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Question on chocobo breeding and inheriting stats

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  • Question on chocobo breeding and inheriting stats

    Fudge, had this whole thing typed out and then hit the back button on my mouse -.-

    Anywho, I have my old chocobo that I raised. She is a retired black adult, with lvl 7 or 8 (I forget) Discernment/Receptivity, and has the Bore/Burrow abilities learned (raised as a digger)

    I have, maybe about 6 or so breed cards from her that I saved for when I wanted to try my hand at chocobo breeding again, and that time is coming up on me.

    Now then, I plan to register her for racing, and stockpile the chocobucks in advance so that I can buy the training options with them when the time is right. Also let's me get my feet wet in the chocobo racing world.

    My main question is, how do the parent's stats get passed down to the chick after it's hatched? Is it possible to start off with a lvl 7/8 Discernment/Receptivity chick if the mother has those stats and you have chosen the breeding option to inherit the mother's stats/abilities?

    My plan is to aim for a bird with lvl 8 receptivity/discernment. I plan on using the care plans/food needed to get that high, and then switching over to basic care and feeding my bird Vomp Carrots and using the intensive training chocobuck options to raise my bird's str/end. I will most likely max out my birds receptivity/discernment using the intensive training, but I am not sure about that.

    Now I also see that I can buy training items that will increase my retired chocobo's abilities. Let's say I max out her Str. When I call her out with her chocobo whistle next, will the changes to her Str level be in effect? Or do I need to recharge the whistle/trade a card/something to get that change to be in effect?

    I hadn't seen that option before.... Now that I know about it I may just opt to use the retired chocobuck training to raise my old bird's stats to where I want them to be.

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    I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.

  • #2
    Re: Question on chocobo breeding and inheriting stats

    I'm fairly certain that you can't start with a level 7/8 anything as a chick, no matter what stats and breeding plan you use. If I recall (and it's been a while since I've really read anything about this) you could *possibly* start off with a level 2 characteristic if everything is done absolutely right.

    As far as the whistle and stats, the whistle will call the bird as it was when it was linked to the whistle. If the stats on the bird have increased or decreased, you will need to talk to the trainer again (just chatting, or trading the card if it's retired, but since a bird's stats can't change after it's retired) and they will re-link the bird to the whistle, essentially updating it's stats. The trainer even says something to this effect when you talk to them about the whistle.
    Kindadarii (Bahamut)
    90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
    70.3 + 2 Woodworking
    52.2 Synergy

    Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!


    • #3
      Re: Question on chocobo breeding and inheriting stats

      I don't think I've ever heard of a chick starting out better than Poor/Poor/Poor/Poor, but I never got past 3nd generation in my experiments before the whole Chocobo Breeding craze lost its steam and no one was interested in my products anymore.

      My original theory was that chocobos inheritit an "affinity" for a given stat similar to the way chocobo personalities work. The "inherited" statistics based on the selected breeding card and whatever the parent inheritance is (choosing each stat randomly for affinity between the mother and father) grows at an increased rate based on the stat values of the parent from which the trait was inherited.

      I've also never seen a chocobo inherit more than one ability, but I always wondered it it was possible in some cases. The statistics of my birds' progeny shows otherwise. Of all of the third generation birds that were grown (all by people other than me), none of them started with better stats that P/P/P/P, but they all inherited an ability since both parents had two abilities. I'm not certain what happens when breeding single ability chocobos but if they always inherit, then a single ability parent chocobo card is the best to buy (e.g. buy two Canter birds to inherit canter, teach Gallop when the chick is young, and then switch to a "Racing" set up).

      If not affinity then the inheritance is a very low number. There are 8 levels of attribute based on a 256 point scale. If they inherit a statistic then they must inherit something lower than 32 points which is quite insignificant in comparison to the time it takes to make the bird. I don't know if there is a difference between the time it takes to raise an "inherited" statistic and the time it takes to raise one that was inherited at 0 with no honeymoon bonus as I was unable to observe this change. The results of my original experiments are available in the Everything Chocobos thread.

