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Food issues

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  • Food issues

    It might just be me, but I wanted to address a problem that I've noticed recently, which can be summarized as such:

    Lack of food education.

    I've been leveling through the dunes on my lower jobs for fun, and I've seen countless new people (subless, rank 1 etc) and quite a few people on the middle part of the spectrum that seem totally ignorant of food abilities, caps for granted bonuses, what is best to eat for what job and situation, etc. I saw a lvl 13 PLD pop a sole sushi the other day >_>;; That's just a waste, especially since he died shortly after popping it.

    So to the up and coming culinarians that frequent this board, have you tried reaching out to people, friends and PT members, that they don't need to spend the $$ on mithkabobs, but get the same bonuses from meat jerky (2k) when in the dunes? I'm at the point on one of my melee jobs (pre acc+ food) where Dhalmel pies would be dreamy for me, but I can't find any on the AH when I look, which (seems to me) is because nobody makes it because nobody will buy it because people think that sushi > all at any level, which is flat out not true.

    Sorry for the bit of the rant, it's just that I see your craft being pigeon-holed yet again (example: when mithkabobs were THE thing to make at any level, since they hadn't implemented a %-based system on food effects yet).

    I'm doing my part to get people more learned on these things, but you, the crafters, have more influence on your consumers than I do.

    So, do I have a point, or should I wait for the men in white with the coat with all the shiny buckles come get me?
    In all things endure. In enduring, grow strong.

    And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?

    =====(>")>==(X_x)=>>> Skewer!

  • #2
    Re: Food issues

    You are absolutely right IMO. There really is no reason to use anything higher than Meat Jerky for melee in the dunes and nothing more than Boiled Crab for tanks. Also, it's ok for mages at that level to use Apple Pies for the extra MP instead of ginger cookies, especially if they are a non-taru mage. Then, with all these expensive food throw around, you never seen any of the extremely useful and relatively cheap juices for MP regen. I also buy a couple of Selbina Milk stacks for HP regen. It's cheap, it's available from a Selbina NPC, and it stacks with whatever other food you have. When I leveled my Paladin there, I would eat Boiled crab and constantly pop juices and milk. All of that probably totaled much less than some of these people popping 1 high level food.

    On my server there is a mule perma-parked in Selbia that only sells Meat Mithkabobs and does quite well. It cracks me up how much he is taking advantage of the masses.

    The Food IQ in this game really isn't that high. I see people using food that is 10 times more expensive than something else for a negligible improvement.


    • #3
      Re: Food issues

      Using the wrong type of food altogether is kinda mess up. So do using sushi at such low level.

      But on the other hand, the choice of food imo is not only about it being the best for the level. For example lately I tend to stick to meat kabob when I play through my low level jobs too. It is cheap enough, always available, easy to find in every AH. Convenience, I guess.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: Food issues

        i think its funny to see a lvl 1 using meat chiefkabobs. lol what a waste of gil. ive tried setting up bazarrs in bastok selling things like roasted hare and other low lvl melee and mage foods. they dont sell as often as the foods everyone knows like kabobs or sushi.


        • #5
          Re: Food issues

          Originally posted by Toby1982 View Post
          ive tried setting up bazarrs in bastok selling things like roasted hare and other low lvl melee and mage foods. they dont sell as often as the foods everyone knows like kabobs or sushi.
          And that right there is the reason it's so hard to find the less-know but just as useful food items. As I level cooking (76 now) I look at the AH to see how quickly an item sells, especially as we have to do approx 50 synths/lev gained. Thats a ton of items to have to unload, so the choice is craft items that sell well or leave 7 items on the AH till they're returned and NPC the rest.


          • #6
            Re: Food issues

            Originally posted by Althrun View Post
            So to the up and coming culinarians that frequent this board, have you tried reaching out to people, friends and PT members, that they don't need to spend the $$ on mithkabobs, but get the same bonuses from meat jerky (2k) when in the dunes?
            Why? If people want to spend gil on food they don't really need, that's their own fault for not researching. I'm sure those cooks selling that food are quite happy to continue to let them buy that food off of them.
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • #7
              Re: Food issues

              When i see people eating chiefkabobs in the 20s and 30s i laugh. But when i try to explain why you should use mithkabobs, they refuse to listen.

              So i say, LAWL, time to craft more chiefkabobs...
              Cooking: 94

