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CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

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  • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

    Originally posted by Macht View Post
    Thing is the way the VCS members respond it's kind of using past tense to express future or current events. I would say it's kind of a bad translation in a way.
    well that would be almost a bug in itself, if the translation is so bad people can't actually figure out whats going on, then it still needs fixing.
    Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


    • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

      Originally posted by ikkleste View Post
      well that would be almost a bug in itself, if the translation is so bad people can't actually figure out whats going on, then it still needs fixing.
      Yes, I can agree that this is a typo bug. Which far less impacting to game play as a potential program engine bug. I guess the point I'm trying to get at is that if this is a bug it doesn't appear to be a result of setting Rest. As an account claiming of this bug also claims to of never set any rest period.

      I'm sure the design can be a bit complex for it, but I absolutly doubt that a database could be so badly structured that not only is the occurence random but appears to have no commonality. If this is a bug I doubt it to be in setting Rest, it has to be something the group of players did that was common.

      I've set my chocobo to Rest 1 Day and had no problem, I've gone through the Handkerchief event and no problem. I did not walk my chocobo on the first day, I only watched over it and fed it some vegetable paste (2 times). On the second day (Because the Rest Care Plan still hadn't taken effect yet, some reason was still doing Basic Care) I walked it 1 time, and feed it vegetable paste and gysahl greens.

      Third day it slept and handkerchief quest started (7th Day past the egg hatching), did the quest and showed up a bit earlier the next day not a full 24hrs. I've been watching over my chocobo while it slept it was at 1/2 health from all the time watching it. In the middle of watching over it I suddenly had about 6 cutscenes kick in, 1 the conclusion to the handkerchief quest, 1 about the Basic Care plan kicking, 1 about how healthy and happy the chocobo was, 1 about something with the chocobo growing stronger (Didn't understand it to well), 1 stating the chocobo is in high spirits hoping around flapping it wings, 1 stating something about how well mannered he is.

      After that whole mess of cutscenes my chocobo actually woke up earlier then I expected, not even a full 24hrs had passed and had full health. It was at this time I suddenly was able to walk my chocobo 6 times before he got close to fatigue.

      So far the stuff my chocobo has done in the system is:
      • Basic Care
      • Rest
      • Watched over
      • Short Walk outside

      He's eaten:
      • Gyshal Greens
      • Vegetable Paste
      • Grivdal Wildgrass
      • Zemph Carrots

      Out of all this I've experienced no problem with the system. So if there is a problem I doubt it's due to any of those things. More info on the diet the players with the problem used, care they did and how often, as well as the care plan. Something has to show up in it as being the problem.

      As far as I can think the only likely thing to this effect might have something to do with the care plan they used for plan 0. Each care plan raises and lowers a stat, and each stat has certain effects to it's development. If there is a bug the most likely spot I can think is that when care plans reduce a stat there is no bottom limit.

      So this means if someone set a plan it could of bottomed the following:

      Talk walks in town (Disscernment/Receptivity bottomed)
      Listen to Music (Strength/Endurance bottomed)

      So can see something radical happening if that's the case were the chocobo is either to weak (Listen to Music) to stay awake or to won't do the care plan (Take walks in town) because it is unable to pay attention or make good judgment. If that is the case then this can be avoided by just having the first few days being Basic Care and Rest only.

      Also if this is the case then players restoring their chocobo's health via elixers and such have probably punched way lower then the bottom that would of kicked in to force the chocobo to rest. If that had happened then those players I could see expecting their chocobo's to sleep possibly 12+ days or it's whole growth period that remains. That is about the only decent and possible bug I could think of being there, it's about the only one that is closest to making sence.
      Last edited by Macht; 09-07-2006, 10:37 AM.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

        A bit more info for you on chocobos not acting according to their plan. Not trying to suggest any bugs, but as we're still trying to figure out behaviour, I figure a little more knowledge can't hurt.

        Two days ago, my chick was a bit under the weather and Tokopekko Wildgrass was suggested by the trainer. I didn't have any, so I set Care Plan 0 to Rest (2 days). Shortly after, I mentioned it to a friend, who had some Tokopekko and sent me some over. I fed some to my chick and changed Care Plan 0 to Rest (1 day).

