only reason i didnt mention mining for ore, is because the goldsmithing lvls between 1-20, the price per pickaxe ratio isnt all that good, why spend (at lowest) 180 gil on a pickaxe that most likely will break when copper ore can be bought for 10 gill? Even if you're mining for silver and what not, it's a bit more rare, and most of the time, (from personal experiece) you get mostly Iron, evne with the right mining gear. While that may be good for you smithing skills, Sadly there's not much it can do for goldsmithing, although they bazar quite well.
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Gold Smithing 101?
This is a sticky topic.
I'm working on this skill, and its a bit more time consuming thank cooking was, but its more fun with the way the synthing works.
I made copper hairpins, and desynthed them with lightning crystals back and forth and got to lvl 5 this way. I think with a total of 5 copper ingots and a couple stacks of wind crystals and lightning which you can just get from elems if you have atleast a lvl30ish character.
Also, mining in Zerhun mines (if i spelled that correctly) with the copper output compared to the iron output, I'll simply bazaar the iron and make back atleast 15-20k which more than pays for my pickaxes and simply synth any of the copper/zinc/tin that i come across in the mining process to keep my inventory space open.raexn:
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Hi, just leveled this skill last weekend 0-50. Cost nearly a million gil, but the main trick to level fast and high is to synth, desynth, repeat until you have nothing.For example, make silver ingots and save the stacks until you cant skill up anymore, then start aing silver hairpins, then lightning + hairpin will sometimes give you back silver ingots. Keep in mind that desynth has high failure rate but better HQ rate.You will lose a lot of desynth, but with the silver ingots you get back you can synth hairpin again for more skill up. You can also skill up on desynth, but they aren't as common. Also what helps with this is the moghancement for desynth, I just took all furniture down and put that ancient blood in my room.
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A very long time... I HQ one skill 20 synth and 1 HQ +2 VIT ring out of like 5 tries on both. Need very high skill in order to make nice money in goldsmithing. I leveled mainly to synth gold ingots on the side whenever I accumulate some beastcoins, and to desynth gold orcmask. If I want money though, will need to go beyond this ^^
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Yea on some things u loss money...including the Jeweled Rings ( i.e. Sardonyx Ring +1 str)
Well if u get ur skills up in i think ummmmmm woodworking or something like that......u can make pickaxes and hatchets and stuffEvery dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
up and kill.
DaRk CarNiVal!!!!
<(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)
Bastok Rank 4
Others Rank 1
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Goldsmithing update
Goldsmither's Update #1
Havent been crafting realy in depth, or really going at it too much, but i finally managed to hit lvl 19. Still working with silver, as there's a lack of silver supply in AH/Bazars/ and the guild is sorta expensive. I did try experimenting with sabaki rig however, but got many failures, probalby due to my lack of cloth crafting skill. There wasent a good supply of it in bastok at the the time either, so each spool was 500 gill each. >_< After much deliberation and thought, i think I'll just save the ingots, and skip straight to silver Hairpins afterwards. perhaps, they'll sell for a decent price in AH/bazar, or maybe i'll just save them for desynthing at lvl 27 goldsmithing or so. More updates to come later!
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What is a Sabaki Rig?
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Price ranges <on gilgamesh> between 2-4k a rig.......there is also a Rouge Rig...... i am yet to find out with it does.....probably 5 fish at once ........
A great combo for Fishing is Glass Fiber Fishing Rod & Sabaki pole nvr break on small fish or Rusty Subligars u can start this combo at lvl 0 in fishing and still makegood money
i got 3 stacks of Quus and 2 stacks of Bastore Sardine both go for 800 a stack
800 x 5 = 3k and i got my rig for 2k so im already making profit ^^Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
up and kill.
DaRk CarNiVal!!!!
<(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)
Bastok Rank 4
Others Rank 1
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Rogue rig is similar to sabiki rig, however it can catch ANYTHING. It used to be great for items before 50 skill, but with the rustyed item vendor nerf, its useless before 50. After 50 it can catch any fish anywhere with the exception of maybe the legendary fish.
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what is the "ledendary" fish <not a big fisher>Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
up and kill.
DaRk CarNiVal!!!!
<(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)
Bastok Rank 4
Others Rank 1
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