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Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

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  • Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

    Phase #1
    I have purchased breeding cards for 4 eggs both with Red parents. The parents have been mated as follows:

    2 x Gourmet Plan
    2 x Hiking Plan

    The eggs are 3 days old... waiting for Adolescent colors to show.

    Phase #1 Description
    Hypothesis [solid]: Chocobo color is genetic.
    1) Determine Recessivity/Dominance of Red "gene" for 1st (store egg) Gen chocobos.
    2) Cull all non-red chocobos and remate.
    Last edited by Sabaron; 12-24-2006, 07:42 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

    Update Hatched:

    1: [Gourmet] Easygoing Male who likes clear days. [Red One]
    2: [Hiking] Sensitive Female who likes clear days. [Red II]
    3: [Gourmet] Easygoing Male who likes clear days. [Red III]
    4: [Hiking] Sensitive Female who likes clear days. [Red IV]

    The Dating plans have worked exactly as intended--the Gourmet plan yielded males and the Hiking plan yielded females.

    All chocobos are now on Listen To Music until Adolescence.
    Last edited by Sabaron; 12-26-2006, 09:38 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

      I may be wrong here, but its possible that SE didnt make chocobos the same way that DNA works IRL

      interesting experiment here, I'm very interested in the results

      it appears to me though, that there isnt a control egg

      I think it might be hard though, to come to any conclusion of whether or not the phenotype of Red is dominant or recessive since you dont know what the parents' genes are

      meaning you dont know if it's RR, Rr, or rr

      if that made any sense, but just curious


      • #4
        Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

        The parents are both 1st Generation Red Chocobos, therefore their genetics are indeterminant except that they are both "Red". If I get mixed color progeny (e.g. Red and Yellow), we'll know that "Redness" must be a dominant gene and the parents' genetics were both Ry Ry. Of course, we'll see when then reach adolescence. There are 5 chocobo colors: Yellow, Black, Blue, Red, and Green. I will say that "Yellow" appears to be the most dominant based on the fact that the chocobo stuff from SE mentions that all of the colored chocs are "rare" and I bred (1 egg, not a valid sample size) a Black/Yellow mix and he came out Yellow.

        Genetics of multiple color confuse me at cursory level, so I'd have to do some reading to get it down--it's been a while since Genetics in my HS Bio class...

        If they're all red, I don't really care. The goal is to find out if they will inherit redness from mommy and daddy and not have this end up like some frustratingly complicated lottery like everything else in FFXI with red having a probability of 23% on Firesday when in San d'Oria stables with both red parents etc...


        • #5
          Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

          so far every color to color mating I've done has yeilded color.

          Looking at it from a coding view I'd say the game doesn't remember who the grandparents or greatgrandparents are.. It just take into account the parents' color and stats and the plan you choose ect.. If the game stored all the genetic info on all the birds then we'd have an issue with inbreeding and it's clear to me the game doesn't even recognise inbreeding.

          So far, between four characters, (2 for me and 2 for my mmo addicted mother) We've only run into one issue and that is that the breeding plans don't always work liek they're supposed to.

          Gormet always yeilds a female for me and the hiking plan always yeilds a male for mom. but we think that part of the raising does have some basis on real life. In breeding dogs or horses if you want a male you breed during the day.. if you want a female you breed late in the evening.

          Due to my second job I always breed late in the real tiem day whereas she breeds in the afternoon. anyways here's our color results..

          2 X blk+blk=blk
          2 X blu+blu=blu
          2 X red+red=red
          1 X grn+grn= (Still waiting)
          1 X blk+grn= (Still waiting) <-- interesting one.


          • #6
            Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

            Yes, I haven't had 100% luck with the honeymoon tickets being exact every time. I bred green/green on a Gourmet Plan and got a F. I bred green/green on a Hiking Plan and got a F. I bred blue/blue on a Gourmet Plan and got a F. I bred blue/blue on a Jeuno Tour Plan and got a F blue enigmatic personality which I consider my most successful as far as corrosponding to the honeymoon ticket purchased. I continue to breed/test and research to find what works best. I wonder how the honeymoon tickets work as far as if one is striving for specific traits of the Dam or Sire. My blue/blue F enigmatic born blue with rising receptivity had a Dam with higher stats and large tail/legs. I wonder if by choosing a honeymoon ticket geared toward the F gender if that increases my chance at getting a "better" chocobo result. Calme Fog is on day 26 so I will let you know along the way if she inherits any of the Dam's traits. Her sister Bleu Rieur was on the Gourmet plan and has had no stat increases thus far and I will know color result in about 3 days. Makes me wonder though since the Sire didn't have the best stats........... hmmmmmmm....... the experimentation continues...