        Next day, I went back to check on him. He was completely healed and went for a Walk Around Town, which had been set to Care Plan 1. He had been on full energy anyway and presumably didn't need to sleep, so the Rest was skipped. The current Care Plan stated Rest, even though it had skipped Plan 0.

        Dunno if that's of any use to anyone; I'll mention any more inconsistancies if they happen. BTW, for the record, my chick has rested and woken on schedule previously.
        I have heard that those who celebrate life
        walk safely amongst the wild animals.
        When they go into battle, they remain unharmed,
        the animals find no place to attack them
        and weapons are unable to harm them.
        Why? Because they find no place for death in them.


        • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

          Originally posted by kiffkin View Post
          A bit more info for you on chocobos not acting according to their plan. Not trying to suggest any bugs, but as we're still trying to figure out behaviour, I figure a little more knowledge can't hurt.
          Two days ago, my chick was a bit under the weather and Tokopekko Wildgrass was suggested by the trainer. I didn't have any, so I set Care Plan 0 to Rest (2 days). Shortly after, I mentioned it to a friend, who had some Tokopekko and sent me some over. I fed some to my chick and changed Care Plan 0 to Rest (1 day).
          Next day, I went back to check on him. He was completely healed and went for a Walk Around Town, which had been set to Care Plan 1. He had been on full energy anyway and presumably didn't need to sleep, so the Rest was skipped. The current Care Plan stated Rest, even though it had skipped Plan 0.
          Dunno if that's of any use to anyone; I'll mention any more inconsistancies if they happen. BTW, for the record, my chick has rested and woken on schedule previously.
          Reason I suggested what I did was because that's the info I'm getting with my digging around. If what I think it is, is what is happening then it's very debatable to weather it's truely a bug. It could be that walk in town and listen to music can create traps if your chocobo hasn't built enough in all stats.

          As I'm seeing it works something like this:

          STR: 0 END: 0 DES: 0 REC: 0 Energy: 10

          Basic Care = STR +1 END +1 DES +1 REC +1 Energy -1
          Rest = Energy +10
          Listen to Music = STR -2 END -2 DES +2 REC +2 Energy -1
          Town Walk = STR +2 END +2 DES -2 REC -2 Energy -1

          Day 1: Basic Care (Default unavoidable) | New Stat[STR: 1 END: 1 DES: 1 REC: 1]
          Day 2: Basic Care | New Stat[STR: 2 END: 2 DES: 2 REC: 2]
          Day 3: Town Walk | New Stat[STR: 4 END: 4 DES: 0 REC: 0]
          Day 4: Town Walk | Fails DES & REC can't go below 0 Default to Rest (Poor care plan results in a day or days of failed success)

          I see it going this way because I'm hearing accounts were people change from walking to listening to music and chocobo wakes up. Also hearing with people doing just Basic Plan and chocobo wakes up. So this could be a fail safe to keep the chocobo from having a few stats to high while others are negative.

          In fact if you have that egg incubation period providing stats as well before the chick even hatches, then you could have:

          Day1: All Stats at 1
          Day4: All Stats at 4
          Day5: All Stats at 5
          Day6+ Stats change to what you do

          In a way at the chick stage for at least 7 of those days after hatching or more the Basic Care plan seems like the best to be using, then when they've built up enough go with doing those others. Then also likely some of the foods raises certain stats, so the right feed could be helping as well.
          Last edited by Macht; 09-07-2006, 03:08 PM.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

