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Gamewatch overview of Chocobo Raising

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  • Gamewatch overview of Chocobo Raising

    It might be good if someone could translate some of the info hear. Gamewatch has in the past done some indepth reports on various aspects of FFXI.

    When I try to google translate or Babelfish it, the translation craps out 1/2 down the page. Not only that but the thranslations are usually difficult to decipher themselves.
    Last edited by Rai; 10-13-2006, 06:31 AM.
    Sergeant Major
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  • #2
    Re: Gamewatch overview of Chocobo Raising

    From “[chiyokobo] rearing description” second volume ~ [kochiyokobo] to [chiyokobo] ~
    Reporting, the thick rearing latter half such as rearing, breeding and retiring the classified by [chiyokobo] ability

     Charm of [chiyokobo] rearing is conveyed on the basis of the actually rearing experience, “[chiyokobo] rearing description”. With the rearing description second volume, from [kochiyokobo] it becomes [chiyokobo], it keeps introducing the rearing latter half part after that such as breeding and retiring. In addition, the report of the using selfishness of [chiyokobo] which is called with [chiyokobohoitsusuru] and rearing teaching classified by object are published.

    After [kochiyokobo], the rearing plan which becomes more abundant
    In love in work the chocolate hob leader it is to end to play the lever will not

     With the rearing description second volume, it follows to the report to [hinachiyokobo] from state of the egg which the last time is conveyed, from [kochiyokobo] becomes [chiyokobo] until, and after that it keeps us conveying to the pleasure element. After [kochiyokobo] furthermore various occurrences than the first volume occur. Going out to the distance, with [chiyokobo] you walk play furthermore appear unfold, a wider world, with other [chiyokobo] and the child of town, to the rival of [chiyokobo] rearing and competition.

     Rearing environment continues to the first volume, with [meinkiyara] rearing at the sand rear racing stable, with warehouse turn [kiyara] does rearing respectively with [uindasu] and [basutouku].

    - “[chiyokobo] rearing life, 20~23 day eye” - rival appearance! The body to mature, the rearing menu more colorfully -

    When it becomes [kochiyokobo], when becoming the forming bird, as color is recognized. [kochiyokobo] of the picture is blue,
     Finally at rearing 19th day to [kochiyokobo] evolution. The small body was brought up at a stroke largely, the feather and one one became large, shape were clear. As for [kochiyokobo] of the sand rear the tip of the feather of the section has become white. This when it grows, the same as former [chiyokobo] yellow, it seems that becomes. Has raised with [uindasu] as for [chiyokobo] which ahead the how feather in royal purple. Somehow, as for color of [chiyokobo] it seems that is decided at the point in time when it has become [kochiyokobo].

     Also the foot became large and increased going around thickness, but although the person rides, the impression which was already said a little. Also curiosity so is excellent in comparison with the time of the poult. To read the story it can tell to care, “it narrates,”, scolding [wagamama], it does again, “you get angry”, you make rival with other [chiyokobo], “it competes” and so on it was added anew.

     Furthermore in the menu of rearing plan, the motion system, “motion, “motion alone” with everyone”, “you play with the child of the town”, “you play with other [chiyokobo]”, that the system which you say and plays, furthermore it helps the work which carries the baggage, “the baggage it carried” and, touching with the children of the town the work such as “exhibition raising” of the work which meets appeared. As for motion system as for the system which plays to the physical aspect such as power and endurance, on the mental aspect such as judgment and sensitivity, as for the baggage carrying as for physical and exhibition raising it means that the mental aspect extends by the fact that it is touched to the children.

     As for going out medium range appears. In comparison with short distance from it is something which goes out to the distant area distantly. Promptly when it tries trying this, at the racing stable of the sand rear it kept us going out to the [ratenu] plateau. When it does, 3 human groups of the kind of fume you have seen somewhere appear, you say that they and grow [chiyokobo] and allot the spiritual aspect, the intelligent aspect and the physical strength aspect with 3 people.

     Very carefully, when it tries remembering, them, 5th of this serialization it introduced even with time, “[reshipi] of QUEST with love” of [atorugan] imperial country, doing the tribute in selfish [misura], it reached, at it poured the hoot which “the night of start” is not pardon in the companion, it isn't that wretched fume three human group? They “if with this [chiyokobo] you compare with your own [chiyokobo] and do not become the thing, it tries competing it is understood directly”, that leaving provocation word, it kept going away.

