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Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

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  • Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

    dunno why i'm doing this :p prolly bored
    anyway , goldsmith is known as the most expensive guild even thought it's not that expensive exept for few stages
    i lvled mine to 88 so far and still lvling it and wanted to share how to lvl it with cheapest way depending on ragnarok prices , yes i know there is another thread but i noticed it was almost all mistakes and ppl posting randomly about how what to make etc even thought they didn't lvl a craft and just copied pasted from craft list websites
    here we go :

    0-3 : Copper Ingot = copper ore x4 + fire crystal
    there is npc sell copper ore for 9 gil near bastok airship , so just get crystals and go there synth them till u get lv3 , they sell fast in bastok AH

    3-9 : Brass Ingot = zinc ore + copper ore x3 + fire crystal
    buy the copper ore from the same npc , and zinc ore from bastok AH mainly or sandy AH just not jeuno AH , when you are lv3-4 use advance image support to avoid breaking , they sell fast in AH but don't sell , keep few stacks for the next reciepe

    9-11 : Brass Sheet = Brass Ingot + fire crystal
    use the ingots u made and just sell them in AH

    11-15 : Silver Ingot = Silver Beastcoin x4 + fire crystal
    it caps at lv18 i know but beastcoins synth cost more than silver ore synth so just stop at 15 and start using the next reciepe , notice : use advance image support

    15-20 : Silver Ingot = Silver Ore x 4 + fire crystal
    you can even make 15k proft per stack if u were smart , how ? ok the goldsmithing guild sells the silver ore for 330 gil each if no one bought them from guild recently , even if u buy them from AH u still don't lose gil anyway

    notice : if the beastcoins were cheaper on ur server then just keep doing the beastcoins reciepe till lv18 even thought i doubt coins are cheaper than 300 gil on any server

    20-27 : Silver Hairpin = Silver Ingot + wind crystal
    u need advance image support to do it , after u make the hairpin you can sell it in AH OR use lightning crystal to desynth and get ingot back and use it again to make hairpin

    27-30 : Hiraishin x33 = Copper Ingot + Silver Ingot + Fire crystal
    sell them in bastok/jeuno AH

    30-33 : gemmed silver rings = gem + silver ring + earth crystal
    gemms are usually 10k for a stack , and silver rings from npc at low jeuno gems shop are 1250Gil each so u can either sell them to npc or if u care that much about the 2k u lose then sell them in AH which takes forever , or you can desynthesize them by using lightning crystal + ring and get silver ingots which cost more than the whole ring and sometimes u HQ these rings anyway and make all the gil u lost back

    33-38 : Myhtril Ingot = mythril beastcoins x4 + fire crystal
    u don't lose gil at all , even u make 6k per synth if u buy the coins inviduals from jeuno AH for 1k each

    38-40 : Mythril Ingot = mythril ore x4 + fire crystal
    this will be slow a bit since there isn't much ore in AH usually

    40-41 : Mythril Sheet = Mythril Ingot + fire crystal
    no gil loss

    41-47 : Mythril Rings = mythril ingot x2 + fire crystal
    if u make ur own ingots from the the buying coins inviduals then u won't lose gil , but if buy the ingots from AH u'll lose around 4k per synth

    47-51 : Gold Ingot = Gold Beastcoin x4 + fire crystal
    no gil loss , almost profit

    51-53 : Gold Ingot = Gold Ore x4 + fire crystal
    same no loss

    53-55 : Gold Rings = Gold Ingot x2 + fire crystal
    don't do this reciepe if it's big loss , shouldn't be more than 10k loss if you make your own ingots or even no loss or make gold earrings but i doubt they sell as fast as the rings

    55-59 : Mythril Cuisses = Mythril Sheet x2 + Ram Leather + fire crystal
    this synth is like 20k loss per craft , if the gold rings was no loss then just do rings till 59 but if gold rings was more than 20k loss then just do this , u can either npc the synth or wait till the GP day when they ask for it and just npc it infront of the npc for 10-15k

    59-64 : Platinum Ingot = Platinum nugget x6 + Platinum ore + fire crystal
    no gil loss , it's profit , i skipped platinum beastcoins synth because there is rarely even 1 coin in AH

