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Chocobo Walk Error

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  • Chocobo Walk Error

    I'm trying to raise my chocobo chick, but every time I select the option Go on a Walk(Short), I get an error and I'm told to reset my console. I don't know what the problem is on my end, or if it's something with FFXI. If it helps I play on the PS3 and the PS2.

  • #2
    Re: Chocobo Walk Error

    Originally posted by Tatsuhara View Post
    I'm trying to raise my chocobo chick, but every time I select the option Go on a Walk(Short), I get an error and I'm told to reset my console. I don't know what the problem is on my end, or if it's something with FFXI. If it helps I play on the PS3 and the PS2.
    It would help to tell us what the full error message is.

    Also, does this happen with both the PS3 and PS2? There have been issues in the past with NPC's freezing up, but I can't recall any issues that gave an error message.


    • #3
      Re: Chocobo Walk Error

      It happens with both systems. Here is the full error message:
      Terminated as error occured in Final
      Fantasy XI. An error occured.
      Please restart your console.
      : 40cf84


      • #4
        Re: Chocobo Walk Error

        Do a file check if such a thing exists on the console version of the game?
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: Chocobo Walk Error

          I've done a file check, still no go


          • #6
            Re: Chocobo Walk Error

            That's really strange. I'm guessing this might be another PS2/3 issue that SE is having. All you can really do is file an issue with the game and wait for the fix.
            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #7
              Re: Chocobo Walk Error

              <sigh> I guess that's all I can do then.


              • #8
                Re: Chocobo Walk Error

                sounds weird, I have no experience on the consoles but that sounds like something that really shouldn't be happening and if the file check doesn't solve it then even more so... better to contact SE really.
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #9
                  Re: Chocobo Walk Error

                  Well thanks for the help guys. Maybe someone who has played on the PS3/2 that has had this problem will be able to shed some light on what's wrong.


                  • #10
                    Re: Chocobo Walk Error

                    I'm sorry to bump this but I just ran into this problem on my PS2. Guess they didn't find a solution. Where you able to over come it when the chocobo got older?


                    • #11
                      Re: Chocobo Walk Error

                      Hey there, this is my first post on this website but i believe i may have found a solution to this problem! I was encountering the same problem, but my console never came with up with an error message (i play on the playstation 3 console) and was forced to just hard shut down every time after attempting the walk (Tried at least 3 times). Now when i played on my vista laptop i never encountered the error once. The only difference between the two versions of the game i played on that i could deduce were the expansions installed - my laptop contained all of them, while my PS3 only had up to CoP installed - So FFXI Basic, Rise of Zilart, and CoP. After purchasing the Vana'Diel collection 2008 for PS2, completing the installation and patching i attempted to take my chocobo on a walk - and Viola! No error, I was able to go on the walk without a hitch. Now i'm not sure if this could be the exact fix, possibly somewhere in the reinstallation it could have fixed the error, but it's the most possible scenario in my book. Now if you have all the expansions installed then i'm sorry for wasting you're time, but this worked for me, so good luck!