            Okay, so for 3 days, it was an egg. On day 4, my chocobo hatched with the fanfare and silly "tada!" music. Razz
            It's plan was set to basic care, and following a hunch, I immediately set his 0 plan to "rest". Chocobo was full, so I gave it a tender pat on the head, (watch over your chocobo) Set his name, and retired for the night.
            thus, "Lord Lucky" was born. I discovered something. On the first day, your chocobo will ALWAYS be basic care, the NEXT day is plan 0. and by DAY, I mean, 24hours, your time. If 11:59PM passes, it's the next care plan, and whatever you had set to 0 is COMMITED, and you can't change it.
            ---DAY 5--- (Rest)
            Choco's plan is set to rest, tomorow's plan was basic care, 7 days, i changed that to "listen to music" 1 day, so tomorow that's what he'll do. He was AWAKE, contrary to popular belief, my choco dident go coma. This tells me something. Neko's choco went coma for 3 days, so did everyone elses... mine dident.
            Took him for a walk ONCE and selected "Watch over your chocobo" TWICE. His health bar is somewhere around 60~55% or so. FROM FULL. He's still full so I dident feed him. He must still be nourshed by his egg. I'm not going to press food on him, and I'm not going to let his health bar get below 50%, ever.
            I think this is why people's chocobos are sleeping all the time. They set their care plans to "Go for a walk" after they've taken their chocobo for a walk, and it FULLY depletes their bar, forcing them to sleep off the exhaustion. If you're gonna walk your choco, don't let the stable walk your choco the next day.
            Then people panic and set their choco to "rest" because their health bar is empty, so it rests... and continues to sleep from the previous day.
            Ta da... there's your so-called "bug"
            More tomorow!
            your chocobo only sleeps if it's on it's sleep schedual, OR it's EXHAUSTED FROM OVERWORK. this is proven because this is my chocobos "REST" day, and it's WIDE AWAKE.


            • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

              Originally posted by Lhun View Post
              Okay, so for 3 days, it was an egg. On day 4, my chocobo hatched with the fanfare and silly "tada!" music. Razz
              It's plan was set to basic care, and following a hunch, I immediately set his 0 plan to "rest". Chocobo was full, so I gave it a tender pat on the head, (watch over your chocobo) Set his name, and retired for the night.
              thus, "Lord Lucky" was born. I discovered something. On the first day, your chocobo will ALWAYS be basic care, the NEXT day is plan 0. and by DAY, I mean, 24hours, your time. If 11:59PM passes, it's the next care plan, and whatever you had set to 0 is COMMITED, and you can't change it.
              ---DAY 5--- (Rest)
              Choco's plan is set to rest, tomorow's plan was basic care, 7 days, i changed that to "listen to music" 1 day, so tomorow that's what he'll do. He was AWAKE, contrary to popular belief, my choco dident go coma. This tells me something. Neko's choco went coma for 3 days, so did everyone elses... mine dident.
              Took him for a walk ONCE and selected "Watch over your chocobo" TWICE. His health bar is somewhere around 60~55% or so. FROM FULL. He's still full so I dident feed him. He must still be nourshed by his egg. I'm not going to press food on him, and I'm not going to let his health bar get below 50%, ever.
              I think this is why people's chocobos are sleeping all the time. They set their care plans to "Go for a walk" after they've taken their chocobo for a walk, and it FULLY depletes their bar, forcing them to sleep off the exhaustion. If you're gonna walk your choco, don't let the stable walk your choco the next day.
              Then people panic and set their choco to "rest" because their health bar is empty, so it rests... and continues to sleep from the previous day.
              Ta da... there's your so-called "bug"
              More tomorow!
              your chocobo only sleeps if it's on it's sleep schedual, OR it's EXHAUSTED FROM OVERWORK. this is proven because this is my chocobos "REST" day, and it's WIDE AWAKE.
              Yes, I've been treating mine much like I would a bird. I've raised birds from eggs before. After Day 7 with that handkerchief quest I've been able to walk my chocobo 6 times a day, just past Day 9 and I was able to walk him 6 times and just shy of enough for a 7th time. Like I stated before (Well maybe not on this site, not sure if I did here) the #1 key thing about pet simulation, no matter how simplistic a design you ALWAYS must exhibit patience for the pet to progress greatly. As I'm seeing so far for the first 3 days after hatching the best things to do are (Feed, Rest, Watch over, & Basic Care).

