I am in the middle of getting money for equips etc and I have a chocobo egg and I was going to raise it but I don't know if I have enough gil. So how much gil do you think it would take to raise a good chobo for all the supplies etc?
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How much gil to raise a chocobo?
Re: How much gil to raise a chocobo?
It does depend on what kind of chocobo you want.
As I just put down my latest (first) chocobo, I'm bored/depressed, so I actually went out and bought a couple of chococards to breed on my own.
Since I want to raise a digger choco who can hopefully make me tens of tens of gil, I'm focusing on the Mental attributes with Zegham carrots.
I have figured that I would need, (assuming I'm taking it the entire 129 days) about 20 stacks of carrots, most of which being of the Zegham variety, and about 10 stacks of either Azoph or Sharug greens, depending on what he/she likes.
On Bahamut, with Zegham carrots running about 10k/stack, and greens running about 2-4k depending on the type, that's about 250k.
Since I don't have 250k, I'm growing my own carrots and greens (well, greens later, carrots now).
But, if you don't have any money and/or don't want anything special out of your choco (just something to call to get you out of trouble, like during a party), then you don't have to do anything until you want the choco whistle. Then you'll have to raise it's affection so you can complete the quest.
Check the FFXIclopedia for a fairly nice and reasonably comprehensive guide.Kindadarii (Bahamut)
90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
70.3 + 2 Woodworking
52.2 Synergy
Breeding Chocobos? Visit Chocobreeder.com to find chocobos in your area!
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Re: How much gil to raise a chocobo?
Ok thanks, so if I wanted to raise a lets say really fast chocobo lol I would need to buy a bunch of stuff and raise its agility or something? Because thats basically what I was going for a really fast cocobo just to ride around to places.
Thanks 0
Re: How much gil to raise a chocobo?
If you're going for a speed choco, you can follow what I'm doing, just change the Zegham carrots for the vomp carrot.
As I said, FFXIclopedia has a nice guide on it, check it out.Kindadarii (Bahamut)
90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
70.3 + 2 Woodworking
52.2 Synergy
Breeding Chocobos? Visit Chocobreeder.com to find chocobos in your area!
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Re: How much gil to raise a chocobo?
You could go that root, feeding it lots of carrots if you don't mind burning a hole in your wallet. On the other hand if you're on a budget you could mainly feed it gysgal greens, maybe throw in a couple of carrots here and there if you grow your own and rely more on the excercise programs to raise your chocobos speed. Doing it that way you could probably profit off chocobo raising from the payment you get from delivering messages ect.
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Re: How much gil to raise a chocobo?
My current chocobo at day 50ish
Str - First Class
End- First Class
Int- Poor
Rec- Poor
Gallop/Treasure Finder learned
I didn't feed my choco anything but Gyshel Greens and "medicinal" herbs.
I'm sure if I put my choco on a mental intensive care plan for the first 45days, instead of 20ish days (to learn the skills). I could have ended up with a str/end - first class and int/pec- Average at 90 days ;_;
But really, gyshel greens is all that you really need, hope the peeps buying my carrot/worm pastes don't find out xD
the plans I used:
Listen to Music
Display to the Public (until I learned the skills I wanted)
Carry Package (didn't do deliever message because it only raised str)/em wave hand across chest
/s This is not the sig you are looking for. . .
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