Alright, I've done everything I need to be able to ride it, I've gotten the whistle, and registered it. It's completely charged. Now, when I try to use it ANYWHERE (In or outside of cities), the charging time goes to 50%, then stops. It just doesn't go past 50%. Anyone know what's wrong with my whistle?
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My Chocobo Whistle won't charge up!
Re: My Chocobo Whistle won't charge up!
You have to register your chocobo otherwise the whistle will not work. Either trade a VCS Registration Card to the handler (for retired chocobo) or select the Register option from the menu when you visit your active chocobo. Registration costs 500gil and should be repeated every time a stat or ability changes to keep it updated. The Chocobo Whistle summons the chocobo as it was when it was registered (they use "refitting the saddle" as an easy rationalization of why this occurs although there is no similar reason for sexual performance during mating with old cards).
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Re: My Chocobo Whistle won't charge up!
What zones did you try to use the whistle in and did you have hate from any mobs at the time?
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Re: My Chocobo Whistle won't charge up!
Well, I doubt a lvl 29 can get aggro in Gustaburg, Ronfaure, and Sarutabaruta. I tried in all of those zones, and I've tried using it in Yuhtunga Jungle as well. I had no aggro, no status effects, and it still won't work.
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Re: My Chocobo Whistle won't charge up!
Are u walking when u try to blow the wistle? make sure u stop for a few sec before blowing the wistle. Also, u may want to try to trade the wistle to 1 of the handelers, to see if that may work. What i found is the wistle is worth it until u need to re-charge it(about 1k a ride), when it becomes a waste of gill(unless u really like your chocobo). At lvl 29, I find it's easier to outpost warp, or rent a chocobo for around 170gill and use the chocobo. Other than a few zones, I found that renting was the better way to go. Remember, outpost warping has advantages ---dont forget about that form of transportation also(but some of the outposts are expensive--1k a warp)u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them
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Re: My Chocobo Whistle won't charge up!
Originally posted by Dopples View PostAlso, of course I wasn't moving, I have used items before
I thought u had but just wanted to make sure(i do that alot with casting spells as a rdm). I guess try contacting a GM again and see what they have to say--see if u can get a different GM this timeu have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them
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