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Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

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  • Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

    Types of chocobo: makes no preference.

    Color of chocobo: makes no preference.

    stats of chocobo: most important stat to raise is Discernment. Secondary stats include Receptivty (it will rise as you use care plans that focus on Discernment) and Endurance (unless you're going straight basic care this is very difficult on bring up; your best bet early on is inherit some of it).

    Feed: Zegham Carrots (to raise discernment) and Azouph Greens (to raise affection). The feed can be rather high, so consider gardening wildgrass seeds to cut costs if you got the mules and the time. Have medical greens on standby to use when needed.

    The chocobos that bred the egg should have high discernment and/or high endurance. So your breeding plan should be Sports or Hiking Plan if you are doing this yourself.

    Where to raise chocobo: Windurst. The story that leads to key item that teaches Bore comes out of Windurst, and you'll get your second key item that teaches Burrow (comes out of Bastok) when your chick hits adolscent stage (but more likely adult stage). This chocobo can be raised elsewhere but it will take considerably longer to get both key items.

    Now comes about care plans. When it is in egg form you only get basic care. Just watch over your chocobo several times per day. Once your chocobo hatches into a chick, you can use basic care or listen to music. Try to get affection status to parent ASAP, this is where Azouph Greens come into play (it only takes 1 of them to fill up a chick). Take your chocobo on daily walks until energy bar runs low.

    At adolscent stage it should be performing in front of children, listening to music, or basic care. Take it on a daily walk, and use tell a story on the two key items if you got them. This is best time to use zegham carrots, though azouph greens should be used from time to time.

    At adult stage, you should be using care plans that focus on discernment (digging/plays). If chocobo hits First-Class in discernment, your care plan should change to Basic Care until retirement. If you use the digging or exhibiting to public care plan, you will need to take it on long walks and feed azouph greens every day to counteract the loss of affection. Reregister your chocobo for riding as their skills go up and/or learns a new ability.

    When it is time for breeding (or retirement), you should look for a chocobo that has an high endurance stat or an high discernment stat.

    My second chocobo is a success story on this strategy, and I'm excited about having it ready for breeding. It has Burrow and Bore abilities: it kicks in about 50% of the time when I take it out for digging every day. It has also did 12 successful digs in a row in rolanberry and once had a streak of pulling up tree cuttings, ice ore, and reishi mushroom on consectutive digs in batallia.
    Last edited by Ayrlie; 11-19-2006, 07:36 PM. Reason: more updates
    Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
    Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7

  • #2
    Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

    Since points above maximum would be wasted, I'm wondering at what point the cutoff should be made so that a chocobo's two primary attributes reach the pinnacle of First-Class on the very last day before forced retirement on a Basic Care plan. This will allow for maximum growth of the chocobo's secondary characteristics....

    This is likely highly variable (due to genetics/breed/care plan success/feeding/etc.), and so something that cannot necessarily be quantified accurately.

    Basically, this is what I intend to shoot for in a chocobo--the absolute maximum. The closer your guess is, the better overall your chocobo will be.


    • #3
      Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

      Originally posted by Ayrlie View Post
      Where to raise chocobo: Windurst. The story that leads to key item that teaches Bore comes out of Windurst, and you'll get your second key item that teaches Burrow (comes out of Bastok) when your chick hits adolscent stage. This chocobo can be raised elsewhere but it will take considerably longer to get both key items.
      I meet Zopago on the long walk to Meriphitaud Mountains, which isn't available until adulthood. The medium walk to Tahrongi Canyon is what becomes available at adolecence. There's no way to avoid this, though. If you raised you chocobo in either Bastok or San d'Oria, the story that teaches Bore would only be available on long walks.

      One thing to note about the starting cities is the weather patterns that are available to acclimate your chocobo to on walks. To my knowledge, it's still unknown what effect your chocobo's weather preference has, but if it might perform better in any way then it would be desirable to acclimate your chocobo to the weather you expect in your favorite digging areas.