    You have a match with fume three human group and [chiyokoboresu]!
    “It competes you have a match with [chiyokobo] where” fume three human group has raised! With QUEST of [atorugan] imperial country their capabilities which play wretched part how?

    - “[chiyokobo] rearing life, the 23~26 day eye” - you aim for the substantial rise of ability with rearing the work system -

    At going out medium range also the VCS tamer of the foreign country appears
    [chiyokobo] which with exhibition raising perseveres in the child partner. Being enthusiastic too a little it made fear
     When it tries going out medium range even in [kochiyokobo] which is reared at the racing stable of [uindasu], it encountered with Hantileon which the [chiyokobo] racing stable of the sand rear is with the [tarongi] large gorge ahead how goes out. It seems that it can encounter with NPC which it cannot encounter so far by the fact that the distance which goes out is extended. Several degrees while encountering, you talk to [chiyokobo] and can tell “is to be, the [ji] the thing: You could receive also the story of [chiyokobo]”.

     But, being able to tell the story, you make ability acquire, “it narrates”, whatever degree doing, you do not acquire ability. It seems that ability of judgment is not enough somehow. That it improves probably will be, patience every day you talked judgment even by the fact that it narrates and had decided to be able to tell strongly.

     Because exhibition raising judgment improves, while continuing narrating, furthermore you set “exhibition raising” to rearing plan. You say that in report of exhibition raising, as for [chiyokobo] you saw and came in contact with the children of the scholar positively and had persevered. But, [chiyokobo] passing, positive also the child who cries probably will do, is. Repeating such experience, judgment probably will keep being attached. With exhibition raising, 100 gills could be received as a remuneration. That small [chiyokobo] made the money. Is small amount, but [chiyokobo] where by your raise for the first time was appraised to the world. By the way but this time because there was no judgment as for work it failed is, when it is success, 200 gills enter into the hand as a remuneration.

     With the baggage carrying with physical and exhibition raising the mental aspect can be extended directly, but another ability goes down and, love goes down largely even among them. Rearing the work system, in order the thing which makes ability remember with the goal of seriously considering judgment, to grow, when liking to extend one ability largely, it is appealing to use. But, use to pass, with love the [gu] is also a demerit which decreases forcefully. When love goes down to remainder, [chiyokobo] being unable to withstand, there are also times when you leave home because so is, the frequency which is installed in plan is 悩 the ashamed place.

    - “[chiyokobo] rearing life, the 27~29 day eye” - judgment, raising sensitivity from play. Finally in the forming bird -

     At this period “you play with the child of the town” rearing plan of the system which and “you play with other [chiyokobo]”, that you said and plays was executed. With the circumstances which play with the child of the town “is to hide the [bo]”, plays with other [chiyokobo] with, “end lug tumbled”, play the way was done. Judgment, whether it is to hide with the [bo] from the fact that the place where it hides is searched, with playing with other [chiyokobo] together it seems that sensitivity extends. Not only ability rise, is to hide with the [bo] securely with the intention of having hidden the body becoming completely visible, it reached, end lug tumbled with with other [chiyokobo] as for the form which plays is rather lovely.

     Growing in this time, the condition such as or the wound and the sickness which had become strong almost stopped occurring, but is, being bored to the change, it will be nervous and/or became [wagamama] and/or with it became a kind of opposing period state where it is said. When you are bored, “competition” when by the fact that it can point, [wagamama] becomes terrible, it is cancelled by the fact that “you get angry”.

     And 29th day. In the form of the extent to which the form of [chiyokobo] is large and the horseman power is possible! Finally it is [chiyokobo] of 1 public. Furthermore from here ahead furthermore colorfulness furthermore it keeps extending ability with care and rearing plan. As for rearing it is one pause, but investigation of ability and ability still continuously goes even from here.

