for indulging in petty and childish arguements. There will always be people who accuse others of things and always others who will inply just as much. Having been accused of various misdemeanors not limited to gilbuying by a number of people - gets my back up, but - alas, there will always be richer/poorer/smarter or less intelligent souls... comparing myself to them will only lead to envy or or snobbery.

                  In answer to the OP's question: Yes - getting to 40 Goldsmithing in a day is entirely possible within a 24 hour period. However - it requires a large initial investment, that if you invest as hard cash, you will be labelled as a gil buyer by a large number of people. Skilling up fast is a truth that is easily acheivable - you can label me as a moron, or gil buyer if you like - it's not the first time and I highly doubt it will be the last (I'm neither - but say it if it helps).

                  Ultimately - if you sell everything you craft at profit/break even, you'll net a return on your investment if you're smart (albeit not in the first few moments after a synthing session - it takes hours/days to sell stuff). You won't sell everything five minutes after you've listed it though, then again to enforce such stupid limits on crafting is contrary to everything a good crafter will learn while skilling up. Patience and market watching is a virtue. Sometimes you'll learn to appreciate when to hold back an item and wait out shifts in the market. That's something that comes with levelling up crafts though. Again - this is a truth.

                  If you have a nest egg you'd like to invest - it would not be an unwise idea to do so in a craft.

                  - Saeriel.

