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Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

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  • #16
    Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

    Originally posted by Vegeth View Post
    is it the yellow one?
    Looks yellow to me. There is a couple thread on here if you look for them that has pictures showing you what colors the adolescent will look like.

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    • #17
      Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

      ok thank you


      • #18
        Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

        Well, I didn't play FFXI for 65 days and when I came back on (last night)... My chocobo had a looooooong CS. Around day 20 or something it was almost a full adult and it was yellow with a fading grey/silver color on most of the wing and back portion of the chocobo. When it grew up and after being alone for 65 days. All my chocobo does is shake and every attribute is poor. The awesome thing is that my Chocobo is black =) So who knows maybe all you have to do is mistreat your Chocobo and (s)he'll be a diff. color chocobo.

        This is just a theory but if some1 is willing to dedicate a month to neglecting a chocobo, give it a try and give us the results.

        I am gonna try to breed this chocobo and hopefully get another black chocobo that will actually like being around me lol.


        • #19
          Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

          I haven't heard of anyone who actually "cared" for a colored tip chocobo to have the color turn out as anything other than what it was supposed to... However...

          I have heard of people who neglected their colored tip chocobo who had it turn out yellow.
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          Danielle - Mithra - PLD 75, MNK 46.
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          • #20
            Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

            I put an egg in the stables then went to lvl and forgot all about putting the egg in. A month and half later I walk into the stables to start and egg and got the longest cut scene ever. That one turned out yellow poor everything and didn't like me. So ignoring it won't get you a color. I'm not really sure what will I am on my third Choco now and I think it is going to be yellow too. This time I tried what my friend did when they got their black choco. All I want is a Black choco that has high strength and endurance and I'm going to keep trying till I get one.

            Created by Eohmer


            • #21
              Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

              Actually, I took a 3 month break after just barely starting to raise a chobi. It also had all poor stats, but it turned out black, basically proving that its random. (at least but why I think)


              • #22
                Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

                Does anyone have the SE made pic of the adolescent to Adult pic of the colors? I couldnt find it from searching around for a while.


                • #23
                  Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

                  Originally posted by coolboym99 View Post
                  Actually, I took a 3 month break after just barely starting to raise a chobi. It also had all poor stats, but it turned out black, basically proving that its random. (at least but why I think)
                  Proving that what is random? If you're referring to colors of first generation (vendor/ISNM/quest) egg chocobos, then this has been widely known for some time. It is projected, however, that certain eggs have different statistical distributions for the colors that will hatch from it There was a small study done here a while back.

                  Color of Second Generation and higher chocobos is not random.

                  All adolescent chocobos show the tips of the color they're going to be. The tips of a yellow chocobo are white. I've neither seen or heard of any chocobo with white tips changing color. The chance of a chocobo with colored tips growing up Yellow is, astronomically small at best and impossible most likely.

                  The most difficult color to identify is the Blue chocobo. Several people I know failed to successfully identify their chocobos as Blue. The tint is rather subtle compared to the others. I'm not sure how subtle the green chocobo's plumage is, but Blue can easily be mistaken for a yellow or a black and black for blue, yellow for blue occasionally as well. Though I think the most likely case for the latter (Yellow mistaken for Blue) is wishful thinking.

                  The color of your chocobo is immaterial if your consideration is for function over form. Color is primarily an aesthetic quality though it may reference certain statistical predilections, these can likely be bred out of the animal over one or more generations of a rigorous breeding program.
                  Last edited by Sabaron; 01-18-2007, 10:25 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

                    Day 29 and my choco just turned into an adult. And she is not Black like I was hoping for but instead yellow. She currently has average strength and endurance but that will be improving shortly.

                    Created by Eohmer


                    • #25
                      Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

                      If you're dead set on Black, you should orphan the birds on day 19 or buy two black chococards.


                      • #26
                        Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

                        My opinion is that color is not important, sure it would be nice to have a colored one but I would rather have ones with excellent stats and abilities rather than a particular color. Although a red one would look sweet with my whm AF gear, I wouldn't abandon a chocobo I am raising simply because of color.
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                        • #27
                          Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

                          Well, I currently have a red tipped adolescent... I'll let you know how that turns out.


                          • #28
                            Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

                            Congratulations on your Red Chocobo--I had to pay for mine. (It'll be red--115% Guarantee).


                            • #29
                              Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

                              Sweets! I got mine from the little Mithra girl in Ru'Lude Gardens.


                              • #30
                                Re: Has anyone's chocobo changed colors between adolescent to adult?

                                So, essentially, if your first egg was yellow and you bred them (my b/f and I both got yellow at the start a male and female) the offspring were then yellow, there is zero chance of getting *any* color from their bloodline, ever?

                                Cuz if that's true I'm not bothering anymore. I refuse to pay someone who got lucky at the start 10k or more for a color on my bird. My Yellow runs just fine. Better than Average Strength, Average Endurance before he was forcibly retired. He was second gen and plain ol' Yellow.
                                "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                                ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~

