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Fishing Gear Question

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  • Fishing Gear Question

    so lets say i have a fishing skill of 3, and i have all 4 pieces of fishing gear, thats 7. If i go to use little worms at knightswell for skillups will crayfish stop giving me skillups? they cap at 7.

    Also i gather reading other threads trying to find something about this before posting that you can go and fish anywhere and catch any fish, its just your skillups will suffer if its not withen 3 to 9 of you, if this is true can i just go and catch yellow globes right away ? (trying to fish for alchemy) at 3 skill?

  • #2
    Re: Fishing Gear Question

    Originally posted by Aka Manah View Post
    so lets say i have a fishing skill of 3, and i have all 4 pieces of fishing gear, thats 7. If i go to use little worms at knightswell for skillups will crayfish stop giving me skillups? they cap at 7.
    You should also be catching Moat Carp, they will give skillups to 11 (dude this fish goes to 11). Anyway AFAIK, skill+ gear will not effect skillups.

    Originally posted by Aka Manah View Post
    Also i gather reading other threads trying to find something about this before posting that you can go and fish anywhere and catch any fish, its just your skillups will suffer if its not withen 3 to 9 of you, if this is true can i just go and catch yellow globes right away ? (trying to fish for alchemy) at 3 skill?
    Not reliably, and you'd get so much rusty gear and rod breaks that it probably wouldn't be worth it.

    BTW if you're fishing for items to skillup other crafts you better have a whole lot of patience.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

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    • #3
      Re: Fishing Gear Question

      Welcome to fishing, the odd-ball craft.

      First off, although your fishing gear increases your effective fishing level, it does not actually change your level. Therefore you will still gain skill ups as a level 3 fisher.

      Second, kinda true, you can catch fish quite a few levels higher than your current skill with the right rod & bait although some are just down right difficult. You should have little trouble with Yellow Globes at your level.

      Have fun


      • #4
        Re: Fishing Gear Question

        +skill from gear does not prevent you from getting skillups. In synthesis crafts, increasing your skill too near or above the level cap can, allegedly, slow down your skillups, but you definately can still get them until your natural skill reaches the cap for that item/fish.

        Honestly, I'd sell the fishing gear and not worry about it if I were you. Small amounts of fishing skill are largely irrelevant in the current system. My fishing skill is level 57 and I've been able to pull in Ryugu Titans (100 cap) but still sometimes have trouble with Bluetail (55 cap). It's all based on the endurance and agility of the particular kind of fish you've hooked and your own skill at the fishing minigame, with skill ever so slightly increasing your rate of tiring the fish with each level. Equipment-wise, only the penguin ring, albatross ring, pelican ring and fishing apron really have a significant effect on the results of your fishing.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Fishing Gear Question

          You should definitely at least try to stay within shouting distance of your current skill level if you want relatively consistent skillups. I won't tell you not to go fishing for yellow globes right away, since there's actually some point to it if you fish somewhere like Mhaura (if you use a sabiki rig, you can haul in more than one at a time, and also target good skillup fish like bastore sardine as well as the skill-worthy but harder to land quus).



          • #6
            Re: Fishing Gear Question

            And considereing that Yellow Globes cap at 17, thier actually pretty close to your level, I'd reccommend hitting 7 - 10 first if you were wanting to actually keep going with fishing, but if you just want the fish for alchemy go for it.


            • #7
              Re: Fishing Gear Question

              Its been going well so far though, I just had another question. I just got outplayed by the fish and lost my rig, I was kind of curious as to how the mechanic for line breaks work.

              The fish was a yellow globe, You can pretty much tell what you have hooked when fishing by the stam, pole movement, and such. The fish went to 0 stam, and I hit enter, but then somehow it went back up to 1% by the time my finger actually hit enter I guess and it broke my line. Is there any way to avoid this, like let it sit at 0 stam for awhile before you hit enter, or is there just going to be every now and then a fish that will do that and outplay you, heh.


              • #8
                Re: Fishing Gear Question

                After a couple of rigs lost, I've started letting go for a second to be sure the fish doesn't recover anything and break the line. It seems to work...


