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Gold Smithing 101?

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  • ok good to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel ^^
    I'll just keep on truckin' then
    Joyouse = O
    Enhancing Sword = O
    Goldsmithing = 52.7 +1
    Smithing = 35
    Fishing = 23.4 + 4
    San d'Oria Rank = 10
    Bastok Rank = 3
    DRK/37 NIN/37 WHM/37 BLM/37
    New Main Job = THF/30
    Solo'd: Shiva, Ramuh, Garuda (all primes), Ose @66, Miser Murphy, Mission 2-3


    • Anyone have information on the first rank items you can buy? Forgot whats it called Anima get two choices.

      Any links or info would be appreciated I can't find any
      "I ain't a killa but don't push me..."


      • Gold Purification

        Gold Ensorcellment

        79.1 and rising... slowly..


        • Yeah thats, it. Finally got my laptop to work with my router. And looking at what you can make with the key items Purification and Enscorcellment I really see no good use that warrants the cost to make the items with the extra enchantments especially since once the enchantment gone then its gone for good.

          Unless I or someone else find a good reason to get this key item im going to skip it and go for the glasses.
          "I ain't a killa but don't push me..."


          • Both the above seemed overall pretty useless to me and I haven't bothered with either of them


            • .

              Last edited by joyoon; 07-23-2005, 08:38 PM. Reason: .
              If you can't see that japanese face, try View> Encoding > Unicode on IE.


              • Re: Goldsmithing Costs

                Please don't post about levels you know nothing about. You're only likely to hurt someone else who mistakes what you post as something credible.

                Originally posted by joyoon
                Assuming it takes 10 synths for 1 level up, this is the cost:
                Wish I was playing whatever game you're playing.
                Assuming it takes 40 synths for 1 level up (since you are in your higher levels, it will take about 3-4 stacks of items for 1 level up), this is cost:
                Ok, a bit closer.
                70 - 75 --> 18.8 mil Profit: 20 mil
                75 - 78 --> 15 mil Profit: 12 mil
                Profit? :confused: What profit? If you're thinking lv54 rings and phatom/morion earrings, they are anything but profitable. Infact your loss is probably greater than if you just made a quick NPC-sell craft like a gold buckler.
                78 - 85 --> 42 mil Profit: 50 mil
                Death earrings might have been profitable a year or so ago, but now this is a sure fire way to lose money. By the way, the color red is usually associated with deficit so you're probably half right, without knowing it. Get apron and shades and advanced support and go for elemental ores as soon as possible.
                85 - 87 --> 12.8 mil Profit: 12 mil
                If you don't want to take 5 years making elemental ores, you're gonna have to sell them for break even or maybe even a loss to get them moving faster than the higher level goldsmiths who are just crafting them for a small profit. Unless you have like 50 mules. And when they break, any "profit" you may have made becomes immediately noticeable as a loss.
                87 - 89 --> 55.72 mil Profit: 60.8 mil
                (Assuming orichalcum) This would take months alone. There just aren't enough ores. And on my server they are break even, so went it breaks, bye bye profit.
                89 - 95 --> 40.8 mil Profit: 48 mil
                Again, not profitable by any means. Even diamond rings will net you a loss of a few ten thousand gil, and that's if you buy the rings from a lower level guilder who is also taking a loss. If you have to make them yourself, count on even bigger loss. These will also take months to get rid of, especially if you start from 89. Try muscle belts as long as you can bare it.
                In 95 - 100, estimated 0.1 skill up per synth, so very fast leveling here.
                /huh :confused:
                95 - 100 --> 67.5 mil Profit: 80 mil
                Most elemental rings are a loss, though it varies depending on how many people are rushing to 100 on your server.
                Now that you're 100, you can make the 37.5 million gil back buy HQing level 70 rings like Tempest Ring that sells for 3.5 million.
                You should be able to make your money back in about 12 synths, or about 2 weeks.
                12 synths? Replace "synth" with "uber HQ" and it might work. Unfortunately your net loss is wrong so probably not.
                So assuming you leveled everyday with only a few ores on AH at any given time, it would take you about 8 months to level goldsmithing from 70 to 100, depending on your server's ability to put up ores often.
                You took into account lack of goods listed on AH but forgot to calculate resale of synth'd goods, which is actually what limits most people.
                So in estimate:
                272.3 million gil
                and 8 months of leveling from 70 - 100 + whatever time it takes for 1-80.
                Strictly powerleveling, maybe. Although I think it's ridiculous to even entertain the thought, because it would never happen. But if you sell back what you make, I'd estimate you only increase your time by 50% and decrease your net loss to about 50 million.

