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Faintly Warm egg musings...

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  • Faintly Warm egg musings...

    Well, the third time around on choco raising, I decided to play around with the "Faintly Warm" egg, since Thott's poll had the least number of results for that one. The first two eggs I tried were both "Bit Warm" and produced yellow female chocobos. This, and the results of Thott's poll, lead me to think that "Bit Warm" is probably the egg of the Rounsey breed of chocobo. The fact that every egg Brutus hands out for the "Chocobo on the Loose" quest seems to also be "Bit Warm" would seem to confirm that.

    Since I already had data for "Bit Warm", I decided to start posting any strange or interesting results for "Faintly Warm" here. So far:

    1. I'm using a modified version of Tazirai's "Triel's Blue Palfrey Experiment". By modified, I mean that I'm feeding it nothing but Zegham carrots, and I really don't give a crap what day I check the little girl out on. (So far I've randomly done a half dozen Windsdays, a Darksday or two, Iceday at least once, etc). I'm also doing walks/watches "just enough" to keep up "Parent" affection level, so I can see if having left over energy impacts stat growth any.

    2. Care plans have thus far been: 4 days of Basic care in the egg. Followed by every day after being "Listen to Music".

    3. First odd result. "Faintly Warm Egg" produced a female chick that gained Substandard Receptivity a full two days before she hit Substandard Discernment. This is despite being on a care plan that would seem to indicate these two stats would rise at the same rate and at the same time. I believe her Substandard Receptivity showed up on day 11, which would make Substandard Discernment on Day 13.

    4. Second odd result. She achieved a personality change from "easy going" (formerly "no personality"), to "rather enigmatic" (the Receptivity personality), on or about day 8.

    This would seem to suggest one or more things about the "Faintly Warm Egg". Either this particular egg produces chicks of whatever breed normally has high Receptivity, or the personality type of our chicks really improves one stat's growth. I suppose it depends on whether personality gives a bonus to a stat rising, or whether it just tells you which stat is currently highest on the chick. My results could also easily be some kind of combination of both breed and personality.

    At this stage though, it does seem rather curious that my two mental stats split that early and that dramatically. You'll all recall that Triel's chocobo took a few days longer to fix a personality, and had both stats grow at roughly the same rate with a "Bit Warm Egg". I noticed similar results with both of my "Bit Warm" chicks.

    {Edit} "Faintly Warm Egg" was purchased in Jeuno, which would cancel out any possible effect from breeding chocobos with higher stats.
    Last edited by Kitalrez; 11-03-2006, 02:21 PM. Reason: Yeah, you'd probably need to know where I got the eggy...

    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

  • #2
    Re: Faintly Warm egg musings...

    Your chocobo will have an inclination to two stats out of four, and more of an inclination to one stat out of those two. I had my chocobo carrying packages for a long while, and Endurance was always higher than Strength. My chocobo also had no personality for the longest time, until he finally had a patient personality. It's a shame he wasn't actually patient, it might have helped him carry packages without dropping them all the time.

    He also lost 99% of his races.


    • #3
      Re: Faintly Warm egg musings...

      SolarWind is the son of a Black Chocobo and a (Slightly) Yellow chocobo. His egg was Faintly warm and he is Yellow with a seeming predisposition for Endurance over Strength. His mental attributes have not been tested.

