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What would you do if your chocobo looked like this...
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Re: What would you do if your chocobo looked like this...
The chocobo itself looks like it has mange. Or perhaps alopecia. :/ Poor chocobo.
Also it can't help to have that jackass riding on it. That'll make anyone's feathers/fur/hair fall out.
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Re: What would you do if your chocobo looked like this...
Take up drinking as a full time occupation. From there, I'd probably move onto harder stuff like becoming a Cubs fan, jogging into oncoming traffic, and voting Republican.
Seriously though, this wouldn't be a half bad Halloween costume if he'd actually managed to dress himself from the waist up, too. Murphie's right, that does look like some freakish Galka/Taru hybrid on top of it. It's the Hot Topicish "X" tatoo/doodle on the hand that freaks me out the most. This chocobo baggage/tumor is not punk rock!
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Re: What would you do if your chocobo looked like this...
Originally posted by Kitalrez View PostSeriously though, this wouldn't be a half bad Halloween costume if he'd actually managed to dress himself from the waist up, too. Murphie's right, that does look like some freakish Galka/Taru hybrid on top of it. It's the Hot Topicish "X" tatoo/doodle on the hand that freaks me out the most. This chocobo baggage/tumor is not punk rock!Click here to for words of wisdom from the wisest man to ever walk the face of the earth!(To play the video, left click on the play icon in the middle of the screen, but DO NOT LET UP ON THE LEFT CLICK BUTTON, drag the cursor out of the box, then release the button. If you just simply click on the video to play it, the spoiler box will automatically close.)[youtube]ZBHLrpn07G4[/youtube]
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Re: What would you do if your chocobo looked like this...
Originally posted by Kitalrez View PostHalloween costume if he'd actually managed to dress himself from the waist up, too. Murphie's right, that does look like some freakish Galka/Taru hybrid on top of it. It's the Hot Topicish "X" tatoo/doodle on the hand that freaks me out the most. This chocobo baggage/tumor is not punk rock!
As for what I'd do with the choco....chocoburgers anyone? Screw the diseased meat, hot enough grill and you'll be just fine. Serve with a nice Taru puree' and you'll be having one fine dinner. (Note: apply ketchup liberally)
Thank goodness PETA hasn't gotten its dirty hands on Vanadiel yet. They'd probably take issue with all this.I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2
PSN: Caspian
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Re: What would you do if your chocobo looked like this...
Originally posted by mytoy View Postwtf is PETA?
Sounds like a noble enough cause, but unfortunately, some of them are completely freakin psycho.
As for what I'd do if I had a choco that looked like that - 3 words:
Kentucky Fried Chocobo
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