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Gold Smithing 101?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by orts

    i'd suggest having thunder for 1~48 and fire and earth (maybe wind too) for 48+ (switch furnitures around for your needs).

    So far I been using alot of Fire and some Wind crystals, why use Thunder Furniture. Unless your meaning strictly for the desyth, then I understand. I have a book holder.
    "I ain't a killa but don't push me..."


    • #47
      weeee thx orts~^^


      • #48
        legend - yes mainly for desynth.
        don't be jealous
        actually be jealous, just don't bother me lol


        • #49
          Currently GS 44 ... prices do vary from server to server, but on Ragnarok I can tell you that 600k will only get you 1-48 if you go the minimal losses route (i.e., sell everything, no desynthing, etc). Synth-desynth levels you up quicker, but your wallet also takes a much harder hit.

          Anyway ... progress halted due to lack of funds :sweat: ... maybe I should've chosen another craft haha


          • #50
            Wow I havent checked back in forever. My thread seems to have bloomed. Its really useful to me now. I have been following the guides created here and I hope we can get this Stickied and finally get a sticky for every craft. Thank you all for your contributions.
            Creon Arcais - Rank 6 San d'Orian
            Black Mage-70 White Mage-41
            Red Mage-6 Monk-10
            Thief-47 Warrior-30
            Dark Knight-11 Summoner-26
            Ranger - 22 Dragoon - 15
            Samurai - 11 Bard - 10
            Ninja - 31 Paladin - 46

            Dynamis LS - (Can I have it?)


            • #51
              if i use mithral rings/ear... i will lose 1 mithral ingot every synth thats 6k lose every synth :sweat:

              silver bangle sounds good thats from 44-48 so what to synth from 40-44
              mithral sheet sounds good also but its from 40-41 only

              hmmm all what i need is to know what to synth from 41-44 is rings-ear the only way?

              Main : Sephiro
              Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
              COP missions = Complated


              • #52
                41-44 I did those earrings. Mythril Earring is 4.something k from shop, pearl/black pearl etc is 2-3k, so about 7k per synth. Black earring sells for 3.5-4k on Ragnarok, so you can either cut losses (and lvl slow), or desynth/resynth til everything's gone (higher loss, but lvl faster).


                • #53
                  I have a current skill of 11.2 in GS, how far would 600k take me into it?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Trevario
                    I have a current skill of 11.2 in GS, how far would 600k take me into it?
                    from 0 to 42 i lost 800k in ragnarok server
                    i still have like 40 silver harpian in mog house + 20 mithral ear :sweat:

                    so i think 600k will get you from 1 to 40 only

                    Main : Sephiro
                    Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                    COP missions = Complated


                    • #55
                      Ah I see.


                      • #56
                        The other day I finished raising a little over 2 million gil...I finally have just enough for the Wind Torque I've always dreamed about owning.

                        Though, as great as the Wind Torque is purported to be, I still don't want to blow everything on just one item...I worked WAY too hard and made too many sacrifices to raise the gil that I have now.

                        So, I decided that the best route to take was to invest my gil in Goldsmithing, in an attempt to get it high enough so that I'll start up a decent flow of income for myself, eventually earning enough to comfortably purchase a Torque and whatever else I needed.

                        Looking at the posts in this thread, however, I now have my doubts about my plan. I knew that Goldsmithing was an expensive business to break into...but good can lose as much as 800K just to get your level into the 40's? And I'd imagine that things will only get more expensive from there...and I now seriously doubt that 2 million will be enough to even get me into the 60's.

                        I need it still wise to invest my hard earned gil into raising my Goldsmithing skill? It would be most discouraging if I were to raise my skill into the 50's, having almost nothing left, and still be making huge net losses.
                        All Nations: Rank 10
                        Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                        Chains of Promathia: Complete
                        75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                        What to level next? (DRK!)


                        • #57
                          Goldsmithing up through level 27 is "relatively" painless. From what I've seen, and based on my experiences from other crafts, though, goldsmithing gets progressively more expensive every 5 levels or so, and it never really gets any better. The only bright side is that you can make a decent profit on HQ synthing on colored rocks and other lower level synths once you get high enough, so if you are patient you can offset your costs that way.

                          In any case, it is definitely the most expensive craft to raise by far (though Blacksmithing gives it a run for its money for quite a few levels).



                          • #58
                            The way I see it is the gil loss is only temporary. You have to spend a little to make a lot.


                            • #59
                              yup for me... from 1-10 was like taking 2 steps beward to leap 5 step ahead gil wise

                              also if u buy all ur materials i.e Zinc ore Fire Crystals u will wind up spented alot but..... u cause got thf with TH and just go to Zegam<sp?> Hill and farm ore from stone eaters

                              and get 50% profit
                              and lastly to get all them fire crystals... just lvl a job thats high enough to get exp from the vultures and farm on them for 100% profit
                              Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
                              up and kill.

                              DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

                              <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

                              Bastok Rank 4
                              Others Rank 1


                              • #60
                                I don't remember what level you're suppose to make silver ignots, but here are a few things.

                                You can use silver beastcoins instead of silver ores. On my server, i can get a stack for about 4.5k gil. That works out to about 375gil each beastcoin. Shop around at each nation. Some nations' AH are priced higher than others (Bastok was the highest at 5.5k gil a stack).

                                Also, you can purchase silver ores from the goldsmith guild. But if they are more than 400gil, it's not worth it. Not sure, but I think the day might affect the price. So, if it's expensive, kill a RL hour, then check back. It might be cheaper.

