Wow.. that's odd, this changed from a goldsmithing to fishing conversation... Anyways i think this should be stickied. The Beggining info is useful!
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Gold Smithing 101?
This is a sticky topic.
it hasnt become a fish topic.... just because someone mentioned fish.....think before u type plzEvery dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
up and kill.
DaRk CarNiVal!!!!
<(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)
Bastok Rank 4
Others Rank 1
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Got goldsmithing from 0-27 last weekend, and lost about 150k in the process. Now I'm at a 'crossroads' of sorts; past 27 I can't seem to find any synths that aren't a huge loss.
Hiraishin would take me to 31, but it's about 7.5k in materials to make a stack of it that sells for 3k, so a 1.5k loss per synth (assuming no fails). Not too bad I suppose, estimate 80-90k to get to 31.
+1 Stat rings cap at 35, but materials to make one is about 5-7k depending on stone, and the non-HQ selling price varies from 1-1.5k, so this is at least 4k loss per synth, or an expected 50-70k gil per level increase.
I suppose Mythril Ingots from Beastcoins would be OK to make at lvl 31 (skillcap 38), as long as I don't fail too much I can break even or even turn a slight profit by reselling the ingots.
Any observations/ideas, especially past 38? Also, I noticed that gold orcmask + lightning is a desynth; is the success rate for that similar to all other desynths (that is, total and utter crap)?
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i've been doing mythril ingots since 30 when they offered the recipe, seemed to fail more at 31, so i just do on light/full/new moon periods, @33 atm
not a fan of making a loss so my guilding is going up very slowly, i steal coins myself or buy for 1k tops at AH/bazaar~Aji
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Got goldsmithing from 0-27 last weekend, and lost about 150k in the process. Now I'm at a 'crossroads' of sorts; past 27 I can't seem to find any synths that aren't a huge loss.
Any observations/ideas, especially past 38? Also, I noticed that gold orcmask + lightning is a desynth; is the success rate for that similar to all other desynths (that is, total and utter crap)?
I'll stick with the earring/ring/ingot formula.
Thanks 0
Im at skill 51 now and when farming Orcmasks i save a bunch up then go to bastok, yes you will fail like normal desynth, and possibly lose them (>_< 26K down the drain, DAMN IT!)
Last time i had 15 and desynthed 12 with support.
Also since you're thf, you can just grab a friend and kill yags in Oz, and steal at the same time. Might save you a little money. I on the other hand went like 0-48 in a weekend. I just synth, desynth, rinse, repeat until I had nothing... but i think I already made all the money back
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Last time i had 15 and desynthed 12 with support.
Please share ^^
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Mogenhancement: Desynthesis! I took everything out of my room and just have an ancient blood painting up. Also I did my desynths on Iceday. I heard that the day before the day that is your crystal, you get a bonus. iceday comes before lightningsday
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guess i'll help a lil >.>
currently lvl80+ gs on ragnarok
here's a list of the promotion tests:
8 - copper hairpin
18 - brass hairpin
28 - silver hairpin
38 - chain gorget
48 - mithril ring (after this rank, sunglasses open up for guild points)
58 - mithril gorget
68 - mithril breast (after this rank, apron opens up for guild points)
78 - torque
88 - jeweled collar (after this rank, furniture opens up for guild points)
dragonhope posted a pretty good ~lvl60 guide. i'll post some altenatives.
18~22 - silver pierce -> it's up to you if you wanna save these to make the lvl14 earrings but i'd just break em (desynth with thunder crys).
22~27 - silver hairpin -> advanced support from 22-24. make and break.
27~31 - silver rings -> save or break them
~35 - +1 stat rings -> if you don't have any saved up, buy the silver rings from lower jeuno jewelry store (or AH i guess if they sell it less) in the shop it's 1250 for silver rings and earring and 4500 for mithril earrings. gems for +1 stat rings are like 1850 kinda pricy so check AH for those gems (usually way cheaper) up to you if you wanna wait and sell these in AH or try your luck and desynth them. NQ/HQ1 is the gem, HQ2 is 1xsilver ingot, and HQ3 is 2xsilver ingot when desynthing. (*note that these npc prices are with crappy jeuno fame)
35~38 - mithril ingots using coins
38~40 - mithril ingots using ores
40~44 - mithril earrings -> rings (for this stage try to just use what you have leftover. earrings are good until 42 and rings are good until 47. it's kinda tedious to mine ore/farm for coins but if you wanna do that too it's fine. it also takes quite some time to sell all those rings through AH unless you got a mule to help you out (and you should be desynthing the earrings unless for some reason they sell more than 8k in your AH) you wanna get to about 44 or so then...)