    64-67 : Hydro Patas = Bone patas + Animal Glue + Mythril sheet + fire crystal
    this stage you better have a bonecrafter +69 friend or ask some bonecraft to make a deal with like , he makes bone patas for u for 1k profit each for him and if HQ he keep for himself or so , other than that it's hard to find many in AH , each bone patas cost 5k to make so total synth with mythril sheet and glue cost around 17k , u'll npc the hydro ptas for 2k

    67-69 : Moblumin Sheet = Moblumin ingot + fire crystal
    don't bother looking for them in AH , go to oldtol mavolpoles(sp) , camp Goblin Freelance + Moblin Ashman , they drop the ingot , farm them forever AND keep all the sheets don't waste them

    69-73 : Shrimp Lantern = Moblumin sheet + Moblin Puty + Tin ore + Beeswax + Fire crystal
    this reciepe requires alchemy sub 45 and smithing sub 31 , when i reached this lvl i had around 40 moblumin sheet which means i made around 40 shrimp lantern , sold each for 150k even though it sells for 300k fast , i made profit ? yes i made around 5 mil , moblin puty is lv35 alchemy synth so u can make it anyway if u had the sub to make the lantern and it cost 15k to make , so u almost make 140k per synth if u sold them for 150k like me or make 290k per synth if u sell for street price , however i think 150k is good enough since i had to camp those mobs who drop ingot and competed with WHMs who needed the item

    notice : now it's the stage with the highest loss of all goldsmith stages , if you pass this then you are almost there so lets start with next , assuming the moblumin sheets u had were not enough to get u to 73 lets assume it gets u to lv71

    71-73 : Gold Sabatons = Gold Ingot +Cermet Chunk x3 + Mercury + Ram Leather x2 + fire crystal
    you will have to npc them unless they ever sell on your server , on ragnarok they don't so i just npc'd them , you will use 3 stacks of gold for each 1 lvl average

    73-75 : Gold Patas = Gold Ingot + Patas + Mercury + fire crystal
    you need to get ur self a friend smithing to make Patas for you , it's expensive synth but that's the cheapest around this lvl , you will use 3 stacks of gold per 1 lvl average

    75-80 : Gold Bucklers = Targe + Gold Ingot + Mercury + Fire crystal
    you can find the targe at bastok from npc for 11k , npc gold bucklers or sell few in AH if u have space

    [ Notice : on the stage 70-80 using all gold ingots to npc them after using them there is a nice trick to make the loss less , for normal crafting info when you break a synth and it's 5 lvls under cap or lower u can get skill up but if u break and it's more than 5 lvl under cap then u don't get skill up , so try always doing the synth on Darksday without imagesupport and your moghouse energy should be fire and you'll break alot and get skill up still and not lose gold ingots sometimes , depending on ur luck , total gold ingots you have used to reach lv80 would be 30 stacks minimum ]

    80-87 : elemental beads = Elemental ore + wind crystal
    yes now it's like ubber profit on ragnarok , dunno about other servers , it's more like 70-80k profit per synth assuming u lose 10k for AH fees , so even if you break 1 ore from every 5-6 synth you don't lose anything , they sell fast too , but i suggest if you start from lv80 you only do them on light day with advance image support and buy the cheap ores not the higher price one to avoid ubber loss when break

    87-92 : Muscle belt = Gold Ingot + Manticore Leather + Brass ingot + fire crystal
    sell to npc , u'll prolly have enough gil to waste on this stage by the time you finish from getting the beads profit

    92-95 gemmed Platinum rings = lvHQ3 gem + platinum ring + earth crystal
    try see which one sells fast and cost cheapest to make

    95-100 Flame/Snow Rings = Fire/Ice bead + Orichalcum Ring + earth crystal
    this will be the slowest part you'll ever meet in goldsmithing , the rings on ragnarok are like 200-400k profit per synth but any break can make you cry , you can do free service synth for ppl on them to lvl fast also , but remember always have ur advance image support

    that's all about lvling ,i'm just lv88 so the stuff about after lv90 i just put them as the path i'm gonna choose
    now remember all this was based on ragnarok prices so don't reply complaining about those stuff cost more on ur server etc , i'm not god to know prices on all servers but this is average anyway