              After that then start working in the other stuff and should do just fine.
              Last edited by Macht; 09-08-2006, 11:57 AM.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                I asked a couple people about this, and if your chick DOES fall into a coma changing the care plan to 'Take a Walk' will wake it up. Haven't tried this myself though - lil Storm Spirit is too sick to sleep at the moment heh
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                • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                  Originally posted by Pebbles View Post
                  Sleeping for 5 days now, starving, and affection has dropped from "regards as parent" to 'slightly enjoys your company".
                  If FeatheredFlower isn't awake on Saturday, I'm starting over, perhaps with an ISNM egg this time.
                  Edit: She's awake now, and I got the "is waking up every morning now" message at the same time. My feeling is that while the longer sleeping might not be a bug as such, the actual duration probably is. 5 days of sleeping leading to starvation and great loss of affection (parent -> endure company) is a bit much.
                  Strangely my affection level actually rose for the first couple of days of my choco being asleep and then returned to what it was previously by the time she woke up. I know the other person on my ls who had a sleeping choco lost nearly all her affection, though.


                  • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                    Originally posted by Nazo View Post
                    Strangely my affection level actually rose for the first couple of days of my choco being asleep and then returned to what it was previously by the time she woke up. I know the other person on my ls who had a sleeping choco lost nearly all her affection, though.
                    Yes, if your chocobo is sleeping it's loosing no affection so every time you watch him it build affection fast. When doing Basic Care, Talk a Walk, Listen to Music, etc... the chocobo is loosing affection so the few times you watch over it is helping to keep you were you are at.

                    So when it was sleeping it gained affection faster because you were likely watching over it. The amount it gained though was just enough to raise it but then when the new care plan started it took away enough affection to place you right back were you started.

                    Though a sleeping chocobo will start loosing affection if it's hungry and not being watched over enough.

                    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                    • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                      Hooray, my choco won't wake up again! Even though I got the cutscene for "Basic care," my choco is still asleep and is starving. Second time this has happened with the same chick.

                      I sent in a bug report.


                      • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                        Originally posted by Cometgreen View Post
                        Hooray, my choco won't wake up again! Even though I got the cutscene for "Basic care," my choco is still asleep and is starving. Second time this has happened with the same chick.
                        I sent in a bug report.
                        Still say this isn't a bug, read the update info and info about the chocobo's stats. You see everything there is suppose to reduce the chocobo's energy, yet the chocobo's health bar we see gets replenished every 24hrs. So that health bar can't equate to their energy.

                        Energy must be a hidden function and chocobo probably just to tired to wake, when it gets back energy it'll probably be fine then.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                          It's always hard to track down a problem (whether it's user "error" or a "bug") when there isn't enough information.

                          I managed to find a detailed account, which if completely accurate, demonstrates there *is* a problem with the Rest care plan. That's not to say there isn't a possibility that other problems are due to misunderstanding of how the Care Plans are set.

                          Current Plan This is the care plan which the stable is using for your chocobo *today*. It cannot be changed because it's in progress.

                          Plan 0 This is the care plan that will be implemented *tomorrow*. As SE states, you can change care plans at any time.

                          Plan 1 This is the care plan that rolls into the Plan 0 spot when the previous Plan 0 has been completed.

                          Day X Report This is the report and cutscene you receive the *day after* this care plan was implemented.

                          Now that that's hopefully clarified...Here's a problem someone posted...

                          Day 5 (Current Plan - Basic Care)

                          Report for Day 4 - chocobo hatches.
                          Set up care plans for the first time.
                          Plan 0: Basic Care (1 day)
                          Plan 1: to Rest (1 day)
                          Chocobo goes for a walk, makes friends, and eats a little, ending the day with 1/3 energy and full belly.

                          Day 6 (Current Plan - Basic Care)

                          Report for Day 5 - Basic Care
                          Plan 0: Rest (1 day) has been automatically transferred here from Plan 1.
                          Plan 1: Listen to Music
                          Plan 0 is changed to Take a Walk in Town (1 day).
                          Chocobo goes for a couple of walks, eats, and she ends the day with about 1/4-1/3 energy and a completely full belly.