      Tahrongi Canyon - Dust storms and wind
      Meriphitaud Mountains - Dust storms and heat spells

      Konschtat Highlands - Dust storms and thunder
      Pashhow Marshlands - Rain and thunder

      San d'Oria:
      La Theine Plateau - Rain and wind
      Jugner Forest - Rain and thunder

      I tried to acclimate my first chocobo to hot weather since it's present in both Elshimo and Altepa, but it didn't work out. Fire weather is hard to track down. I need to spend some time hanging out in Meriphitaud studying the weather patterns before my next chocobo reaches adulthood if I want to try again.
      Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
      Since points above maximum would be wasted, I'm wondering at what point the cutoff should be made so that a chocobo's two primary attributes reach the pinnacle of First-Class on the very last day before forced retirement on a Basic Care plan. This will allow for maximum growth of the chocobo's secondary characteristics....
      This is likely highly variable (due to genetics/breed/care plan success/feeding/etc.), and so something that cannot necessarily be quantified accurately.
      Basically, this is what I intend to shoot for in a chocobo--the absolute maximum. The closer your guess is, the better overall your chocobo will be.
      That would be the ideal, I think. Does anyone even know how long a chocobo has before it is forced into retirement? My first one is on day 83 or so. I've pretty much given up on any progress with it now; I'm just keeping it around for experimentation and to find out when that cutoff last day is.

      Since impressive discernment is required to learn the two chocobo digging-related abilities and is only two tiers away from first class, that seems like a good juncture to switch over to basic care. I think that's what I'll try with my next chocobo.

      Depending on how these rumors of carrots actually decreasing the stats they don't raise turn out, the best time to switch might actually be when it hits first class. That way you can start feeding it vomp carrots to accelerate the growth of its physical stats while the basic care plan keeps the stat loss on your mental attributes in check.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #4
        Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

        you can't go digging with your chocobo until adulthood to start, and my chocobo didn't learn either ability until its discernment was Impressive. It only took me a few stories for it to learn Bore, after I got that ability on the long walks. However, it took me forever for those cutscenes to occur and I was taking the chocobo on walks every day.<br><br>

        My suggestion is to take it on medium walks when it hits adolscent, because you can come across one of the stables owners from the other towns there.<br><br>

        San d'Oria<br>
        Short Walk: Hantileon<br>
        Medium Walk: Zoparrgo<br>
        Long Walk: Brutus, tarutaru (can't think of name)<br><BR>

        Short Walk: Zoparrgo<br>
        Medium Walk: Hantileon<br>
        Long Walk: same as sandy<br>
        Short Walk: tarutaru
        Medium Walk:
        Long Walk: Brutus, Hantileon (some found Zopargo)
        Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
        Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7


        • #5
          Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

          I met Dietmund on a Long Walk with Duchesse and (so far) Brutus with SolarWind.


          • #6
            Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

            last week i got a linkshell member to give one of my chocobo cards to one of my mules, and I bred it with a blue chocobo. today, that egg hatched and it inherited Bore!

            I won't be retiring AmberII until the next update, because I'm still breeding it and praying that one of the other stats will go up simply from basic care option (it probably won't happen but I still got 12-14 days before stat changes will start to slow down considerably.
            Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
            Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



            • #7
              Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

              Originally posted by Ayrlie View Post
              ...that egg hatched and it inherited Bore!

              That's awesome. I was hoping that Chocobo's would be able to inherit parental abilities since it is apparent that stat affinity inheritance is a minor perk at best...


              • #8
                Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

                Now THAT is a nice discovery. Raising a chocobos discernment and acquiring the story for Canter would take most of its lifetime, leaving little left for raising physical stats. If you bred for the ability and were lucky enough to get it, that would give you a lot more freedom to focus on raising for physical stats.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #9
                  Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

                  I ticked Outstanding Receptivity yesterday and am still at Better Than Average Discernment. Unfortunately, I took up one ability with Auto-Regen, but I'll probably go for Bore tonight (haven't learned it yet). I'm also changing plans slightly to go for more Discernment. Was just alternating Act in Play and Exhibit to Public for the last couple of weeks. Anyone know what Receptivity does for you yet?

                  Update: Tried to get Bore until BladeFeather was out of energy last night, to no avail. Apparently, it really does require a higher level of Discernment. Still very curious what Receptivity is for...
                  Last edited by Bricklayer; 11-21-2006, 07:29 PM.
                  Character: Bricklayer
                  Server: Ramuh
                  31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


                  • #10
                    Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

                    that chocobo, however, is developing an very patient personality and i'm planning on going endurance route with that one. i'm mainly going to raise it for breeding, possibly with my other chocobos, but if it turns out of a certain color I may end up selling breeding rights (i've been selling breeding rights of amberII for 15k per card - i put up 2 to 4 cards on sale at a time - and those cards are sold by the time I go to bed)
                    Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
                    Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



                    • #11
                      Re: Breeding a chocobo for digging purposes

                      Has anyone been able to teach abilities (digging or otherwise) after your chocobo's growth stabilized? I finally hit impressive discernment, and I think the same day its growth stabilized, which I assume means its stats won't increase further. I tried to teach it Bore, but I went through the whole energy bar without getting the ability. Any ideas?
                      Character: Bricklayer
                      Server: Ramuh
                      31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM

