I'm sorry that I keep asking all these questions /blush, but this time, it's about the new chocobo raising quest.
I've been folowing this new chocobo raising quest, and mine is nearly fully matured, (I was told mine is also a female) so now I am able to use a chocobo whistle. (which I have read, is the item you are supposed to search for when you get the option to search for it when chose the option of taking your chocobo out on a walk) I haven't found the item/whistle yet, so I'm going to keep trying until I find it.
Anyway, 2 questions.
1 - I have been issued with a choco card, and the npc at the stables said to hand it to someone in Jeuno. I didn't get the proper name of the npc though, so I'm not sure which npc I'm supposed to give my choco card to. (in Jeuno)
Could someone please tell me who?
2 - I'm aware that for this quest, you can have a different coloured choco, other than the original yellow. Is it just Black at the moment, or can they be another colour too? Also, is the different colour only resigned to male or female, or can both sexes have the different colour?
Even though mine has nearly grown into a mature adult, it's still mainly yellow, and I would like to know when it will change colour, and if it will change colour at all.
I've been folowing this new chocobo raising quest, and mine is nearly fully matured, (I was told mine is also a female) so now I am able to use a chocobo whistle. (which I have read, is the item you are supposed to search for when you get the option to search for it when chose the option of taking your chocobo out on a walk) I haven't found the item/whistle yet, so I'm going to keep trying until I find it.
Anyway, 2 questions.
1 - I have been issued with a choco card, and the npc at the stables said to hand it to someone in Jeuno. I didn't get the proper name of the npc though, so I'm not sure which npc I'm supposed to give my choco card to. (in Jeuno)
Could someone please tell me who?
2 - I'm aware that for this quest, you can have a different coloured choco, other than the original yellow. Is it just Black at the moment, or can they be another colour too? Also, is the different colour only resigned to male or female, or can both sexes have the different colour?
Even though mine has nearly grown into a mature adult, it's still mainly yellow, and I would like to know when it will change colour, and if it will change colour at all.
