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Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

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  • Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

    I was recently asked about the growth and development of chocobos, and therefore decided to write this little guide.
    1. Color of chocobo is a matter of personal choice just like race is. Breed the chocobo you want to be seen on or that matches your Noble's Tunic or whatever. All statistical variances can be altered though setting your chocobo's care plan.
    2. You do not to spend thousands of gil on a chocobo. Anyone can have a chocobo. It is conceivable to create a chocobo for no money. The chocobo will be ridable and useful though not as fast or as long-lasting as a stables chocobo. The primary use for such a chocobo is saving experience points on death or money on stealth products when travelling in dangerous chocobo-accessible areas such as Yutunga Jungle or Wajaom Woodlands—this is, in fact, the primary purpose of any callable riding chocobo fast or slow, long duration or short. It costs 1000gil to summon the chocobo, therefore it is more economical to just go with the stables bird except in some cases where the price of a “Crag Chocobo” will rise above the cost of a whistle charge (keep this in mind when teleporting).
    3. All chocobos require an investment of game time even if you intend to go the free route. If you do not invest your time, the effects of your chocobo's care plan will be severely diminished (it may not follow the care plan at all) and it may run away (don't worry, it comes back).

    Emergency Chocobo
    If you are completely unconcerned with statistics and just want a ride when you get in a jam, just take an egg to the stables, visit it occasionally using the Watch over active care plan, and switch to Rest if it gets low on stamina. Don't feed it anything. On day 29, when it grows up—retire it unless you need to do the Whistle Quest. If you need to do the Whistle Quest, buy a stack of Gysahl Greens a number of days before it's 29th and feed two per day until your chocobo “regards you as its parent.” Then, on day 29, use the procedure outlined below for the whistle quest and keep repeating until you find the whistle. If affection dips, give a Gysahl green. The faster you get the whistle, the less it will cost—scrimp now, pay later. If you skip feeding, it will take you a very long time to find the whistle—go farm a crystal or something... Once you find the whistle, retire the chocobo. {Congratulations!}, you now have an Emergency Chocobo.

    Chocobo on a Budget

    Many of my friends in game have very little money—certainly not enough to spend on such a frivolous thing as a chocobo that costs 1000gil to call and eats 1000's of gil worth of food a month. This method is not a process it is a method; therefore specific steps will not be mentioned.

    1. If you're on a tight budget you can opt to buy Gysahl Greens occasionally from the vendor near the stables (one at a time) and feed them to your chocobo. Doing this will reduce the amount of rest your chocobo needs.
    2. Most injury and illnesses will clear on their own—sometimes the next day—which is as good as you can get with a Wildgrass. You do not need medicinal greens.
    3. It is not necessary to fill your bird up to “Completely Full”. Since you're on a budget, set a goal level of affection for the chocobo and try keep it there using the greens and/or active care. Usually, this level will be “Parent”--the best affection level you can get. This maximizes the effects of your care plan, but if you can't afford it you can try maintaining a lower level of affection—I do not, at this time, know if it is more or less costly to maintain non-Parent affection levels.
    4. The idea here is to use the Gysahl Greens or the resting plan to maintain a consistent energy level for the chocobo. You don't have to fill it all the way up, you just need enough energy for it to get through its careplan cycle, so if you have chosen Basic Careplan you can let it go for a very long time (never done it, but I'd estimate you could take a one month vacation and it would still have energy). Be aware that if you do not visit or interact with your chocobo, it will not like you and it may run away (it'll come back)--during this period it will not gain any statistical boosts. You should also be aware that if this is your first chocobo, you will have difficulty locating the Dirty Hankerchief needed to obtain your whistle to call it.
    5. Walks are expensive. Walks raise affection more than other careplans but they consume at least as much energy as even the most rigorous automated care plans. If you're on a budget, you might want to stick to the very, very cheap: Watch over the chocobo active care plan. It uses very little energy, but provides very little affection. This would be a good mate with the Basic Care chocobo. A Walk must be payed for either in Greens or with Resting, so remember that it will either cost you money or lowered statistics.

