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Egg warmth to color

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  • #16
    Re: Egg warmth to color

    Mine was slitly warm. Turend out to be male plain yellow and fat as hell. Hes huge and slow as hell too. I can walk across W. Ronfar faster then rideing him. I don't know what happened I don't think I over fed him.


    • #17
      Re: Egg warmth to color

      Originally posted by Kadenmire View Post
      Mine was slitly warm. Turend out to be male plain yellow and fat as hell. Hes huge and slow as hell too. I can walk across W. Ronfar faster then rideing him. I don't know what happened I don't think I over fed him.
      That would be lack of strength training plans. Considering the rental chocobos all have "Impressive" level strength and a decent chunk of endurance, any bird we raise that doesn't have stats at least that high is going to run like molasses in January.

      I used two "Bit Warm" eggs. Both Female, 1st yellow, 2nd your guess is as good as mine. I'd say that and the old thread on "Egg Warmth to Gender" a few pages back pretty much debunked the warmth=gender theory. So far, it's looking more like a 50/50 chance on male or female, no matter which egg you use. This also holds up since our poll got around 50/50 results on gender, too, and that's with all of us using pretty much every egg type.

      Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


      • #18
        Re: Egg warmth to color

        HEy all.. Just jumpin in here.. Both me and my mother play on the Phoenix server and our eggs just hatched today.

        Both eggs were bought in Ru'Lude gardens. Both Slightly Warm and Both came out Males.

        Appx how long does it take for the chick to hit "teen" phase? couple weeks?


        • #19
          Re: Egg warmth to color

          If I remember right, the egg hatches on the 4th day, and it's day 18 or 19 that it changes into adolescent. Up until that point, all our chicks look exactly the same. Supposedly, chick stage now has a greater effect on raising, so your stats should rise pretty well here since the update.

          Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


          • #20
            Re: Egg warmth to color

            Funny thing is, my chobi is on day 18 now, it started out this sweet thing, but just earlier i checked on her, and now she is ill tempered, and i have been doing walking/Watching / feeding every single day. I am beginning to think it's all just random..
            Never fear Death... simply become it...
   <-- ME!

            Artist: Blue Oyster Cult Lyrics
            Song: (Don't Fear) The Reaper Lyrics
            All our times have come
            Here but now they're gone
            Seasons don't fear the reaper
            Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain..we can be like they are
            Come on baby...don't fear the reaper
            Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper
            We'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaper
            Baby I'm your man...


            • #21
              Re: Egg warmth to color

              Originally posted by DeathFromAbove View Post
              Funny thing is, my chobi is on day 18 now, it started out this sweet thing, but just earlier i checked on her, and now she is ill tempered, and i have been doing walking/Watching / feeding every single day. I am beginning to think it's all just random..
              I have a suspicion about what "ill tempered" really means. I suspect it's supposed to translate as being that your bird is independant and strong willed. The stat that concerns you is her affection, if she likes you, you'll be able to succeed at all sorts of care plans with her even if she is "ill tempered".

              Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


              • #22
                Re: Egg warmth to color

                Originally posted by Kitalrez View Post
                I have a suspicion about what "ill tempered" really means. I suspect it's supposed to translate as being that your bird is independant and strong willed. The stat that concerns you is her affection, if she likes you, you'll be able to succeed at all sorts of care plans with her even if she is "ill tempered".
                Well i am "Regarded as a parent" to her, maybe its just those rough chobi-teen years, getting all angsty on me, hehe.

                On a more serious note, i have tried several different foods, but she only "gobbles" one type Azouph greens, i dont know it they are te crack for chocos or what, but i figure i might as well giver he what she wants, after all, she is my virtual baby hehe.
                Never fear Death... simply become it...
       <-- ME!

                Artist: Blue Oyster Cult Lyrics
                Song: (Don't Fear) The Reaper Lyrics
                All our times have come
                Here but now they're gone
                Seasons don't fear the reaper
                Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain..we can be like they are
                Come on baby...don't fear the reaper
                Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper
                We'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaper
                Baby I'm your man...


                • #23
                  Re: Egg warmth to color

                  Okay I'm prolly worng and this is all just speculation but from reading about each breed and the like I started thinking..

                  Could Choco color/breed be mostly related to your character's Race or job?

                  Jennets for example.. primarily bred for use by Taurtarus and Mithra right? and Taru's are considered the "Magic powerhouses" of the races right? so maybe if you'r character is a Taru/Mithra or is a mage maybe you have a better chance at a green Jennet (When green becomes available that is..)

                  And following that line of thought a Warrior/Dragoon or Galka might have a better chance at getting a Black Destrier, a Theif/Ninja or Elvaan might have a better chance at getting a red Courser, Etc..

                  Just an Idea...


                  • #24
                    Re: Egg warmth to color

                    I'm on day 6 with my cute little chocobo
                    I got the egg from the quest in Jueno. It was a bit warm to the touch, and it's a female.
                    I'm building up her strength/endurance primarily. Maybe a day or two of "Intellectual" work
                    Regarding the above post, I am a White Mage / Red Mage Hume, so I'll keep you posted on the colour.