    about goldsmith guild test items
    8/10 Copper Hairpin
    18/20 Brass Hairpin
    28/30 Silver Hairpin
    38/40 Chain Gorget
    48/50 Mythril Ring
    58/60 Mythril Gorget
    68/70 Mythril Breastplate
    78/80 Torque
    88/90 Colichemarde

    some personal notes
    for good skill up with fire crystals do it on darksday facing north , or waterday facing west
    for wind crystals or earth crystals i prefer light day
    don't plan to lvl goldsmith seriously after lv60 unless you have 30 mil at least and planning to sactifice some of your gear to sell later to lvl it , it's sad when ppl start with 20 mil and waste them all to lv73 or so then give up

    sorry my english might not be as good and contain alot of typo's but at least it's understandable since it's not my 1st language

  • #2
    Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

    nice guide. i've used the same path 1-20 myself.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

      Elemental rings are 102 cap so you'd be nuts to make them at 95. Only at 96 with full item boosts and advanced support.
      Gatts - PLD75/WAR37
      and you call your self a canadian

      PiNG broke my sig and all I got was this T-shirt.


      • #4
        Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

        7 lvls difference is ok , u already get +3 skill from equip and +3 from advance support
        i was doing well with beads when i had 7 lvl difference with only +2 equip skill with around 1 break from every 14 synth
        if it's done on good day and moon it will be still not bad to break 1 of 14 synth
        since each flame/snow ring is around 700k profit :E


        • #5
          Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

          good list, but not the cheapest list. don't get me wrong there is not wrong with ur list. i just trying to save people gil. i'm not try to be mean

          don't make Hiraishin or gemmed silver rings. horrible idea.

          make Silver Chain 33 -- Silver Ingot x2. you make gil off them.

          don't make Mythril Rings but make Pearl Earring until 45 instead. buy mythril earring in jeuno for super cheap.
          (Mythril Rings --- if u make ur own ingots from the the buying coins inviduals then u won't lose gil. dont think that way. sell all ur mythril ingots, then buy Mythril earring and pearl. just do the math you will save more gil )

          or make Reraise Earring to 45 if you have guild points and time doesn't matter to you. you will make gil sell them off to AH

          then Silver Bangles --- Silver Ingot x3 to 49 ( Silver Ingot x3 is cheaper than Mythril Ingot x2)

          don't make 55-59 : Mythril Cuisses/

          try Hydro Claws 59 Fire Mythril Sheet, Animal Glue, Claws
          Last edited by Spotlesseden; 01-21-2006, 10:47 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

            omg that guide looks awesome. how much gil will i be wasting it seems like i lose no money at all @_@
            CHECK MY JOURNAL!


            • #7
              Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

              Originally posted by Spotlesseden
              good list, but not the cheapest list. don't get me wrong there is not wrong with ur list. i just trying to save people gil. i'm not try to be mean

              don't make Hiraishin or gemmed silver rings. horrible idea.

              make Silver Chain 33 -- Silver Ingot x2. you make gil off them.

              don't make Mythril Rings but make Pearl Earring until 45 instead. buy mythril earring in jeuno for super cheap.
              (Mythril Rings --- if u make ur own ingots from the the buying coins inviduals then u won't lose gil. dont think that way. sell all ur mythril ingots, then buy Mythril earring and pearl. just do the math you will save more gil )

              or make Reraise Earring to 45 if you have guild points and time doesn't matter to you. you will make gil sell them off to AH

              then Silver Bangles --- Silver Ingot x3 to 49 ( Silver Ingot x3 is cheaper than Mythril Ingot x2)

              don't make 55-59 : Mythril Cuisses/

              try Hydro Claws 59 Fire Mythril Sheet, Animal Glue, Claws
              silver rings cost 1,2k to make with crystal , how is that a horrible idea , camp bastok guild till price of ores reach 330 gil and u'll be able to make 3 stacks of camping for 1 whole game day

              silver chains didn't sell in AH when i made the guide because there wasn't many ppl using them , but now there is bonecrafters who use them to make merman stuff for HQ

              how could u explain 3 silver ingots is cheaper than 2 mythril ingots ?
              there is a difference , the 3 ingots u'll use to make bangles will be lost cuz i'll npc or desynth break the bangles while the 2 ingots to make the ring will be sold in AH again for a small loss -_-

              hydro claws could be better now that mythril things became higher in price , ingots were 6k when i first posted , claws are 11k and ingots 6k add animal glue and others will be 20k and sells to npc for 2k while cuisses costed 15k and sells to guild points ppl for 10k or npc for 4-5k

              and thanks for ur reply , u r not mean :p prices of stuff updates and i didn't update the guide

