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Second Time Around: Care Plan

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  • Second Time Around: Care Plan

    I'm starting on my new Second Generation Chocobo (he just hatched). Here's the jink:

    Male Chocobo Parents:
    ?/?/?/? Black Male x Sub/Poor/Poor/Poor Yellow Female

    Chick hatched day 4: Male P/P/P/P

    Name: SolarWind

    Chick: Walk in Town every day. Walks until Tired. Carrot Paste to full. Meds as needed.

    Young: Carry Packages. Combination of Race/Walk whimisically. Vomp Carrots until full.

    Adult: Carry Packages. Combination of Race/Walk whimsically. Vomp Carrots until full.

    I'm not looking to maximize his strength, but to have him be rather....even physically. I've not had any problems keeping "Parent" affection with continuous package delivery for Duchesse (his mother) and doubt it should be difficult with him as the carrots I will be feeding him as well as the high stamina bar available will allow for sufficient affection to accrue. Of course, if he gets down an affection level despite my efforts, I will end up dropping him back down to "Town Walks" to maintain Parent affection during the plan.

    Obviously, since I don't know a thing about his father (though I think I'll ask the card provider the next time I see her on) and his mother is rather.... sub-par, he's not going to end up being top dog at the show, but his kid might--even if he comes up yellow, because everyone knows that a stable raised yellow chocobo is better than a black one anyway. ^^

  • #2
    Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

    Update: Well, it's day 29 and SolarWind is now an Adult. Below is his actual Care Plan to date. Please note that the "age change" days are included in the section for the age the chocobo was at the end of the day, not the beginning. Forgive me if my numbers are a bit off (they won't be off by more than 1 due to my confusion over cross-over days). I also apologize for not pedantically recording the actual daily attribute readings... He became Sub/Sub on his first day of adolescence. I don't know when he bacame Sub/Bit and Bit/Bit respectively.

    BASIC = Basic Care
    WALK = Take a walk around town
    PACK = Carry packages
    E-ALO = Exercise alone
    E-GRP = Exercise with Chocobos
    MESS = Deliver messages

    Egg: BASIC x 3
    Direct Care: Watch over x 5

    Chick: BASIC x 1, WALK x 13
    Direct Care: Walk (Short) x [Max 3], Watch over [Max 5]
    Feeding: Carrot Paste [general] + Worm Paste x 5

    Adolescent: WALK x 1, PACK x 5, E-ALO x 1, E-GRP x 1, PACK x 2
    Statistics @ Day 19: Substandard/Substandard/Poor/Poor [Patient] [Yellow]
    Direct Care: Race [if Bored, used 3 times], Walk (Normal) [Max 2], Story: Impatient [used 4 times], Watch over [Max 2]
    Feeding: Azouph Green x 1 [Max] or Vomp Carrot if Parent achieved through direct care, 1 Parasite Worm

    Parasite Worm observation: Fed while not receptive. Chocobo's Strength dropped to Substandard but returned to Bit Deficient after eating a Vomp carrot.
    Adult: [In Progress]
    Statistics @ Day 29: Bit Deficient/Bit Deficient/Poor/Poor [Patient] [Yellow]
    Plan of Care [Initial Phase Experimental]:
    PACK x 4, WALK x 2, MESS x 1 --> Repeat
    Last edited by Sabaron; 11-01-2006, 09:35 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

      Benchmark: Day 32 STR = Average, END = Average

      I am able to maintain Parent level affection by feeding a single Azouph Green during continuous Package Delivery--allowing me to use care plan time in any way I see fit.


      • #4
        Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

        Day 35/36 Chocobo reached Better than Average.
        Unable to achieve Receptive state even @ 4-day vacation--removed "Weekend" From Plan. Careplan progression is now:

        Carry Packages x 5
        Deliver Messages x 1

        Day 42 (First Message Delivery Successful)

        Strength Rises to Impressive
        Endurance still Better than Average

        Despite having to scold the chocobo (3 times) 2 days prior for acting spoiled, and having ended Day 41 with "Wants to be with you all the time", After Delivering Messages, 1 Azouph Green and a Winning Race (he was bored) put him back at "Parent". DuchesseRose was never this easy to get affection on. I think the early feeding of Cupid Worms on Receptive Days may have played a role in his easier-to-manage affection, but this is conjectural not empirical. I have not given him a Parasite Worm since his first one (off Receptive @ Parent).

        The Tier III Careplans increase stats substantially at least when successful.


        • #5
          Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

          Day 44 Benchmark: Endurance reaches Impressive. (Best time to raise stats).
          It took 2 days for Endurance to reach the next level with the "Packages" careplan, so I'll say (ballpark) 1 shot of Tier 3 plan is between 2 and 3 days worth of a Tier 3. I'll guess it's either at or closer to 2 days than 3.
          Last edited by Sabaron; 11-17-2006, 04:57 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

            Wow, looks neat. Hasn't reached peak abilities yet?

            Currently mine's on day 19 with substandard STR and END.
            Originally posted by Ellipses
            Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
            Originally posted by MCLV
            A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
            More Sig:


            • #7
              Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

              They changed that. It now says "It's the best time to raise your chocobo's stats."


              • #8
                Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

                Mine turned adult last night beautiful plumage, she's yellow with lots of red tint in her feathers. Will post a screen shot of my girl later when I am home from work.

                STR is a bit deficient and END went up to Average. Poor in the other stats.
                The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action.



                • #9
                  Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

                  As an adult she's yellow with red tinits? Thats interesting.
                  Originally posted by Ellipses
                  Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                  Originally posted by MCLV
                  A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                  More Sig:


                  • #10
                    Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

                    Benchmark: Outstanding Strength on Day 45.


                    • #11
                      Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

                      The NPC just told me this today
                      You did a super job raising your chocobo! now is the best time to raise it's attribute!

                      Is this the new message for reaching its "peak"?
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

                        Yep. Peak sounds like the rest is "downhill" thus the language change.


                        • #13
                          Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

                          Benchmark (Day 49): First-Class Strength Outstanding Endurance

                          Care-plan is now switching to Basic.


                          • #14
                            Re: Second Time Around: Care Plan

                            mine is on day 30 and it turn adult yesterday mine is black and its a female