    It is to hide the [bo] and end lug you tumbled with the form which plays it is lovely
    “You play with the child of the town” and “you play with other [chiyokobo]”, with, it is to hide the [bo] and “end lug tumbled”, with the form which plays you can see. With just [chiyokobo] has rule being able to do play which the surprise. The body sees with the intention of having hidden and has come out is to hide also the element of the [bo] is lovely

    Being boring, it will be nervous
    The body is brought up and also curiosity has increased because, making nervously boring Finally to the forming bird! Change of color in entire body
    29th day, you were brought up finally to the forming bird. The horseman power it reached size of the extent which it is possible, [chiyokobo] where the tip of the feather is blue became the blue where the entire body is dense

    - “[chiyokobo] rearing life, after the 30th day eye” - right away you try riding your own [chiyokobo] -

    Before transferring [chiyokobohoitsusuru], you say that we would like to try the relationship of reliance,
     After it became the forming bird, the fact that first first it becomes matter of concern is existence of [chiyokobohoitsusuru]. Until recently, by the fact that the gill is paid at the [chiyokobo] house of the urban area the fixed time horseman power but [chiyokobo] which reaches the point where it is possible, when [chiyokobohoitsusuru] is used, when liking [chiyokobo] where by your raise, calling it reaches the point where it can ride. As for the area which it can call it is limited to the area which can be boarded to former [chiyokobo], but being able to ride favorite with timing, the fact that it can ride [chiyokobo] where by your raise is the big merit.

     Well, the road of [chiyokobohoitsusuru] procurement immediately after having become the forming bird from, starts from Hantileon which is VCS chairman who is in the sand rear racing stable. Before transferring [chiyokobohoitsusuru], in order that reliance relationship with [chiyokobo] is tried, finding the treasure which [chiyokobo] has hidden, you say that we want having. The treasure which [chiyokobo] has hidden just it probably is what?

    With [chiyokobohoitsusuru] [chiyokobo] can be called anywhere
    If it can find the treasure of [chiyokobo] safely, [chiyokobohoitsusuru] can be received. The center and the right of the picture the place where you use in trial. When moving to the case of the level lifting with [tereporute] and the like, [terepo] after doing such as, conveniently you can use. But, [chiyokobo] of the writer because still ability is low, the speed which it runs to be slow the horseman power hour was short

    Loving in other [chiyokobo], in a kind of state where either the boiled rice does not pass by the throat
     After becoming the forming bird, rearing continues. With care “going out (long distance)” adds. Furthermore you go out to distant area than the former going out, at short distance and medium range the encounter with new NPC which it cannot encounter waits.

     In the rearing aspect, with rearing the work system “it puts out to the official business of the country”, “excavation of [chiyokobo]”, “it puts out to play”, 3 types are added. In each case being something which can receive the gill as a remuneration, at the same time influence to the ability of [chiyokobo] is large. “It puts out to the official business of the country”, it relates to the speed which it runs, in “power”, “excavation of [chiyokobo]” has an influence on the acquisition and excavation of ability in “judgment”, you say “puts out to play”, that it has an influence on the communication of other [chiyokobo], “sensitivity” extends largely. Or love and the physical strength which are the work whose degree of hardness is high decrease together largely, but height of growth rate is attractive.

     How “it does not love the trouble which happens this time, the leprosy”. When [chiyokobo] does not love and depends on the leprosy while floating the heart mark, you age in meditation. Whether also [chiyokobo] which is watched over from time of the egg more and more is around year that or the deep emotion [bu] but the event, because vigor is gone, it is not the excessively delightful event. Besides the fact that it waits for the fact that it heals naturally it seems that is not.

    When it becomes the forming bird, rearing plan and care furthermore completeness
    Furthermore menu such as rearing plan of the work system whose status change is larger and going out to long distance is complete. With the going out of long distance meeting again of the VCS tamer of [jiyuno] and that person who appears with a certain QUEST .......

    “[chiyokobo] rearing life, 30th day after the eye that 2” - to breeding ~ and retirement -

    As for date plan 4 types. It can purchase which with 5,000 gills
     After being brought up in the forming bird, more and more also breeding becomes possible. First from the rearing menu purchasing [chiyokobokarute] with 500 gills. In case of the male in case of the “VCS rooster chart of diagnosis” and the female it is the item, “VCS female bird chart of diagnosis”. When total 3 are prepared the chart of diagnosis of the male and the female the preparation at a time, furthermore including the VCS honeymoon passport which can be purchased from the boy Finbarr who is in the [chiyokobo] racing stable of [jiyuno], it is completion of breeding preparation.