              Originally posted by Rai-Jin
              how much gil will i be wasting it seems like i lose no money at all @_@
              doesn't cost alot till 67 then need to camp mobliumin ingots for a month till u reach 73 with the ingots u farmed :p then money burns start , specially that now gold ingots prices jumped to 2,5mil or 3 mil , and they were around 800-1000k when i posted


              • #8
                Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

                so how did you pay to where you are atm?
                CHECK MY JOURNAL!


                • #9
                  Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

                  i didn't lvl it in one day from 0 to 95
                  i'm lvling it so slowly , started december 2003
                  only thing i lvled fast was 73 to 80 which was all based on gold ingots which happened after rng serf thingy when i sold all rng equip and got 20 mil back and got 73 to 80 then 80 to 87 got around 20 mil profit and used the profit from 87 to 92 on gold belts


                  • #10
                    Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

                    Thanks for the info, I'll have to add this to favorites for future comings, as I am looking into GS here real soon.
                    BLM 75
                    DRK 75
                    WAR 75
                    SCH 75
                    THF 73
                    PLD 46
                    WHM 42
                    RDM 38
                    SAM 37
                    NIN 37
                    MNK 27
                    BLU 7 (who knows)
                    PUP 5 (staying right where it is)
                    DRG 27
                    SMN 12 (SMN75 oneday)
                    BRD 14 (no intrest as of yet)
                    RNG 5 (gil sink no thanks)
                    SAM 37
                    Beating up Gigas one at a time for their lunch money!
                    Retribution: O Spiral Hell: O Ground Strike: O Savage Blade: O Black Halo: O Evisceration: O Decimation: O Steel Cyclone: O


                    • #11
                      Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

                      Originally posted by Kiraa

                      47-51 : Gold Ingot = Gold Beastcoin x4 + fire crystal
                      no gil loss , almost profit

                      51-53 : Gold Ingot = Gold Ore x4 + fire crystal
                      same no loss

                      53-55 : Gold Rings = Gold Ingot x2 + fire crystal
                      don't do this reciepe if it's big loss , shouldn't be more than 10k loss if you make your own ingots or even no loss or make gold earrings but i doubt they sell as fast as the rings
                      Oh my gosh, so jealous! Last time I checked on Ramuh it was a significant lose here... although that was awhile ago... I've been stuck on this hump for awhile
                      Kitami - Rank 10 Windurst
                      75 Bard - 72 Ranger - 60 Samurai - 63 Red Mage


                      • #12
                        Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

                        Thanks for this guide. I especially like the Moblumin Sheet idea, as anything I can farm and offset losses is greatly appreciated. One question, the guide says do these from 67-69. Is there anyway I can start them earlier and do them instead of the petas? I remember trying the petas and they were annoying.

                        Also, the next recipe I can't do because I think I have 20 smithing and no alchemy. Is there another reason to lvl alchemy besides just wanting to do this single recipe? (i.e. could I possibly make money with 45 alchemy? Otherwise, I'll have to do something else I guess)


                        • #13
                          Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

                          you mentioned 30M post 60. How high should that be able to take you to? based on your server?
                          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                          - Pablo Picasso


                          • #14
                            Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

                            I was wrong, my gs is 66, and 67 with glasses on, so I can do the sheets. I'm having some trouble though. I only found one ashman and the freelancers are a pain to kill with the links (just takes a long time). I killed 3 freelancers and didn't get a drop, and 3 ashmans and got one ingot. Is the droprate normally a little better than this or is there somewhere else where there are more ashmans that I'm not seeing? (only saw the one where you drop down with the 3 drawbridges).


                            • #15
                              Re: Goldsmith 1-100 based on ragnarok prices

                              Ok, I'm giving up on this idea, and on goldsmithing, again, for awhile. I ended up with one ingot after killing maybe 15 of these guys (ashman and the two freelancers). It just isn't worth it. I subbed thf for th1. I'm thinking the only way you got this to work was to be a thief with th2 or 3.

