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The Matchmaking Process

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  • #16
    Re: The Matchmaking Process

    I think I'm going to try and wait until my chocobo's stats get higher before I have her breed, right now they're all still at poor.

    Well, let's just hope she doesn't enter menopause or something before her stats can get high enough... Although I guess that's probably why they automatically retire after a certain period of time. XD
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    • #17
      Re: The Matchmaking Process

      I only did it because you can call them out after and I want black or blue lol
      so I have no reason to wait since I have everything I want out of it so far... and my choco will be adult right before the update :>



      • #18
        Re: The Matchmaking Process

        Originally posted by Thott View Post
        I only did it because you can call them out after and I want black or blue lol
        so I have no reason to wait since I have everything I want out of it so far... and my choco will be adult right before the update :>
        But even if all you want your chocobo for is riding, its stats are a very vital to its performance. You don't want a chocobo that moves around at a snails pace and leaves after a short period of time do you? And regarding stats, I'm not sure, but I'm starting to think that the only way to get a chocobo with maxed-out stats is through breeding. As stated in my last post, my chocobo's an adult and all of her stats are still at "poor", and I know I'm not alone in this either. Who knows how much more time you have to raise your chocobo's stats before it automatically retires. I guess the only thing you can do is have these traits carry over to its offspring and raise it to have higher stats.

        Oh by the way, I was just wondering... When your chocobo breeds with another chocobo, is the other chocobo just some random NPC chocobo or does it actually belong to another player? And if so, do both players get an egg, or is there only one?
        Last edited by Anson; 09-28-2006, 09:56 PM.
        Click here to for words of wisdom from the wisest man to ever walk the face of the earth!


        • #19
          Re: The Matchmaking Process

          Originally posted by Anson View Post
          But even if all you want your chocobo for is riding, its stats are a very vital to its performance. You don't want a chocobo that moves around at a snails pace and leaves after a short period of time do you? And regarding stats, I'm not sure, but I'm starting to think that the only way to get a chocobo with maxed-out stats is through breeding. As stated in my last post, my chocobo's an adult and all of her stats are still at "poor", and I know I'm not alone in this either. Who knows how much more time you have to raise your chocobo's stats before it automatically retires. I guess the only thing you can do is have these traits carry over to its offspring and raise it to have higher stats.
          Oh by the way, I was just wondering... When your chocobo breeds with another chocobo, is the ohter chocobo just some random NPC chocobo or does it actually belong to another player? And if so, do both players get an egg, or is there only one?
          Well the other chocobo breeded is another players, this adds more suspicion that the breeded chocobo's are better in some way. As for how getting the eggs after it breeds, how SE developed it they make it seem that only the player that trades in the two chocobo cards (M & F) is the one to get the egg from it.

          So if you have a male chocobo and get a card for yourself and get a female chocobo card from someone else, then when you trade those two in the egg created goes to you.

          This makes it also were someone could go find breeders with two specific chocobo's they want, get the cards from each and trade in to for the VCS Honeymoon and get the egg from it when neither one is a chocobo they raised.

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          • #20
            Re: The Matchmaking Process

            I got a male choco and my boyfriend got a female, so it works out well for me. No buying from price gougers needed. If we're lucky it will continue that way, so that we don't have to mess with the rampant greed that is eating up every aspect of the game on every server.

            I understand selling your card for a reasonable price, but I can easily see the day when the high stats-colored cards are fetching large sums of gil.
            "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

            ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


            • #21
              Re: The Matchmaking Process

              Just for a update, My choco is on like day 8? All the stats are still poor even thought the parrents both had +1 on stats so far, hopefully my lil choco boy will get them when he goes teen



              • #22
                Re: The Matchmaking Process

                My chick hatched yesterday. Not only is it male when I did the date plan to increase chances for a female, but also all his stats are poor. His daddy had Sub-standard receptivity, his mommy was Poor across the board, I believe.

                Though I think chicks always start poor, and the stats of the parents just perhaps speed development there or affect it in some way.

                Regardless, he did hatch with a personality along the lines of making him good with working with people. An effect of his dad's Receptivity stat?
                "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                • #23
                  Re: The Matchmaking Process

                  Mine should go to teen like tomorrow so ill tell ya all what happens hell ill take some pics :D



                  • #24
                    Re: The Matchmaking Process

                    ok for an update he is ideal for millitary use, prolly gonna be black



                    • #25
                      Re: The Matchmaking Process

                      So my second chobi finally hit teenagerhood (Day 19) so he'll be an adult soon. Much to my dismay he is yellow with white feathers, and from previous experiences he'll be ... yellow as an adult.

                      However, I do have a question though. In theory, mating a yellow chobi with a blue chobi will raise the chances for the offspring to be .. blue? Or would it be a 50/50 chance? I don't know if anyone is even that far into breeding to give an accurate answer but I'd like to know what people think anyway.

                      Oh, and since I've been catching up on my reading.. am I under the assumption you only need the cards to breed? .. So if I bought a card for a blue chobi (Female) then bought another card for a blue chobi (Male), then followed up with the honeymoon ticket I wouldn't have to mess around trying to breed it from a fresh egg I bought from the vendor, and hope for the best from it's parents?
                      Last edited by Nekomieu; 10-11-2006, 06:18 PM.


                      • #26
                        Re: The Matchmaking Process

                        it should make it a 50/50 and mine was black and blue lol
                        so my off spring will always have a chance of being blue if this does come out as black, tomorrow is day 19



                        • #27
                          Re: The Matchmaking Process

                          Here is my update!
                          My choco is teh Blk! He lost to his first race ; ;



                          • #28
                            Re: The Matchmaking Process

                            You all know this is sexy




                            • #29
                              Re: The Matchmaking Process

                              ok that time has come again :<
                              My choco had a Blu mother Blk father, came out male
                              The Mate (female) had a Blu Father and Blk mother....
                              that makes one messed up choco lol but still a 50/50 chance of blk/blu