                          Day 7 (Current Plan - (unfortunately, poster did not list whether Rest or Walk appeared here))

                          Report for Day 6 - Basic Care
                          Plan 0: Listen to Music (1 day). (automatic transfer from Plan 1)
                          Chocobo is fast asleep with full energy. Chocobo becomes hungry midway through the day, but can't be fed.

                          Day 8 (Current Plan - Listen to Music)

                          Report for Day 7- Take a Walk report comes up, cute animation of Chocobo walking in Sandy. The report for a day of Rest never happened. Chocobo is now starving and has 0 energy, and still won't wake.

                          I'm not going to be able to test this for a while (testing food satisfaction right now), but this is at least something that others can verify whether it causes super-sleepy chocobos. I'm not sure how long this person's chocobo was asleep, but it was for several days.

                          They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


                          • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                            Its been 6 days now, Ive switche dmy plan around countless and my chocobos still asleep. It started on Take a Walk, Ive had no information about it being Fatigued at all, it was in high spirits twice in a row before it went "Comatose".

                            Frankly I dont see how this cant be a bug, I had it doing a decent amount of stat builds, so I doubt I bottomed out anything like a previous theory. It was always well fed, adn I never went under 50% of its Energy bar. But now it constantly has Zero Energy, its starving and regarless of what plan I have it on it still sleepng no matter what I do. I had it Rest for 1, Music for 2, Walk for 3, it went coma on the 1st Walk, Then I set it to Basic Care after the 3rd walk in a hopes it would just snap out of it, then rest and basic care. Its still sleeping.

                            If this is a fatigue thing, then I need more information from the care taker about how fatigued my chocobo is, I was at a Parent lvl of affection from its "birth" but now its damn near ready to run away so this is really just lame. 6 wholes days of nothing

                            Which FF Character Are You?


                            • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!


                              What are your Plans 0 to 3 now set to?

                              What does it say for Current Plan? Are your reports corresponding to what the Current Plans were for the previous day?

                              When your chocobo was last awake, how hungry or full was it?

                              Do you use Watch Over?

                              (Just trying to get info to help you snap it awake.)
                              They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


                              • Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                                Originally posted by Nakti View Post
                                It's always hard to track down a problem (whether it's user "error" or a "bug") when there isn't enough information.
                                I managed to find a detailed account, which if completely accurate, demonstrates there *is* a problem with the Rest care plan. That's not to say there isn't a possibility that other problems are due to misunderstanding of how the Care Plans are set.
                                Current Plan This is the care plan which the stable is using for your chocobo *today*. It cannot be changed because it's in progress.
                                Plan 0 This is the care plan that will be implemented *tomorrow*. As SE states, you can change care plans at any time.
                                Plan 1 This is the care plan that rolls into the Plan 0 spot when the previous Plan 0 has been completed.
                                Day X Report This is the report and cutscene you receive the *day after* this care plan was implemented.
                                Now that that's hopefully clarified...Here's a problem someone posted...

                                I'm not going to be able to test this for a while (testing food satisfaction right now), but this is at least something that others can verify whether it causes super-sleepy chocobos. I'm not sure how long this person's chocobo was asleep, but it was for several days.
                                Problem with this is that health bar I'm seeing people intrepretting as energy. I do not believe that is accurate, at best this is a stamina bar not the chocobo's actual energy. Chocobo's energy appears to be a hidden attribute you don't really see, like I stated before that "health bar" or "stamina bar" replenishes to full after 24hrs. and if it isn't starving.

                                If that was the energy bar then it doesn't make sense that Basic Care, Take a Walk, Listen to Music, etc... would not reduce that bar by any amount. In fact only thing that effects that bar and reduces it is the players actions of carring for the chocobo. So actual energy bar has to be a hidden attribute how it regenerates is probably also figured into why the chocobo doesn't wake when you tell it.

                                Only thing I see having to be confirmed though is that if in-fact Day 6 said Basic Care. Reading your comments in the post though what you are saying Day 6 was is likely just a typo.
                                Last edited by Macht; 09-12-2006, 09:35 AM.

                                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

