On day 27 my chocobo is still sleeping. I set it for 1 day and it has been 3 already. I don't want to lose my chocobo after such a long time.
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How can I get out of Chocobo Sleep Syndrome?
Re: How can I get out of Chocobo Sleep Syndrome?
I would say set rest for 1 day again. Likely on the cutscene of the rest it says chocobo was starving, it's likely starving because of all the stuff you did with your chocobo yesterday. Rest while starving I'm guessing recovers less energy, so that rest 1 day didn't recover enough energy. Then what ever you have it set as now it just penalizing you because it's taking energy and triggering the rest event over and over till it recovers enough to get through the care plan with some energy.
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