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Lu Shang's - Still worth it?

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  • #16
    Re: Lu Shang's - Still worth it?

    Originally posted by Icemage
    It's impossible to get Ebisu without Lu Shang's. Well, I suppose you could... but I'd bet you'd slit your wrists long before you ever got close to enough Gugrusaurus and Lik without it.

    yeah plus iv heard Ebisu cant catch some of the small fish

    how long does lu shang take when your fishing for the carp most times anyway?

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    • #17
      Re: Lu Shang's - Still worth it?

      I am catching small fish just fine with ebisu. Cobalt jellyfish seem to bite less with this rod, but that's a good thing imo ^^
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
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      • #18
        Re: Lu Shang's - Still worth it?

        how long does lu shang take when your fishing for the carp most times anyway?
        several months of everyday fishing at least 200 (4-6hrs?) carps on one character... but nowhere as bad as lik/gugrusaurus fishing :D


        • #19
          Re: Lu Shang's - Still worth it?

          Originally posted by x1ang
          several months of everyday fishing at least 200 (4-6hrs?) carps on one character... but nowhere as bad as lik/gugrusaurus fishing :D
          should not be to bad hoping they adjust the fatigue system, tho doing the math id say only weeks not months but either way its worth it
          Last edited by Deltran; 05-05-2006, 10:23 PM.

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          • #20
            Re: Lu Shang's - Still worth it?

            Originally posted by Deltran
            should not be to bad hoping they adjust the fatigue system, tho doing the math id say only weeks not months but either way its worth it
            10000 moat carp / 200 moat carp per day = 50 days if you fish to capacity in a place that only has moat carp such as West Ronfaure, Rolanberry Fields, or Boyahda Tree (takes a few hours per day, depending on how well the fish are biting).

            Minimum time to fish every carp yourself: 1.7 months. Realistically it'll be about 2 months even if you're religious about it every day, since you might lose some fatigue to items or monsters, real life interruptions of your schedule, etc.



            • #21
              Re: Lu Shang's - Still worth it?

              Originally posted by Icemage
              10000 moat carp / 200 moat carp per day = 50 days if you fish to capacity in a place that only has moat carp such as West Ronfaure, Rolanberry Fields, or Boyahda Tree (takes a few hours per day, depending on how well the fish are biting).

              Minimum time to fish every carp yourself: 1.7 months. Realistically it'll be about 2 months even if you're religious about it every day, since you might lose some fatigue to items or monsters, real life interruptions of your schedule, etc.

              In all reality, and to answer the OP's question, fishing for your Lu Shang is far superior to farming for it more than ever*, depending on character level and your ability to make gil. I fished over 8000 MC myself in Rolanberry Fields over a 3 month period before they changed fishing. I had my Lu Shang by the time I was lv. 53 WHM, and I still carry it everywhere with me just to see what I can fish up (or not in the case of a few places).

              The caveat* with which I say this is that I'm a fisherman. I love fishing and the relaxation it brings. Lu Shang's is wonderful tool to allow you to enjoy fishing to it's full potential; however, if you don't enjoy fishing enough to put in a few months worth of work for Lu, then maybe some KSNM99's and such are a better means of obtaining your Lu Shangs. I loved the journey as much as the destination, and the journey after that (BARF on cheezy cliches ).

              The short answer to your question is that it will take a fairly long time to farm/BCNM/ENM/etc. for enough gil to buy Lu or the MC's for it, and then get it to pay for itself at a $12-16M pricetag so that you come out in the black.
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