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Choco Personality question..

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  • Choco Personality question..

    As seems to be the case with everyone, I'm hoping I'll get lucky and my chick will be colored.. I doubt it but..

    Point is since it's hatched it's had the "Easygoing personality making it easy to care for" and today is day 12 and he's still got the same personality..

    The question is is this the default and he'll change later or is this the personality he's stuck in? I'm assuming if that's his actual personality that he's gonna be a common yellow.

  • #2
    Re: Choco Personality question..

    My main's chocobo, I used 3 days walk in town and 1 day listening to music when he was a chick. He then became "very patient, ideal for carry packages" around day 11 or so.

    My mule's chick was sick just a day or 2 after she hatched >_< The next day, she became "ill temper. Ideal for military use." Her care plan was 100% walk in town.

    My gf's chick only listens to music. And it's now "Very sensitive, making it good with people."
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Choco Personality question..

      Originally posted by Jei View Post
      My main's chocobo, I used 3 days walk in town and 1 day listening to music when he was a chick. He then became "very patient, ideal for carry packages" around day 11 or so.

      My mule's chick was sick just a day or 2 after she hatched >_< The next day, she became "ill temper. Ideal for military use." Her care plan was 100% walk in town.

      My gf's chick only listens to music. And it's now "Very sensitive, making it good with people."
      Mine did the same thing.. 2 days after hatching he got sick. I gave him Toko grass for three days but couldn't get him better.. took him for two walks eveyr day even when sick.. (Thought the freash air might help) he didn't get better till I gave him a day of rest.

      Had to feed Plain ol Gyshal Greens as food till my Vomp carrots were grown so for the last three days he's had one vomp carrot and two Gyshals per day. He went on three walks and two watchovers today and I plan on doign the same tomorrow 'cept tomorrow he'll get three carrots.. Oh and he's currently on two days of the long walk care plans afte rwhich he's listen to music for a day then go on long walks again.. Trying to look for balence statwise.. want him to be faster than molasses but I don't want him dumb as a rock either..

      Right now everything's poor.. and he's still got the "easygoing" personality.

      He think i'm his parent but otherwise nothin's changed.. he was receptive yesterday but I couldn't find ANYONE with worms..

      He's happy but that's about it..


      • #4
        Re: Choco Personality question..

        Originally posted by Khei View Post
        As seems to be the case with everyone, I'm hoping I'll get lucky and my chick will be colored.. I doubt it but..
        Point is since it's hatched it's had the "Easygoing personality making it easy to care for" and today is day 12 and he's still got the same personality..
        The question is is this the default and he'll change later or is this the personality he's stuck in? I'm assuming if that's his actual personality that he's gonna be a common yellow.

        Extensive testing, both on Tazirai's thread and whoever edited the wiki last has revealed that personality probably won't affect color type. Matter of fact, as I suspected a few weeks ago, it seems to be an indicator of stats instead. Here's the Wiki Page on it
        This probably would've made more sense earlier if we'd looked more at the patterns rather than trying to decode the results backwards. Before the patch changing "no personality" to "easy-going", we had essentially 4 personality types: "ill-tempered", "very patient", "quite sensitive", and "rather enigmatic". I suppose it should've occurred to us sooner that we also had 4 stats on the chocobo we could raise. Basically, if you're still at "easy going", you've got either balanced stats, or no one particular stat is going to be easier to raise on that chocobo than the others. Were you to suddenly switch over to "ill-tempered" for instance, you could expect to see Strength raising quicker on your birdy.

        Color is very randomized ATM, since it seems that we're getting colors on nearly everything we try with egg/raising plans. My suspicion in the matter is that "breed" is determined by Egg type. The breed may be any of the 5 colors, but is slightly more likely to be certain colors. All of them have a tendency towards yellow, but as we've noticed, more Destriers seem to be black than colors other than yellow, more Palfries tend to be blue than the others, etc. So, the thing you really need to work on is figuring out which breed's egg you started out with.

