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My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

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  • My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

    I've had "Your chocobo has been receiving plenty of care and is in high spirits..." and the "it should be receptive..." messages quite a lot (about every 2 days) and I was wondering if anyone had arrived at any speculations as to what they meant... in the long term sense.

    It's fun to see the animation when you watch over it, as the high-spirits version has a hyperactive chicken bobble-head and reads "your chocobo is in high spirits!"

    I've also noticed that its favourite foods seem to have changed recently...

    It is "ill tempered", on day 15 (will be 16 when I check it later), prefers clear weather, doesn't know any abilities, and all stats are unfortunately still "poor" even though I have done 3xwalks and plenty of good food + "Take a walk in town" alternating with "Basic Care" care plans on a every-other day rotation...

    Hi! If you visit my website, I promise not to blow schhhmoke in your eyes...

  • #2
    Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

    This is what I call "Worm Receptivity" state. You may feed your chocobo worms instead of normal food on these days without adverse effects. I feed worms to full on High Spirit days instead of regular food with no ill effects. In fact, when I do two balls of Worm Paste for my baby, he can go on 4 walks (short) and up to 5 or 6 "Watch-overs" afterwards. I'm not sure exactly how many W-O's I can get because I never do more than 4. The Worm Paste restores a small (but noticable) amount of stamina.

    Again, however, as I told Wishmaster, I've never fed a worm on a non high-spirit day, so I don't know what happens.


    • #3
      Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

      What would be the main benefit from feeding it worms?

      The worms were at ludicrous prices (48.000g per ONE!)... so it would have to be a pretty spectacular benefit! :D
      Hi! If you visit my website, I promise not to blow schhhmoke in your eyes...


      • #4
        Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

        Cupid: Affection worm
        Parasite: OMGWTF ??? Worm
        Gregarious Worm: Energy Worm

        I can't tell you exactly what they do, but I will tell you that their AH prices are over-inflated (they keep dropping, thus indicative of disproportionate S/D). If you want to use worms, grow them yourself. Grow Cupid worms with Wildgrass Seeds and Light Crystals (I've been getting 1 in 20 pots to produce them). Use a Dark Crystal for a Parasite worm (again 1/20 pots), and use no crystal for Gregarious (I've not gotten any of these yet, but my 1st run isn't done yet).


        • #5
          Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

          Ah, I'll try to grow the worms, thanks I've been growing wilgrass for a few weeks now and have had nice crops of carrots and greens (but also the boobie prize little worms *sigh*). I'll try to get a Gregarious or two.

          I'm hoping that having the affection maxed out is going to have a positive effect... it's not dropped from "it regards it as your parent" for a single day almost since it was hatched.
          Hi! If you visit my website, I promise not to blow schhhmoke in your eyes...


          • #6
            Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

            I didn't have any problem with affection until I moved to Dig for Treasure which has a big blue negative affection arrow. I'm hoping that there's some sort of inflatable "cap" for affection that is (hopefully) affected by Cupids.


            • #7
              Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

              I hope you can't spoil them
              Hi! If you visit my website, I promise not to blow schhhmoke in your eyes...


              • #8
                Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

                is it really good to feed worms? which one have you been feeding so far?
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #9
                  Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

                  I fed Duchesse Parasites and Cupids infrequently b/c I didn't have that many and they were worth 100k apiece, so I had to sell them basically. With SolarWind, I'm feeding him cupids and he gets "high spirited" every two days. I don't know what they effect of the worms is, but I do use them a lot so I'm hoping that using them will provide me with insight into what they actually do. Hopefully it's cool.

                  All I know is that Cupids (according to the NPC) are for Affection, Gregarious are for Energy and Parasites don't seem have an effect at first, but you notice it later. I'm not going to move to Parasite/Gregarious until Young Chocobo stage b/c there is no paste for them, so I'm going to treat them like "beer". Baby chocobos = No-No. Young (Adolescent) Chocobo = He might have some unsupervised fun with some Parasites/Gregarious. Adult = PARTY!

