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RED choco how i can meke it sure?

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  • RED choco how i can meke it sure?

    well i meet a jap guy with a red chocobo las night and i ask him if he can give me a choco card so i can my own RED choco.But i wanna know how i can make sure the chik will grow up RED colored?
    my chocobo is a male yellow and the card is from a female red choco so if anyone can tell me how i can meke sure the choco will grow RED ill be glad

  • #2
    Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

    No way to know for sure. What you can do is get a red card for both the father and mother to increase your chance of getting a red chick. Then you wait and prey.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

      hmmm im not sure that i get this...isnt supose that one of the chocos should be mine?


      • #4
        Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

        It's genetic, from what I gather. All you should need to do is wait and see if the chick turns out red. If not, the gene is still there so if you continue to breed, one of the descendants should be red. And like Jei said, breed red with red for a better chance.

        Hope that helped. I'm not exactly a chocobo expert lol.


        • #5
          Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

          thanks but all this just make me think...ill need one card of each choco for the breeding?


          • #6
            Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

            You need one male card and one female card to breed. Neither of the cards has to be for your own chocobo necessarily.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #7
              Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

              ok thanks all for the help and i think i hv an idea that what i can do now to make this sure ^^


              • #8
                Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

                Originally posted by Quetzalcoatl View Post
                well i meet a jap guy
                just a little pet peeve of mine... say jp or japanese. jap is considered a racial slur, so I'd avoid using it if you can help it.

                Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                • #9
                  Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

                  Well in addition to breeding two red chocbos...

                  I hear if you bathe it in blood as a baby chocobo it gains the strength of those who "donated" the blood in additon to becoming a red chocobo.

                  Just a rumor I heard in Lower Jueno.
                  75PLD 42RNG 41WAR 41WHM 32THF 49NIN 35SAM 37BLM 20SMN 35DRG
                  Rank 7 Windurst



                  • #10
                    Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

                    To be honest, it's pure luck to get a red one. When I got my first egg, she wound up yellow. However the second one turned up to be a red female. But I bred the red chocobo with a green chocobo that had 1st class str and end on the sports honeymoon package. Well.. I have a red male chocobo now with no abilities (the mother had treasure finder and auto-regen), and excelled to be 1st class in str and end like the father. It's really all pure luck, but yes, your best bet is to find 2 red chocobos to breed. If you're on Ramuh server, I'll gladly give you one for my red female and my red male (mmm.. incest).


                    • #11
                      Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

                      Nothing you can do during the raising process to distinguish a particular color you want.


                      • #12
                        Re: RED choco how i can meke it sure?

                        I had a yellow male and bought a black female card. I chose the "Jueno Tour" honeymoon package which gives more dominance tio female trait, I got my black chocobo. Probably not 100 % but worth a try unless you want to get another red card. For my Blue Chocobo, I had both blue cards. Since I knew for sure it was blue, I did the sports honeymoon plan, which is for endurance.
                        Beast 69 Blue 42 War 36 Pld 35 Red 35
                        Thf 30 Nin 23 Rgr 17 Sam 15

                        Cook 100 Wood 52 Fish 31 Leather 30 Cloth 30
                        Smith 22 Alchemy 20 Gold 16 Bone 15