     As a major feature of [chiyokobokarute], the attribute of Rare and EX has not been attached, trade can do also of course thing bazaar sale. Because it is possible, to take over the ability of the father and the mother by the fact that you breed the chart of [chiyokobo] where color is attached and [chiyokobo] whose ability is high can think also that it is transacted with high price whether as many as 500 gills of chart acquisition cost compared to 遙. Actually around the [chiyokobo] racing stable of the [jiyuno] higher stratum of society which becomes the breeding place you can see the user which provides the chart in the bazaar.

     Well, as for the honeymoon passport 4 types exist. You say that [chiyokobo] of the male which has power is easy to be born you say that “gourmet plan”, [chiyokobo] which has endurance is easy to be taken over to be born ability of the father easily, “sport plan”, intellect increases by the fact that the nature is enjoyed and you say that the female becomes easy to be born, rich [chiyokobo] of sensitivity is born and “hiking plan”, by the [jiyuno] guide of Finbarr, ability of the mother is easy to be taken over, “entrust 4 types of plan”. It seriously considers which of ability of the male, the female and the father of the child and ability of the mother and so on, is control is possible.

     When chart 2 three items of the honeymoon passport which is purchased are traded to the Finbarr boy, more and more start of date. The form where [osuchiyokobo] and [mesuchiyokobo] enjoy date plan is taken keeps becoming one after another, intimate. The heart mark floated mutually the time where it ends, completely became chummy. When from here 1 days elapse at terrestrial time, it was born by breeding “the egg of [chiyokobo]” enters into the hand.

    Preparing the chart and the passport, more and more start of date!
    Entrust the picture date pattern of plan. The various parts of [jiyuno] is guided Finbarr accompanying 2. With date plan whether the male and the female of ability rise and the child and furthermore either ability of the parent is taken over and so on possibility control possibility. It can procure the egg in the next day which it makes date

    After the retiring the commemoration shield which can be received
     Even with when the new egg was obtained due to breeding and the like, as for [chiyokobo] which raises at one time just 1. The new egg is grown, “retirement” you must point. When retirement is selected from the menu of rearing, after being inquired whether it retires to the VCS tamer carefully about, it becomes retirement. Time of the poult and time etc of [kochiyokobo], the scene of memory is inserted, in melody of thing heavyhearted BGM even the little sin impression wells up the thinking ...... where. But, in order to raise new [chiyokobo], there is no manner.

     After retiring at the [uindasu] racing stable, “VCS [chiyokobo] register proof”, and “the VCS seal<Blue>” With the item which is said was received. Being something where information of [chiyokobo] which it retires is written, by the fact that it trades this to the tamer of VCS, the horseman of acquisition and [chiyokobohoitsusuru] of [chiyokobokarute] power the register can do VCS [chiyokobo] register proof. It becomes impossible very rearing, but breeding and the horseman power it can do the register. “VCS seal<Blue>” The furniture which can be decorated in [moguhausu]. It is the commemoration shield which is sent to the chocolate hob leader. After the retiring, the writer who decorates this in [moguhausu], just a little feels lonesomely. It was in the following rearing to make heart new.

    Selecting retirement. Memory of rearing which floats one after another is lonesome
    Making a mistake, in order not to select, while you being questioned, whether it retires carefully it tried retiring. The venture person where various memories revive, lonesomely so separation occasion show attitude. Seeing that, “vigor putting out,” with calling as if to say, it was [chiyokobo] which expands the feather. You divide rear, but the horseman power it can do the register and the purchase of the chart by the fact that register proof of the item is traded

    The speed which it runs, the horseman power hour, ability acquisition and the like
    Rearing the teaching classified by chocolate boss t TASS

     Well, ability of [chiyokobo] concrete numerical value is not indicated at the time of [chiyokobo] rearing, only infers in rough word. You think that there is interest and is charm but is, after [kochiyokobo] both care and rearing plan menu item being colorful, the breeder which is troubled in regard to rearing the ability aspect it probably will be many.

     Like this, but the writer who is said the 1 people, after [chiyokobo] rearing was enjoyed for a while, we would like to keep stressing to rearing [chiyokobo] which had high ability. It participates with [chiyokoboresu] which is mounted afterwards, kind of [chiyokobo] where [chiyokobokarute] is required from the many people does and who wants. Below, speed, the horseman power hour, it probably will keep describing rearing teaching classified by category such as ability acquisition and excavation then.