    Breeder's Cup Riding Chocobo

    Some people can afford nice chocobos. Remember, that raising a high-performance chocobo costs money. It will be cheaper to perform this process one time on a chocobo you want rather than to keep raising "Grab-bag" ISNM, quest, and vendor eggs. You are looking for two chocobo cards of the color you like (doesn't matter if you don't care), with the abilities Canter and/or Gallop. Get both birds with the same ability or abilities and color. It may take a while to collect these cards. I am not sure what level of Discernment Canter is teachable at. You can learn Gallop at average Discernment relatively easily and possibly earlier with lower success rates--It is extremely difficult if not impossible to teach any story to a chocobo with Poor Discernment. If over the lifespan of your chocobo, you can achieve Average Discernment (I don't know if this is possible without multiple generations) and Canter is not teachable at Average or lower Discernment, you'll want chocobos with Canter and may even orphan Gallop/no Canter babies.

    Breed the chocobos according to the dating plan that selects for Endurance. We are selecting for Endurance via the date to balance out the fact that it is generally easier to maximize Strength using the Deliver Messages care plan and there is no careplan to raise Endurance comparably. This dating plan is called the Sports plan and yields more males than females.

    You probably don't need to visit the egg more than once. Just space about 50 Watch Overs over the 3 day cycle or do them all at once on the 3rd day.

    On day 4, you will go to the stables and change the chocobos automatic care plan to Take a Walk in Town.Set 15 days at least of this careplan. Each day when you visit the chocobo you will perform any series of actions to raise it's affection to Parent. This should be a mixture of short walk and feeding Carrot Paste. Always feed the chocobo to full with Carrot Paste or Vomp Carrots. At this stage, the chocobo's affection level should be easily maintainable, and thus affection greens do not come into play here. Both Vomp Carrots and Carrot Paste raise the physical attributes (STR and END), but I choose Carrot Paste since the chocobo information guru recommends it. Perform all tasks set forth for you except, possibly, the lost little chocobo which is for a story you probably won't be able to teach the chocobo anyway.

    On day 19, change the careplan to Carrying Packages. This careplan will be repeated for the majority of the bird's lifecycle from now until it reaches top level*. You may now need to intersperse feedings of Azouph Greens to maintain Parent level affection. Discontinue feeding Carrot Paste and use only Vomp Carrots to raise statistics when possible. Use Medium Walks now. The longer the walk, the more effective it is at raising affection (greater per unit energy). Only feed Azouph Greens after you have fed two carrots and still have a lowered affection level. You can try feeding a third carrot to get it maxed, but if it doesn't work, you won't get maximal effect of tomorrow's careplan. Get a “feel” for the bird. If it has a psychological need, take care of it (for adolescents this is usually a desire to race). If it gets sick, use a medicinal green—these greens ensure correction of the malady in one day—I've never had one fail, but others may have. Failure to heal after feeding medication is either not part of the mechanics or is quite rare. Failure to respond to psychological programs (scolding later on) has been known to fail much more frequently—I've had chocobos still want to race the next day and still acting spoiled. The magic number appears to be 3 initiations of the care plan—if you take the chocobo to race 3 times, the likelihood that it will be bored the next day is exceedingly rare (if not impossible).