        So far, the easy judgement to make is that every "Bit Warm" egg is probably going to be a Rounsey. It just makes sense that a quest beginning and ending with Brutus in Jeuno and giving that egg exclusively would result in the chocobo breed Brutus developed. Thott tried to come up with a definitive post on the subject here Although you can see that it's not real conclusive for any breed other than the "Bit Warm". I'm trying out "Faintly Warm" ATM, though I suspect that'll give me a Destrier from the results thus far. Oh well, as long as my little girl isn't yellow, like her two predecessors, I'll probably be happy about it.

        Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


        • #5
          Re: Choco Personality question..

          My first chocobo was male. I left all his plans as basic and fed him on Gyshal Greens 1 a day so he was nither hungery or full. walked him a bit. It said he had no personality, no wether perferance, and knew no abilitys. He turend out to be a plain old yellow everything poor. My second choco is female I've been feeding her on 1 vomp carrot & Gyshal Greens a day. I set her care plans to carry packages 4 days & workout by herself 3 days. I take her on 1 long walk a day & have her compeat 2 times a day. She is illtempered. Her stats are strength = a bit defincent, endurance = a bit defincent, everything else is still poor. She has won every race she has been in. I've never scoleded her and she has never been sick so I don't know why she is illtempered.


          • #6
            Re: Choco Personality question..

            I've had a personality fluctuation, which seems to be rather unusual. My chocobo got "Patient" after a couple days, then "Ill-Tempered" a few days into baby stage, as soon as he got to young stage, his personality switched back to "Patient". He is currently Bit Deficient/Bit Deficient/Poor/Poor.

            He was feed either Carrot Paste (Vomp Carrots) normally or Worm Paste (Cupid Worms) on days he was receptive. His care plan was walks only. At young, I've upgraded his care-plan to:

            Deliver Packages (5 days)
            Exercise Group (1 day)
            Exercise Alone (1 day)

            It is easy to maintain "Parent" level affection indefinitely through Deliver Packages, but in order to get "receptive" I believe you must not drop out of parent status for a certain amount of time. Therefore, I've added the light days (his weekend) so that I can give him Parasite Worms during Receptive periods to hopefully give him a weekly growth booster.

            The stat/personality correlation holds true as SolarWind's Endurance reached Substandard/Bit Deficient before his Strength did and I suspect there was a period when it was the other way around while he was a baby (Ill-tempered).
            Last edited by Sabaron; 10-29-2006, 07:32 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Choco Personality question..

              Ah k Makes alot more sense than prior info as from what I was hearing In game and elsenet Ill tempered yeilded black, Sensitive yielded Blue, etc..

              When we first finished the quest we assumed any egg we got from Brutus would yeild a yellow so we bought, and are curently raising, chicks hatched from eggs bought from the mithra in Jeuno. Both were "Slighty Warm"

              We figured we had better chances for color that way even if only slighty better chances..

              MY main consern is that I want him to be pretty fast and have good endurance but don't want him to be stupid either.

              I think I need to print out that stat effect chart..

              His stats should be easier to raise once he's a teen right?


              • #8
                Re: Choco Personality question..

                You should read through this thread if you haven't been following it already:

                Breeding a Speedy Chocobo

                Needless to say, the dream of a mental/physical chocobo is basically impossible. Square-Enix has arranged the best care plans to negatively affect opposing stats. For instance, If you mix Public Exhibition and Package Carrying, you basically get -1 STR, -1 END, +1 DIS, +1 REC, and then +1 STR, +1 End, -1 Dis, -1 REC so your chocobo ends up being continually Poor in all attributes.

                With respect to the adult-only care plans, you've got Messages, Digging, and Acting. Messages will allow you to combine it's strength bonus with Discerment, but will basically zero your receptivity. Digging will allow you to combine Discernment with strength, but it will zero your endurance, and finally Acting will allow you to combine Receptivity with endurance, but it will zero your strength.