    - We would like to increase the speed which [chiyokobo] runs

     First, it probably becomes important regarding [chiyokoboresu], “speed” connects directly to “the power” of ability of [chiyokobo]. As for the rearing expedient which most raises power “it puts out to the official business of the country”, you question, rearing the fish work system. Both sensitivity, love and the physical strength decrease is large, but if it extends power would like to hasten speed simply and first in rearing work system mainly should have been installed.

     With care “it competes” you can anticipate some rise on the physical aspect. With the feed which you make eat “[vuonpukarotsuto]”, next “the vegetable of [shiyarugu]” is a plus effect of the physical aspect. By the way for power the comment in the “highest class”. It seems that becomes equal to the speed which [rentaruchiyokobo] runs.

    Rearing and plan: “It puts out to the official business of the country”, “the baggage carrying”
    Care: “It competes”
    Feed: Vegetable “of [vuonpukarotsuto]” and “[shiyarugu]”

    - The horseman of [chiyokobo] power we would like to make hour long

     The horseman power hour is related to “the endurance” of status. In the rearing plan which raises endurance “the baggage to carry”, with power you can anticipate the rise in. The case where power is extended it puts out to the official business of the country you recommended, but if it means, the horseman power we would like to extending also hour, not only the speed which it runs the baggage carrying recommends.

     In the aspect of care after all physical more or less rises “competes” means with to seriously consider. In addition, “[vuonpukarotsuto]”, next it becomes “the vegetable of [shiyarugu]” even with the feed.

    Rearing and plan: “The baggage it carries and”, “it puts out to the official business of the country”
    Care: “It competes”
    Feed: Vegetable “of [vuonpukarotsuto]” and “[shiyarugu]”

    - Making ability acquire, we would like to raise the ability of excavation

     You talk the story of various [chiyokobo] which can be received from NPC which encounters with going out [chiyokobo] acquires ability by the fact that it can tell. In ability [otorijiene] where the recovery quantity of the physical strength rises, the horseman power canter of hour rise, the poking which Gallup and the excavation ability the speed in race/lace to rise raise you dig, 掬 are and there are some such as digging.

     As for story acquisition of [chiyokobo] as introduced even with this manuscript, competition and if short distance and the medium range which go out, long distance repeatedly is done, it enters into the hand. Problem is about to make [chiyokobo] remember. “Judgment” of status becomes important in acquisition of ability. In addition, as for judgment the status which relates to also the ability of the [chiyokobo] digging. In any case lifting, there is no loss.

     The rearing plan which raises judgment “excavation of [chiyokobo]” is largest. Because it is rearing the work system, there are also times when the air is used on the love aspect, but adverse effect to endurance is highest. With care “it narrates”, is effective. Furthermore with the feed “[zegamukarotsuto]”, next “the vegetable of [azuhu]” is an effect on the mental aspect. By the way, when it retires [chiyokobo], “is to be, the [ji] the thing: There is no story of [chiyokobo]”. The case of retirement it will consider at this point in time

    Rearing and plan: “Excavation of [chiyokobo]”, “exhibition raising”
    Care: “It narrates”
    Feed: Vegetable “of [zegamukarotsuto]” and “[azuhu]”

    Contents of care and combination of [chiyokobo]-related NPC encounter when going out
    Contents Effect
    It watches over
    Love becomes deep. Excessively burden there is no being imposed and others in [chiyokobo].
    The physical strength does not decrease in time of the egg.
    It narrates
    Love becomes deep and the mental aspect is raised. As for [chiyokobo] you become tired a little.
    There is a possibility of remembering ability by story
    You get angry
    [wagamama] and boring state of [chiyokobo] are repaired, but love decreases a little.
    It competes
    Love becomes deep and cancels the boredom of [chiyokobo].
    When several degrees victory it does in competition, you can receive “the story of vigorous [chiyokobo]”.
    Going out (short distance)
    Love becomes deep, but the physical strength is consumed a little.
    There is a possibility of encountering NPC with destination.



    • #3
      Re: Gamewatch overview of Chocobo Raising

      Direct translations are so confusing sometimes. lol Thanks for the work though Thott.


      Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


      • #4
        Re: Gamewatch overview of Chocobo Raising

        It's interesting that the article says that Sharug Greens improve the physical attributes and Azouph Greens improve the mental ones.
        They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


        • #5
          Re: Gamewatch overview of Chocobo Raising

          "Sand rear" tickled me a bit, but I think that's a bit too long to stuff into an autotranslator.