    On day 29, you have the option to maximize Strength early by switching to the Deliver Messages care plan. This careplan is incredibly effective as far as anecdotal evidence I have goes. However, I am not sure that it provides the same total amount of positive benefit as Carry Packages does to both Strength and Endurance. The choice is yours. If you use the Deliver Messages careplan you will likely need to switch exclusively to Azouph Greens for feeding. You may opt for a Cupid Worm, but I'm not sure the Endurance loss from the worm equates to the same loss as having a slightly lowered affection level does. If the worm's negative effect is less than or equal to the negative effect of the lowered affection and the loss of carrots, the Cupid Worm is the best option, otherwise, Azouph Greens for a couple of days is better. Once the chocobo reaches “First Class” Strength*, cut Deliver Messages out of the care plan. I recommend interspersing Messages with Packages so that you don't have to do as much guesswork when you try to maximize the growth rate—remember, any points above maximum strength you get through Packages is wasted effort and will result in a less-than-optimal bird. Continue the “Deliver Packages” careplan until you achieve “First Class” Endurance*. Once this occurs, switch back to basic care, but maintain Parent affection. Also, discontinue feeding Vomp Carrots. This last step will provide you with a small boost to your chocobo's mental attributes. If your chocobo has any open ability slots, train an ability (usually a physical one—Gallop or Canter) by drilling the appropriate story. On day 129 your chocobo will be as good as it is ever going to get. {Congratulations!}, you now have a Breeder's Cup Riding Chocobo. Go find it a mate of similar quality and raise the child.

    Breeder's Cup Digging Chocobo

    A Digging chocobo is raised in a similar manner as above, so I will mention the differences only.
    1. You will feed Zegham Carrots exclusively as a statistical boosting food in place of Carrot Paste and Vomp Carrots according to the guide above.
    2. Instead of finding "Ability" eggs, look for chocobos with high mentals. most of them will have abilities, but make sure that any abilities it does have are ones that you want. Mental chocobos learn abilities easily, so you may not want a chocobo with -any- abilities--Go for "Virgin" parents or those who have appropriate abilities. Make sure that they don't have physical abilities like Gallop or Canter as these are basically a waste a slot on your digger.
    3. Instead of “Take a walk in town” during infancy, you will use “Listen to music”.
    4. Instead of “Deliver packages” during adolescence, you will use “Exhibiting to the public”.
    5. Instead of any careplans mentioned for adulthood (excepting Basic Care during the end phase), you will alternate“Digging for treasure” and “Acting in a play” to quickly maximize both mental statistics—keep in mind that, as before, I'm not sure that a “Big Arrow” care plan provides as much total statistical gain as do the “Medium Arrow” ones, so you may opt to maintain “Exhibit to the public” instead.
    6. Once your chocobo acquires a story for a digging ability you want it to have (usually Bore and Burrow for traditional crafting-style chocobo digging), begin drilling that story until it is learned. You should place emphasis on learing the Long Walk Story (one of the digging stories is always found on a long walk) to learning the short walk ability (or medium walk if you're using the San d'Orian stables). Remember, high Discernment produces very quick results--concentrate on acquisition. It may take 20 or more days to successfully locate the remote chocobo breeder (Pulonono or Zopago) the requisite 3 times.

    {Congratulations!}, you now have a Breeder's Cup Digging Chocobo. Go find it a mate of similar quality and raise the child.

    Please see the FFXIClopedia Guides for more information:

    * - This guide and the asterisk-marked sentences in particular, are based on my anecdotal experience and may be incorrect. With specific attention to the asterisk-marked sentences, there is also a “magic number” for your chocobo's chosen major attributes that will allow you to maximize the efficacy of Basic care. This magic number likely exists somwhere in the Outstanding range.
    Last edited by Sabaron; 01-18-2007, 09:42 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

    Wow thanks for this I might actually start raising again, now theres a thought, 129 days...... sheesh!


    • #3
      Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

      Nice Sabaron, thanks.

      Thread Stickified.
      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

      PSN: Caspian


      • #4
        Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

        During adult stage at least, you can get away with 1 Gysahl Green per day and the chocobo will have full energy (minus what the Care Plan uses) the next day.

        I think Azouph Greens are a waste of money if you're going the budget chocobo route. 1 Azouph Green = +17 Affection (a little more than 1/2 level of Affection) and 1 Gysahl Green = +11 Affection. You can feed your chocobo a maximum of 2 Azouph Greens (+34) or 3 Gysahl Greens (+33) per day. Much cheaper to just buy the gysahl greens probably.

