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Choco baby colors

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  • #16
    Re: Choco baby colors

    Here's how I'm interpreting the chocobo colors that we see in that shot.

    Stage 1: egg and baby (only one model; everyone agrees they all look the same)

    Stage 2: Yellow w/White tips (grows up to be plain yellow bird)
    Yellow w/Black tips (Grows up to be the Black w/White tips adult)
    Yellow w/purple tips (Grows up to be the Blue-ish w/pink tips adult)
    Brown w/Yellow tips (Grows up to be a solid "Pure-bred" color)

    Stage 3: Yellow (Plain Rouncy)
    Black Adult w/White tips and brown beak (can parent either a Pure-Black Destrier and possibly a Pure-Green Jennet)
    Indigo Adult w/Pink tips and beak (can parent both Pure-Blue Palfreys and Pure-Red Coursers)
    Solid Black (Pure Destrier)
    Solid Blue (Pure Palfrey)
    Solid Red (Pure Courser)
    Solid Green (Pure Jennet)

    I'm pretty sure that we probably can't get a pure, solid colored chocobo with no color variations without first breeding some of the mixed colored adults. I get this from the fact that "colored" birds are supposed to be rare, and I doubt you could get one without plumbing the depths of all there is to chocobo raising/breeding.

    Thus, I'm willing to bet that the two "mixed" colored adults are probably able to be bred to get one of 2 possible colors each. The Purple (it looked blue at first, but next to the bright blue choco, it looks pretty dang purple) probably can be bred with another Purple adult to get either a Palfrey or a Courser. By the same logic, I'm assuming that the mostly black adult with the brownish tipped beak and white tipped feathers may be able to be bred to produce a Destrier or a Jennet.

    I'm really only going off of a child-like understanding of how colors blend, but it makes sense to me.

    Edit: Pic that was linked in the first page changed so you'll just have to go by my descriptions.
    Last edited by Hantz; 09-12-2006, 07:44 AM. Reason: Pic was changed.


    • #17
      Re: Choco baby colors

      My "tween" is yellow with white tips.. I'm hoping that it'll change again to a black with white tips.. I'll keep feeding it sandorian carrots, and hope for the best.

      My other two havent turned into tweens yet.
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      • #18
        Re: Choco baby colors

        I'm thinking what everyone's calling the 'solid' colored ones, the Black, Green, Blue, and Red ones, are either:

        A) prototype colored chocobos that have been given up on in favor of the more naturally colored birds


        B) What the chocobos will look like when the racing scene hits later on. Something like "We'll cast a magic spell to dye your chocobo's feathers, kupo! Now you can tell which one's yours in the race, kupo!"

        because think about it, if you enter 4 black chocobos into a race, how do you tell them apart? feather dye!
        Wevrain - Shiva


        • #19
          Re: Choco baby colors

          Names above their heads?
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #20
            Re: Choco baby colors

            Originally posted by tazirai View Post
            My other two havent turned into tweens yet.
            Other 2? Mules or can you have a Chocobo at each stable?


            • #21
              Re: Choco baby colors

              The chocobos are supposed to be different sizes as adults. Remember: the ones the Elvaan raised are black and taller, the ones from Jeuno are regular sized for adventurers, the Taru sized ones have green because the Mithra wanted it that way, etc.

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              Susan>> Babies are just like people.
              Susan>> Just smaller.
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              • #22
                Re: Choco baby colors

                Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                Names above their heads?
                When you choose "Compete against others," to race the three arrogant trainers, your chocobo's name doesn't appear above its head.

                I'm not saying it couldn't in the REAL chocobo races... but the chocobo dye would explain the technicolor chocobos, maybe...

                SE loves to prove me wrong though.
                Wevrain - Shiva


                • #23
                  Re: Choco baby colors

                  Originally posted by PTT View Post
                  A) prototype colored chocobos that have been given up on in favor of the more naturally colored birds
                  Nope, all the choco dats until adulthood have been added. If this were the case there would be 'natural' colors of all five of the choco breeds, not just three.

                  Originally posted by PTT
                  because think about it, if you enter 4 black chocobos into a race, how do you tell them apart? feather dye!
                  The jockies you choose.

                  Originally posted by Lilani
                  The chocobos are supposed to be different sizes as adults. Remember: the ones the Elvaan raised are black and taller, the ones from Jeuno are regular sized for adventurers, the Taru sized ones have green because the Mithra wanted it that way, etc.
                  I think their size will be based on your character and nothing more. remember, we're supposed to be able to ride these things too. If you're a galka and you breed one of them taru chocos, you won't be able to ride it. And the same could be said about Taru riding a Black choco. My guess is that it's size, and it's jockey selection during a race, will depend on your race.

                  The best theory IMO is Hantz' in that the solid colors are the 'rare' ones and the 'natural' colors are used to breed into solid colors. But if this is the case it means there will be a LOT of people with plain old, full yellow birds two weeks from now.
                  "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                  • #24
                    Re: Choco baby colors

                    Originally posted by PTT View Post
                    When you choose "Compete against others," to race the three arrogant trainers, your chocobo's name doesn't appear above its head.

                    I'm not saying it couldn't in the REAL chocobo races... but the chocobo dye would explain the technicolor chocobos, maybe...