                  What I'm hoping for is someone who has used worms when the chocobo is not high spirited to mention what happens. Since you can't feed worms most of the time (according to NPC) I'm assuming that whatever they do is better than what normal food does. In the case of Cupid Worms, if they need to be receptive, well then that means that they've already got "Parent" level affection (and then some), so if Cupid just raises affection, then they would be totally pointless since you've already maxed it out. Now if Cupids solidify (i.e. reduce decay rate of) affection, that would be absolutely awesome especially for people using very rigorous care plans.
                  Last edited by Sabaron; 10-21-2006, 11:29 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

                    I just popped over to everyones favorite Gilseller sponsored information site to see if anyone had been using worms. I found a post from a person who "randomly" fed Parasite worms to his chocobo and assumed the worm made the chocobo sick (he fed more worms despite sickness and ended up with 3 days sick despite Toko grass). I've fed Duchesse parasite worms when High spirited and she definitely did not get sick. Therefore, I'm going to say, tentatively, that feeding a worm when they're not receptive will most likely cause them to become ill the next day.


                    • #11
                      Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

                      I think S-E put in their chocobo breeding page that we want to avoid cupid worms. I kinda believe it has very negative effects on everything else but affection.

                      My chocobo is still chic >.> He's perky all the time. Is that good?
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

                        Yes, some people have reported access to higher-tier Care Plans during perkiness.

                        WRT Avoiding Cupid Worms; I haven't seen this information in SE's Chocobo stuff, please post a link so I can look it over. Either way, Cupiding will be replaced with other worms when the chocobo is older anyway. Again, hoping for solid affection through rigorous care.

                        Since my Chocobo is "Ill-Tempered" instead of "Patient" now, I'll probably have him run the "Messages" care plan occasionally since he's militarily inclined. I hope I get a little "boost" to my strength over other personality chocobos and thus increase the sum of my Strength and Endurance. My goal is to maximize the sum of Strength and Endurance to create a long-duration, fast riding chocobo.
                        Last edited by Sabaron; 10-21-2006, 01:30 PM.


                        • #13
                          Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

                          I've feed mine Parasite Worms before without the receptive state. Only thing I saw was I use to have Strength, Duration, Receptivity of a bit deficient. After feeding the worm immediatly all of them said Poor.

                          However after 3 Days they shot up from Poor to like Average with Duration having Substandard.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #14
                            Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

                            I actually fed my bird a Cupid Worm a few days go while it wasn't receptive. Over the past week my birds affection for me had been dropping rapidly and for an unknown reason. I checked the thing everyday, and hes had the same diet(vomp carrots) and care plan(Exercise with other chocobos) for the last month and a half. Hes been at Parent/wants to be with you all the time, until about a week ago when his affection started dropping one notch a day until it finally levelled out at likes you pretty well" and I wasn't able to get it back up again no matter what I did.

                            I finally broke down and bought one, and fed it to him. The next day he had raised to "likes you alot" and I didn't notice any other changes. But keep in mind that the only attribute I've levelled on him so far was endurance, but I saw no change it it, it still registered as "better than average". I haven't had the chance to check him for yesterday yet, so I don't know of long term efects, but if it changes I'll post it here.


                            • #15
                              Re: My choco is HIGH a lot... what kind of grass HAS it been eating...?

                              How old is your chocobo and what care plan is it on? The rigorous care plans will drop your affection by a full level every day. Using your full stamina bar on activities such as walks, racing (when requested), and watching over coupled with Azouph greens will generally rememdy this. My chocobo gets 2 Regular walks, 1 story, and 3 Watch Overs plus one Azouph green and he's back up to Parent with a food slot left over for medicinal herbs or a carrot. Note that the care plans that take a lot of energy (e.g. Messages, Digging) will sap a very large amount of energy and prevent you from doing enough care activities to restore the chocobo's affection.