        Here's the research I've compiled so far.

        Chocobo Food Hunger Satisfaction and Affection

        Chocobo Direct Care Affection

        I've got more data on Direct Care and Care Plans, but I'm still compiling it.
        They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


        • #5
          Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

          You have the option of growing your own greens from wildgrass seeds in your moghouse. This is what I have been doing. Selling excess on the AH for minimal profit.

          I have raised 3 birds on my main and 1 on my mule.

          My mules bird knows both Canter and Gallop, if I remember correctly because it took a while to get the story, it was at better than avg discernment or higher when it learned Canter and avg when it learned Gallop.

          My main characters bird have been geared toward physical stats, hence why I went with the intelligence on the mule.

          I will be breeding them together to see which abilities, if any are inherited, in hopes of raising of physical bird born with gallop and/or Canter abilities.

          I also skipped feeding pastes on both birds as I grow my own food for my birds on both characters. Currently on Day 44 my main's bird has First Class Strength and Impressive Endurance and my mules bird Day 45 Outstanding Discernment and Impressive Receptivity.

          I fed the physical bird vomp carrots from hatching and the other bird zegham carrots, I occassionally used greens to supplement affection but rarely needed them.

          Hope this helps!
          Last edited by Takira; 01-18-2007, 08:12 AM. Reason: minor correction for clarification.
          The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action.



          • #6
            Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

            Originally posted by Nakti View Post
            During adult stage at least, you can get away with 1 Gysahl Green per day and the chocobo will have full energy (minus what the Care Plan uses) the next day.

            I think Azouph Greens are a waste of money if you're going the budget chocobo route. 1 Azouph Green = +17 Affection (a little more than 1/2 level of Affection) and 1 Gysahl Green = +11 Affection. You can feed your chocobo a maximum of 2 Azouph Greens (+34) or 3 Gysahl Greens (+33) per day. Much cheaper to just buy the gysahl greens probably.

            Here's the research I've compiled so far.

            Chocobo Food Hunger Satisfaction and Affection

            Chocobo Direct Care Affection

            I've got more data on Direct Care and Care Plans, but I'm still compiling it.
            On Asura, right now, you can get a stack of Azouph Greens for 2000gil (167ea) on occasion, but they hover around 4000gil (333ea)--Gysahl cost under half this (70gil). If you're not visiting the chocobo or taking it on walks, it'll take more of them to raise affection to Parent. I have only recommended the use of Azouph Greens for raising affection quickly while on rigorous careplans, or to quickly get parent status for the Whistle Quest.

            The reason I use Azouph, is that I'm trying to feed the chocobo only one green and fill it up the rest of the way with 2 carrots. If I can maintain affection on one Azouph and I get to feed two carrots, that's the way I'm going for maximization. If I fill it up with Azoups, then I can't feed any carrots. I suppose if you have a low affection level, though and need to get it up quickly, Gysahl would be just fine--since I always have a few Azouphs around (I ran out recently because my garden hasn't come up and I have 4 chocobos), I usually don't worry about it. I didn't recommend Azouphs for the Budget Chocobo. The difference in price for 2 Azouph vs 3 Gysahl at the price I paid at the Bastok AH is around 124gil. That's probably a lot for a single point of affection, but it saves me the trouble of having more than one green stack to cart around. If my affection is full, I always feed carrots instead. I did change the Emergency Chocobo to Gysahl only.
            Last edited by Sabaron; 01-18-2007, 09:43 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

              Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
              On Asura, right now, you can get a stack of Azouph Greens for 2000gil (167ea) on occasion, but they hover around 4000gil (333ea)--Gysahl cost under half this (70gil). If you're not visiting the chocobo or taking it on walks, it'll take more of them to raise affection to Parent. I have only recommended the use of Azouph Greens for raising affection quickly while on rigorous careplans, or to quickly get parent status for the Whistle Quest.