                Combining mental/physical attributes creates a weaker chocobo as your care plans will most likely intersect and undo work you've already done. This is especially true for the Teen level care plans. I and others have tried to combine Endurance/Discernment for a long-duration digging chocobo, but it is impossible. I ended up with a chocobo with Substandard Strength and Poor everything else when she reached Peak Ability.
                Last edited by Sabaron; 10-29-2006, 07:41 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Choco Personality question..

                  Ah.. so in other words you either get a poor choco, good Riding Choco, or a smart Choco but no inbetween.. bugger..


                  • #10
                    Re: Choco Personality question..

                    Well, you can try mixing a set, second-tier care plan with a third-tier care plan to get crosses:

                    DIS/STR = Messages + Exhibition (DIS #1, STR #2, END/REC = 0)
                    STR/DIS = Digging + Packages (STR #1, DIS #2, END/REC = 0)
                    END/REC = Acting + Packages (END #1, REC #2, STR/DIS = 0)

                    These are just assumptions, I don't know how these will work out. I might have the #1/#2 Flip-floped, but the 0-ed attributes I practically guarantee. Keeping in mind that once you enter the 3rd tier care plan one of the two (Bold) will actually be unaffected and will most likely remain static throughout the care plan, therefore, if you raise it during the Teen/Baby phases, it will probably stay at that level through the adult phase (untested). I only say probably because it's possible that the up and down arrow sizes on the chart are incongruous, though I doubt this. It is also not apparent how much the arrows are "worth" with respect to each other--for instance, is a small arrow 1, medium 2, large 3? Or perhaps 1/2/4, or 1/3/5? Who knows... not me...

                    You could also combine third-tier care plans:

                    STR/DIS = Messages + Digging (END/REC = 0)
                    STR/REC = Messages + Acting (END/DIS untouched, STR/REC partially counteracted)
                    REC/DIS = Acting + Digging (END/STR = 0)

                    You could also say "Screw it" and do Basic Care. It's the only care plan that raises all four attributes.
                    Last edited by Sabaron; 10-29-2006, 07:57 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Choco Personality question..

                      I think Macht said a while back that he got his chocobo to "a bit deficient" in all 4 attributes. Heck if I know how he pulled it off. My experience is the same as Sabaron's. Mixing bad.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #12
                        Re: Choco Personality question..

                        Wow, linking my thread. I'm impressed it's come so far.

                        Ok, so what is the basic breakdown of the abilities. I think I'm probably going to end up breeding RedVelvet, because I didn't even consider the effect that having negative receptivity and discernment might be.

                        Now, I'm not sure, but what effect to D and R have on actually using the chocobo for transportation issues? Will it be something like, the Chocobo won't turn fast, won't listen to me, will have like an Auto-Run, making her hard to control?
                        The Tao of Ren
                        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                        Originally posted by Kaeko
                        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                        • #13
                          Re: Choco Personality question..

                          Discernment and Receptivity have no direct effect on riding. These attributes are more likely for digging... According to the SE Guide:

                          - Discernment: Affects the chocobo’s potential to learn abilities.
                          - Receptivity: Affects the chocobo’s ability to communicate with fellow chocobos.

                          Digging for Treasure enhances Discernment, so it's safe to assume that at least that one has something to do with digging. It may also be directly correlated with one of the digging type abilities, Bore or Burrow, though I don't know which/how.

                          Receptivity is a little odd... Since Discernment already enhances the ability to learn abilities (from stories I assume), there's really not much left for Receptivity (other than more digging related stuff). It is possible that Receptivity has something to do with mating, since it involves other chocobos. Although it's effects would have to be pretty cool to justify a Receptivity build chocobo.

                          The two digging-related abilities, Bore and Burrow, may be directly related to DIS/REC, and the two riding-related abilities may be similarly related to STR/END (I'm assuming relations Gallop=STR and Canter=END). The requisite stories are also correlated to personality types. It is possible that both of the mental attributes affect digging in some useful way--for instance one skewing the value of things found while the other decreases "Find Nothing" occurances.