40~44 - spark lance -> buy the lances when you can if they're in AH. the recipe for lance is 2xsteel ingot 2xash lumber (kinda pricey) but it might sell for less in AH
42~45 - black earring -> if these earrings sell good in your AH then this might be a good alternative to making mithril rings. when you run out of your own earrings remember that the shop in low jeuno sells them. as for the pearl needed, you can get it from desynthing a gigas necklace if you're bonesmith is skilled up or you can get them from sahagins in sea grotto. pearls usually run for 2k on lagnarok.
44~48 - silver bangle. you can get all 3 ingots back if you hit an HQ
48~51 - gold ingots using coins -> grow them or steal them
51~53 - gold ingots using ores -> mine them or buy them (or grow them?)
this is a good time to stop and smell the roses. you can now farm orc masks and desynth them into gold ingots. i never did find the best moon phase for this recipe (my best is 4 in a row on ice day). if you're really patient, you'll save each and every ingot you desynth and use them later. you'll need them from lvl70 on because there's no way to lvl without using gold. you might also wanna think about getting some furniture up in your mog if you haven't done so already. i'd suggest having thunder for 1~48 and fire and earth (maybe wind too) for 48+ (switch furnitures around for your needs).
53~59 - gold rings/hydro claw -> it's up to you which route to take just be sure from 53-56 you do them with advanced support. note that gold rings are good until lvl60
from here on out it's big money so be prepared. skilling up will start to slow down. start paying attention to what days and moon phases give you the most skill.
59~64 - platinum ingots -> using coins are good until 61, ores until 63, nuggets+ore until 64. of course no one should do the ores unless you got oodles of ores laying around. coins are probably scarce so i'd suggest growing your own nuggets and buying an ore here and there or start hitting up pal mines (maybe grow your own ores too if you know the recipe). save these ingots or sell em per your personal needs but you might be using them soon.
and i'm gonna stop there. hope this post was useful <.< if you got any questions (for those on lagnarok) send me a /t
*edit added in some alternatives for 40~45 rangedon't be jealous
actually be jealous, just don't bother me lol
Thanks 0
[QUOTE]Originally posted by orts
[B]guess i'll help a lil >.>
currently lvl80+ gs on ragnarok
here's a list of the promotion tests:
8 - copper hairpin
18 - brass hairpin
28 - silver hairpin
38 - chain gorget
48 - mithril ring
600k enough to get lv 48 GS? or i need more gil?
i will think about +48 later gold ignots cost alot :sweat:
Main : Sephiro
Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
COP missions = Complated
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evil - prices will vary server to server but i think it's safe to say 600k is enough for 1~48 if you're careful and patient. if you're going for sunglasses you'll need more gils for the guild points
disturbed - ya, also their place holders (kings i guess you would call them, yagudo avatar/orc warlord/diamond quad). thf or sub thf can steal them toodon't be jealous
actually be jealous, just don't bother me lol
Thanks 0
Originally posted by orts
evil - prices will vary server to server but i think it's safe to say 600k is enough for 1~48 if you're careful and patient. if you're going for sunglasses you'll need more gils for the guild points
thank you very much ^^
another 200k is ok with me but i hope 600k will be enough
and ya im goin for sunglasses :sweat: my main guild is smithing but there is no sunglasses :p
thanks again orts your info realy help me
Main : Sephiro
Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
COP missions = Complated
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Decided to dump a little more gil into GS and ... I noticed that at lvl 30, skill ups decreased noticeably. Did 24 synths and only went up 0.6 (so ... 30.6 now), is this normal for all crafts, or was I just perhaps synthing at a bad time?
Also, which day/moon phase is best for skillup (assuming I don't care about success/fail rates)?
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Not sure if this is extremely helpful, but I'd just like to toss out this idea to see how it sounds to people. I've been working on GS for about 3-4 weeks now, and I'm at 36.(something). I've been farming the mythril beastcoins and will probably continue to do that till I reach the cap of 38 or so. Right now I have 4 stacks of ingots and I plan to use them to get to 43 or so making mythril chains. Looking at the AH, a full stack of chains doesn't sell very often (only 3 sales ever), but it does sell for a good 100k, and individual chains sell fairly quickly. So I'm guessing that this could be because no one accumulates a full stack of chains very often. Anyways, this could end up being pretty profitable because the only cost was on crystals since the materials were farmed. After that it's silver bangles until 48 -_-;;.
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