              The reason I use Azouph, is that I'm trying to feed the chocobo only one green and fill it up the rest of the way with 2 carrots. If I can maintain affection on one Azouph and I get to feed two carrots, that's the way I'm going for maximization. If I fill it up with Azoups, then I can't feed any carrots. I suppose if you have a low affection level, though and need to get it up quickly, Gysahl would be just fine--since I always have a few Azouphs around (I ran out recently because my garden hasn't come up and I have 4 chocobos), I usually don't worry about it. I didn't recommend Azouphs for the Budget Chocobo. The difference in price for 2 Azouph vs 3 Gysahl at the price I paid at the Bastok AH is around 124gil. That's probably a lot for a single point of affection, but it saves me the trouble of having more than one green stack to cart around. If my affection is full, I always feed carrots instead. I did change the Emergency Chocobo to Gysahl only.
              It definitely pays to compare prices on the greens. Gysahl is probably the best "bang for the buck" on all servers and it's available 100% of the time which is very nice. As you said, it's more convenient having to just cart around 1 type of green. (Of course, it's most convenient when you don't have to cart around any and just buy them at the choco-stable when needed.)

              If someone is feeding carrots, chances are they don't need to worry about the wallet as much or are growing their own feed anyway. In which case, they'll have different greens to choose from and Azouph is a nice one to feed.

              As for keeping parent Affection - the drops in Affection due to Care Plans are random and it doesn't matter whether it's Basic Care or Acting in a Play. The range is similar. If someone is having trouble keeping the Affection up, I suggest they add a little variety to the Care Plan.

              btw, I found the Dirty Handkerchief with "Likes you pretty well." So parent Affection isn't required, but probably increases the chance of finding it.
              They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


              • #8
                Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

                easier way for gallop + canter

                1. look for chococards that only have canter ability.
                2. breed with mating plan of choice.
                3. upon hatching of chick, pray that it has canter ability inherited. if not, retire the chocobo and repeat first 2 steps, only using different chocobos.
                4. use listen to music as care plan as soon as possible. only watch over chocobo and use zegham carrots.
                5. upon becoming adolscent, use exhibit care plan until chocobo learns gallop via tell a story. after this, switch to "carry packages" care plan. this ability will be learned at average discernment.
                6. give chocobo vomp carrots daily until it has first class endurance and strength. the mental stats may decline but do not worry about it.
                Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
                Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



                • #9
                  Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

                  Won't that stick the chocobo with a mental personality type which will reduce the successfulness of Carry Packages? Did you use this method? How easy was it to get 1st/1st on the G/C chocobo with a mental personality?


                  • #10
                    Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

                    i raised one and didn't see him for along time maybe 4-6 months

                    can i continue with that and raise him again or what ?


                    • #11
                      Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

                      Ouch... You'll have to watch all of the cutscenes from when you stopped to when it retires. It'll be long, but, if your rather wide estimate is correct, then it is quite likely that your chocobo will be auto-retired when you finish the care cs. Then you can start with a new chocobo. Even if that chocobo was still available for care, I would recommend you retire it--it won't be very cool.

                      In the future, if you have a specific question, I would advise creating a new thread with the question as the title rather than adding on to a thread that is more general or not specifically related to your question.

                      New Question? New thread.

                      Old Question? Try to find an appropriate thread and if you need additional help, add on to it. If you can't, just make a new thread.


                      • #12
                        Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

                        Just a quick question.. Anyone remember exactly what Finbarr says when you come back too soon for your bred egg?


                        • #13
                          Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

                          If I started raising a Chocobo about a year ago then dropped my account, do you think my Chocobo is still alive? I reactivated a few days ago and forgot all about him! Poor thing.


                          • #14
                            Re: Chocobos For Everyone! [A Guide for Raising Chocobos]

                            Chocobo's don't die.

                            Unless you had BBQ take care of it, in which case it's long gone.
                            Kindadarii (Bahamut)
                            90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
                            70.3 + 2 Woodworking
                            52.2 Synergy

                            Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!