                    • #25
                      Re: Egg warmth to color

                      Originally posted by Khei View Post
                      Okay I'm prolly worng and this is all just speculation but from reading about each breed and the like I started thinking..
                      Could Choco color/breed be mostly related to your character's Race or job?
                      Jennets for example.. primarily bred for use by Taurtarus and Mithra right? and Taru's are considered the "Magic powerhouses" of the races right? so maybe if you'r character is a Taru/Mithra or is a mage maybe you have a better chance at a green Jennet (When green becomes available that is..)
                      And following that line of thought a Warrior/Dragoon or Galka might have a better chance at getting a Black Destrier, a Theif/Ninja or Elvaan might have a better chance at getting a red Courser, Etc..
                      Just an Idea...
                      It *could* be, but that kind of overlooks a few pretty glaring hints.

                      First off, the game's not really that fantastically complex from the coding end of things, (if I understand most of our programmer community members). With as many hybrid jobs and the like, it doesn't really make sense that SE can group all jobs into just 5 categories. That would sort of imply that if you went by job type, you'd almost need a scale of gradation for each job for each breed. Something like a BLM has a 45% chance to get a Jennet, 5% for Destrier, etc. Now if you have to do that for every single job, that's a lot of code to write, and a lot of possible places for that code to break down. It would be simpler to use another, less diverse category. That might leave Race as a factor, but SE already disproved this when they released chocobos somewhere, saying that we all had the same chance for each breed, and both Tarus and Mithras were involved in Jennets, Humes have links to both Rounsey and Palfrey, which all seems to really muddy up any good coding categories here.

                      The second hint I see is that we have 4 personality types. (I do not consider "easy-going" to be a true personality type, since it just replaced "no personality" in the last patch and is presumably the same). We also have 4 types of stats on our chocobos. The four personality types tend to line up rather well with the type of stat being raised. For instance, almost every chick that has been "ill tempered" so far, either had a high strength already, or was on a strength plan. This would seem to deductively rule out personality as a defining factor in determining the breed of a chick.

                      The last thing I see really jumping out at me is egg warmth. There are 5 types of chocobo eggs. Coincidentally there are also 5 breeds. This would seem to suggest that egg warmth determines the breed of a chocobo. Now then, if you consider that the literature mentions Brutus breeding Rounseys for decent all around stats, it follows that he's probably going to use stock from any other breed which he found useful. The same sort of breeding technique probably goes into the other breeds as well. Which means you'd have genetic traits left in from every different type of chocobo with certain colors being more prominent in certain breeds. Now, it's a lot easier to put in a random gradation scale for 5 colors and 5 breeds than it is for 5 colors and every single job/race combination we've got.

                      So with all that, it's probably easier to prove something like the following:

                      Breed: Rounsey
                      Egg type: Bit Warm, (breeder was Brutus, and this is the egg he always gives you. You can also purchase this egg in Jeuno easily).
                      Color preference: Yellow, (although there's nothing really ruling out it being another color, too).
                      Stat bonuses: Even percentage for all. (Based on literature).

                      Deductively, that scale above is probably going to be relatively accurate for what we see in game. It certainly lines up with the results in Thott's poll earlier. If I were to take another breed, like Palfrey, I would be looking at a color preference of: Yellow, with tendencies toward Blue, (again, it can be any color though). This is because most of our offspring have been Yellow so far, which seems to indicate that color being dominant for chocobos. I say Palfreys have Blue tendencies, because the literature implies that Blue is the next most common color for this breed. So, we're probably looking at something like a 50% Yellow, 35% Blue, 5% of the other three types split for Palfreys. Palfreys supposedly have a natural inclination toward mental stats like Discernment, so a Palfrey chick is more likely to respond well to this care plan than other chicks. You probably get a little bonus when raising a chick on a particular care plan, or it starts out a little higher on this stat than other chicks, making that stat hit Substandard faster.

                      So, making the obvious deductions, I would expect this thread to probably suggest something along the lines of:

                      1. Bit Warm eggs all produce Rounseys of varying colors.

                      2. The other two easy to obtain eggs are Faintly Warm and Slightly Warm. Since the two colors we already had were Black and Blue, it sort of stands to reason that these two eggs are somehow related to Destrier and Palfrey breeds.

                      3. This means that the last two eggs, Little Warm and Somewhat Warm, probably relate to the two newest colors, which were most common in the Courser and Jennet breeds. Since these were harder to obtain, it seems reasonable that SE would delay these two breed's primary colors without incurring much in the way of problems from the player base. You'll also remember that both San D'Oria and Windurst have both had trade relations with Aht Urgan, creating a reason for these eggs to be in ISNMs. I haven't come across a Bastok link to TAU yet in the missions.

                      If I'm correct in my assumptions, then the work that really needs to be done in our color and breed threads isn't so much which egg is which color, but rather which egg is which breed. From there, we'd want to figure out how likely each breed is to produce a given color. Once you start figuring that out, you can start really planning chocobo breeding so that you can maximize a particular color's chance of showing up, and figure out which types of stats on the resulting young chocobo are going to be easiest to raise.

                      Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


                      • #26
                        Re: Egg warmth to color

                        Yeah. with the little bit of coding I do with my websites I should have thought of that but then I only had three hours of sleep when I came up with that theory. XP At least I'm thinkin' heh.

                        The egg warmth = breed still does make more sense and was what I thought before I even started reading the threads here.

                        I'm pretty sure that an egg you get from any of the ISMNs will have alot better chance at colors just for the simple fact they require more work to aquire. (You have to be rank 3 and lvl 30+ to even enter them right?)