            check: for Info/Pics


            • #7
              Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

              You've got your Gourmet/Hiking switched around. Gourmet is the Strength/Male plan, Hiking is the Discernment/Female plan. Yeah, I'm not thinking the "experiment" will be interesting. The result is intended to produce riding and digging chocobos with sleek red leather interiors and chrome wheels. I was assuming all colors (except yellow) are recessive. The card doesn't have to remember what the chocobo's parents' genetics are. It just has to work like real life and remember the chocobo's own. When the egg is made, it gets one random color gene from each parent. If both parents are rr rr then the baby is going to be red (rr). If the parents are rr rk (k being recessive to r and representing black) then the baby will be red (rr or rk). Mating an (rk) chocobo for instance with a black chocobo (kk) will yield black 50% of time and red 50% of the time. I'm sure that there's enough data in the item DB entry to store that much info... Large fish keep their weights even when passing through AH.

              The interesting gene experiments will be determining the genetic dominance of color when creating cross-breeds of different color. Unfortunately, "grab bag" chocobos might not be as popular as fully custom. But I was thinking of doing some anyway...


              • #8
                Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

                Who has them confused? I was simply stating what my results from the honeymoon tickets were.
                Gourmet= M STR
                Sports= M END
                Hiking= F DIS
                JeunoTour= F REC

                check: for Info/Pics


                • #9
                  Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

                  Update: Day 19

                  Red I switched to Enigmatic personality.
                  The females are poor/poor/Bit/Sub, and the males are poor/poor/Sub/Bit.

                  All have pinkish tips. ^^

                  The handlers all made remarks that chocobos had "a lot of energy" maybe "too much energy"...
                  Last edited by Sabaron; 01-09-2007, 03:46 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment


                    Red II Learned Gallop on Day 23 coinciding with his increase to "Average" Discernment.


                    • #11
                      Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment


                      Red III learns Gallop on his 4th drill at Average Discernment, Day 25.


                      • #12
                        Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment


                        Red IV learns Burrow on his 1st drill at Impressive Discernment, Day 31. This coincides with the rise to Impressive Discernment.


                        • #13
                          Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment



                          Red I learns Burrow on his 1st drill at Impressive Discernment, Day 32.


                          • #14
                            Re: Sabaron's Red Chocobo Experiment

                            The experiment has ended. Here are some of the more interesting pieces of data I collected:

                            The enigmatic male chocobos consistently fail both Deliver Packages and Deliver Messages while the sensitive females get a good (estimate about 25% - 33%) success rate at Parent affection.

                            I noticed all of these chocobos experienced huge amounts of "lovesick" status. This may just be a change implemented by SE since I bred my physical ones though... Not sure. I need information from someone who has a current physical bird. It is also possible that this status is common with mental chocobos. I noticed similar amounts of illness/injury and almost no incidents of "racing fever" except in one of the two chocobos bred for "Gallop/Canter" (specifically, Red II the Enigmatic Male G/C bird) who were on Deliver Packages for most of their adult life--even then it only occurred twice whereas he was consistenly in love. I would estimate that the birds spent roughly 33%-50% of their adult life in love with other chocobos despite repeated mating (which I don't think does anything for this status).

                            Ending statistics:

                            Physical Chocobos: 5/3/4/2 + Gallop/Canter
                            Mental Chocobos: 3/1/7/4 + Bore/Burrow

                            Note that the mental chocobos deficient Discernment (7 as opposed to 8) is the result of my error. I set them for a brief period on "Deliver Packages" careplan post-prime--which was retarded and I shouldn't have done it. They never recovered their last point of Discernment.

                            All 7 children of this line of birds are red and inherited exactly one ability.

                            The penalty to statistical growth during "old" stage (past-prime) is severe. If you are growing for breeding purposes, it is likely much better to retire all chocobos within 1-2 weeks of reaching this status and I'm not sure but because of the Discernment thing, I think there may be an "old-age" cap on statistics.
                            Last edited by Sabaron; 04-21-2007, 10:06 AM.