                Be weary of what you read, this is not a guide. If you don't have the brains to figure out your own best path in goldsmithing, it isn't for you.
                Gatts - PLD75/WAR37
                and you call your self a canadian

                PiNG broke my sig and all I got was this T-shirt.


                • Originally posted by Gen
                  You could also use 4 silver beastcoins in place of silver ore for the silver ingots..they seem to cost a hair more but stack.
                  unless you steal them then theyre FREE!!


                  • goldsmithing

                    "joyoon" All that is crap

                    You don't know anything about this craft so please don't talk about it .. what profit, there are no profit from any item you skill with and also about HQ rings lvl 54 ... you are dreaming baby .. that need lvl 100+5 to make and i am sure that you will made about 3/10 HQ .. there is 25 lvl between them ... hard to HQ these in normal days.. this craft will you make you cry.. i really feel sorry about myselves and those who's lvling goldsmithing.
                    Goldsmithing 80 | Alchemy 60 | Smithing 36 | Cooking 30 | Woodworking 30 | Fishing 5


                    • omg thank you for guides. My mithra is trying to lvl goldsmithing and its very difficult because no one will ever help me with it XD. Damn people are too impatient and poor to even bother lvling it . tyvm x1000 for guides!!!1!1!11one


                      • 90+3 now and chugging along at a pretty respectable pace
                        Attached Files


                        • hi

                          hello i currently have 56.7 milion gil. Im lv 48 goldsmithing and after i checked some of your posts i cant quite figure out the aproximate cost till lv 100. So far ive spent about 1.7 mil till lv 48 thats due to the fact that ive been burning money without selling with or without profit. As i said i have 56.7 million and im planning to invest it into gs all way up, Can anyone with higher lv like 85+ tell me if i can take it to Lv 85+ excluding/incuding profit i make.I would be vey much apreaciated. Thankx


                          • Re: hi

                            Originally posted by Patronus
                            hello i currently have 56.7 milion gil. Im lv 48 goldsmithing and after i checked some of your posts i cant quite figure out the aproximate cost till lv 100. So far ive spent about 1.7 mil till lv 48 thats due to the fact that ive been burning money without selling with or without profit. As i said i have 56.7 million and im planning to invest it into gs all way up, Can anyone with higher lv like 85+ tell me if i can take it to Lv 85+ excluding/incuding profit i make.I would be vey much apreaciated. Thankx
                            ok i'll tell you the best way to lvl goldsmithing from 48 to 100... and you have to move to another craft before you hit the cap or you will waste your time i'll be fast and don't ask why this and not that

                            48 > 50 (Gold Ingot) Fire Crystal + Gold Beastcoin x4 "Cap 51"
                            50 > 52 (Gold Ingot) Fire Crystal + Gold Ore x4 "Cap 53"
                            52 > 56 (Gold Earring) Wind Crystal + Gold Ingot x2 "Cap 57"
                            56 > 59 (Gold Ring) Fire Crystal + Gold Ingot x2 "Cap 60"
                            59 > 63 (Platinum Ingot) Fire Crystal + Platinum Ore x1 + Platinum Nugget x6 "Cap 64"
                            63 > 67 (Platinum Earring) Wind Crystal + Platinum Ingot x2 "Cap 68"
                            67 > 69 (Platinum Ring) Fire Crystal + Platinum Ingot x2 "Cap 70"
                            69 > 71 ((made any of the level "54" rings that make profit))
                            ((once you hit level 71 and you must get the shaded & the Apron + Guild image start with Morion earrings OR the Phantom earrings till you hit level 77 but at level 74 if you feel that you are not getting any skill try to take off the shaded & Apron but keep the image once you hit level 75 take off the image... the cap for this craft 78))
                            77 > 85 (Death Earring) Earth Crystal + Platinum Earring x1 + Death Stone x1"if you don't want to keep crafting this then try to hit level 80 to start with (Beads LV87 Cap) or (Pigeon Earring LV88 Cap)"
                            ?? > 88 (Orichalcum Ingot) Fire Crystal + Orichalcum Ore x3 + Platinum Ore x1 "Cap 89"
                            88 > 92 or 93 try to made level 72 rings
                            9? > 100 any ring level 74
                            Goldsmithing 80 | Alchemy 60 | Smithing 36 | Cooking 30 | Woodworking 30 | Fishing 5


                            • it looks like a good guide but doesnt answer my question.
                              ?? > 88 (Orichalcum Ingot) Fire Crystal + Orichalcum Ore x3 + Platinum Ore x1 "Cap 89"
                              That look like a good 5 million to me, if i get 0.1 for every 3-4 synth without failing.


                              • He provided all the information he had, how on earth could he tell you how much it would cost etc when he isn't even on the same server as you? You need to look at item costs on your server and work it out.