                    SE loves to prove me wrong though.
                    Yea your name doesnt show in there, but i'd assume your chocobo would have a name for a reason... and that is probably for races, why else would they have you name the chocobo? That particular situation is just a cut scene, its not an event, cut scene npcs not allways display names above their heads, and that is probably why you dont see the chocobos names.

                    I honestly dont think they will let you dye your chocobo, and i also hope they dont... sounds way too farfetched. You will probably identify your chocobo on races by the name, thats my guess. And perhaps the jockey.
                    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                    • #25
                      Re: Choco baby colors

                      Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                      Yea your name doesnt show in there, but i'd assume your chocobo would have a name for a reason... and that is probably for races, why else would they have you name the chocobo? That particular situation is just a cut scene, its not an event, cut scene npcs not allways display names above their heads, and that is probably why you dont see the chocobos names.
                      I honestly dont think they will let you dye your chocobo, and i also hope they dont... sounds way too farfetched. You will probably identify your chocobo on races by the name, thats my guess. And perhaps the jockey.
                      Just think Horse Races, Dog Races, any race. They don't die the horse. The horse wears a cloth with a pattern and the Jockey even wears bright colors of different patterns. They don't go doing something foolish like die the entire horse. >.>

                      Not to also mention they seem to be trying to work it around being like a Horse Race, though they were not confident that they'd be able to get a full 16 racers. Though they didn't make it sound like they were going to reduce it so low as to being only 4 racers, that would just be to foolish.

                      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                      • #26
                        Re: Choco baby colors

                        Now that I think about it, I'm going to go with the "prototype/placeholder" theory. The solid-colored adults are, frankly, pretty damn ugly.

                        Originally Posted by Ziero
                        Originally Posted by PTT
                        A) prototype colored chocobos that have been given up on in favor of the more naturally colored birds
                        Nope, all the choco dats until adulthood have been added. If this were the case there would be 'natural' colors of all five of the choco breeds, not just three.
                        As far as I know, SE hasn't added the .DATs for green and red chocobos. I've seen/heard a lot of people say that SE said that green and red chocobos will be added later, but I haven't seen that post, myself. Anyone want to post a link?

                        Edit: I just looked at some of the previous posts again and noticed that the .DATs in the link are different from the ones I usually see... Usually there are a lot less. When did they add the new ones?
                        Last edited by Krondorn; 09-12-2006, 10:59 AM.
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                        • #27
                          Re: Choco baby colors

                          Originally posted by Krondorn View Post
                          As far as I know, SE hasn't added the .DATs for green and red chocobos. I've seen/heard a lot of people say that SE said that green and red chocobos will be added later, but I haven't seen that post, myself. Anyone want to post a link?
                          Looky here.

                          Originally posted by SE
                          Aside from the familiar yellow, we will be introducing two new colors for chocobos. We invite you to try chocobo raising for yourself to discover what colors are available. Additional colors will make an appearance in subsequent version updates.
                          After re-reading that myself, I'm not sure any of the solid colored chocobos are able to be bred yet. They said 2 colors, not 2 breeds. I think all we can raise so far are the Black w/White tips and Blue w/Pink tips that I assumed could parent the solid, "pure" breeds. It makes sense, if we can breed the first "tier" (I guess) of colored birds to get all 4 of the solid ones. That way none of the pure breeds are available before the others.


                          • #28
                            Re: Choco baby colors

                            You can prolly find them with the update MV lists, that's how others found them. IIRC they were all added at the same time. I doubt they would add 'prototype/placeholder' dats and never use them. Evry single previous dat they added was eventually used in game. Agnon and Tomahawk animations were added way back during CoP but not added in game till later. and the Hydra Harness/Doublet set were added dat wise when the shade/noct sets were but again not realeased until months after being inputed. This shows SE adds things far ahead of time, rather then adding useless things and then taking them out later.

                            Again, Hantz's theory seems the likeliest in that the solid colors are the purest pure breeds and the other colors are the 'mutts'.

                            Edit: again he makes a good point. The colors are in your com already, just not released yet. So for now we'll only get one of three different birds and the rest will come later.
                            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                            • #29
                              Re: Choco baby colors

                              I want a black one cause black pwns all other color or mabe a blue one that'd be cool

                              and the reson for my post being so short is cause i don't have one and i don't have the game yet getting it in bout an hour or so i hope yay! tho i prob won't be able to play it til tommorrow cause of updating ect.
                              Last edited by Kekti; 09-12-2006, 01:21 PM.


                              • #30
                                Re: Choco baby colors

                                Originally posted by Kekti View Post
                                I want a black one cause black pwns all other color or mabe a blue one that'd be cool

                                and the reson for my post being so short is cause i don't have one and i don't have the game yet getting it in bout an hour or so i hope yay! tho i prob won't be able to play it til tommorrow cause of updating ect.
                                Well, I hope you end up getting the color you want, but keep in mind that it'll take you a considerable amount of time to get to the point where you'll have a fully rideable chocobo in the color of your choice. We're all still kind of feeling our way, so there is no set path just yet to get a particular color.

                                Still, by the time you've started to get into chocobo raising, we'll hopefully have more answers.^^