                • #9
                  Re: Fishing Gear Question

                  Gonna put in my two pennies here.

                  I'm a low level fisher....something like 17 atm IIRC. you can tell, I haven't fished in some time. I've broken poles and lost lures till I was blue in the face and spitting mad....enough so that I've actually logged off the game because I wanted to fish, lost my sabiki rig, and was angry enough (and poor enough) that I didn't wanna take the time to farm up more gil for one. After some cool down time, and some time farming, I headed over to the AH and bought a composite pole, and then I went back to Selbina and bought yet another sabiki rig. While I didn't catch as many fish due to some of the fish being to small for that particular pole, I stopped loosing lures do to line breaks when I accidentally tried to land the fish while it's status bar had a small sliver left..... I found that to be a bonus.

                  So...FWIW, if your tired of loosing lures/rigs, you might try what worked for me. The only time that I can actually remember loosing a rig with that set-up was when I had to frantically start hitting the "Enter" button on the keyboard while the fish was @ 1/2 stamina because there was a Sea Monk that wasn't happy with me....

                  As far as the mechanics go, I don't have a clue. I had planned on making a game mechanics post in the off topic area, but I haven't been able to do that yet. does get in the way of fun.

                  Please accept my humble apologies for running off on what might have been a semi-related tangent.
                  Last edited by WovenDarkness; 09-12-2007, 11:30 PM. Reason: Stupidity


                  • #10
                    Re: Fishing Gear Question

                    You won't always get a line break at >0 stamina. Bear in mind that the rod you use has a lot to do with it too; multiple fish on a sabiki rig adds a lot of "weight" to the catch, and can stress most of the small to medium fishing rods. To be safe, you should be packing at least a Hume Rod or Halcyon Rod to avoid line breaks even in cases where you're at 0 stamina (if not outright rod breaks on the weaker rods like the Fastwater).

                    EDIT: The above suggestion for the composite rod will work, but the Composite and Mithran Rods, while both more that sturdy enough for this purpose, are "large fish" rods, and will likely produce a "fish was too small to catch with this rod" result. I don't recommend either one of these rods when using a sabiki rig.



                    • #11
                      Re: Fishing Gear Question

                      Originally posted by Icemage View Post

                      EDIT: The above suggestion for the composite rod will work, but the Composite and Mithran Rods, while both more that sturdy enough for this purpose, are "large fish" rods, and will likely produce a "fish was too small to catch with this rod" result. I don't recommend either one of these rods when using a sabiki rig.

                      This is quite true. I can only say that I no longer lose rigs. I have a Halcyon Rod, but have yet to try it with a rig.... Fishing, it seems, has been put on the back burner for a while. /sigh

                      As an aside, I've still recieved skill-ups from "fish too small" messages. I also noted that I had an easier time dealing with quus while on the comp/sab.rig setup vs. a "small fish" pole. Unfortunately, I don't remember which small fish rod I was using....which means that I probably broke the pole and lost the rig. I can only assume that the greater "strength" of the composite pole vs. what I was using at the time is a factor.

                      I suppose that I stuck with my current fishing setup of comp/sab.rig due to outright fear of breaking my Halcyon Rod. I must, at this time, defer to those on the BB who have greater knowledge of such things. ...I'm sure there are better ways of going about leveling fishing and not breaking/losing things. >>System Error beater:Smile:<< /bow Icemage


                      • #12
                        Re: Fishing Gear Question

                        The Halcyon Rod is a really nice rod. It's not a good rod for going after big fish, but it handles small to medium fish brilliantly.

                        If I didn't have a Lu Shang's Fishing Rod, I'd use a Halcyon for most situations.



                        • #13
                          Re: Fishing Gear Question

                          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                          The Halcyon Rod is a really nice rod. It's not a good rod for going after big fish, but it handles small to medium fish brilliantly.

                          If I didn't have a Lu Shang's Fishing Rod, I'd use a Halcyon for most situations.

                          I loved the Halcyon Rod when I fished back in 2005, but it was way expensive back then. Well at least for me since I was bad at makeing money

                          NOTe: Halcyon os also the name of the street I live on.

                          Which FF Character Are You?

