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CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

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  • #76
    Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

    Originally posted by Mog View Post
    It's a bugggggg. Jesus Macht. You really try to find an explanation for everything.

    Like I said before, unless there are hidden traits associated with the chocobos, don't overevaluate it. SE even declared that it was a bug to begin with.
    Playonline website does not offically state this, all there is a supposed GM stating it. Which I've yet to see proof of and why the hell now all the sudden players decide that the GMs know the game. Incredibly two-faced a behavior picking a senario because you like it more.

    Sorry but I'm unwilling to play a victim, it's not my behavior.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #77
      Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

      We both bought the same type of egg. It doesn't make sense that there would be such a huge gap in our chocobos stats that mine would be able to handle the most strenuous care plans I can pick plus walks without any rest at all whereas hers cannot even handle basic existence without sleeping for half its life.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #78
        Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

        I don't really know, right after i completed the henckercheif quest the next day my chocobo went to sleep, even though it was on a different plan, it still rested. But it woke up the next day.

        It could be a problem with how tired it is, or something like that. Perhaps it could be on how much you have it do, or how full r starving it gets. I know all i do is have it go on a walk once per day, and watch over it 5 times, and then feed it a gyshal green every day, and that seems to be doing the trick for right now.

        I will live, and die by the Sword


        • #79
          Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

          Originally posted by ValisOfValefor View Post
          I don't really know, right after i completed the henckercheif quest the next day my chocobo went to sleep, even though it was on a different plan, it still rested. But it woke up the next day.

          It could be a problem with how tired it is, or something like that. Perhaps it could be on how much you have it do, or how full r starving it gets. I know all i do is have it go on a walk once per day, and watch over it 5 times, and then feed it a gyshal green every day, and that seems to be doing the trick for right now.
          How tired it is equates to it's energy. VCS already states if they are low on energy the care plan will fail.

          Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
          We both bought the same type of egg. It doesn't make sense that there would be such a huge gap in our chocobos stats that mine would be able to handle the most strenuous care plans I can pick plus walks without any rest at all whereas hers cannot even handle basic existence without sleeping for half its life.
          SE stated before that each egg is different, I don't think they only ment by how warm either. I mean you can take a slightly warm egg and get either Male or Female. So what makes you think gender is only random to each egg?

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #80
            Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

            Yes, but there's a pretty big gap between performing healthily and sleeping for days without food. Variance I can buy. Making some eggs duds is a bit much.

            Even if this isn't a bug in the sense of being a software glitch, it is at least a bug in design. She's been unable to interact with her chocobo at all for three days for no discernable reason. While everyone else is telling their chocobos stories, hers is starving and refusing food, and the affection of the chocobo that once regarded her as a parent is fading away. If there's a way to screw up chocobo raising so bad in the first few days or some gene that says this chocobo will be prone to coma, that's a horrible system.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #81
              Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

              Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
              Yes, but there's a pretty big gap between performing healthily and sleeping for days without food. Variance I can buy. Making some eggs duds is a bit much.

              Even if this isn't a bug in the sense of being a software glitch, it is at least a bug in design. She's been unable to interact with her chocobo at all for three days for no discernable reason. While everyone else is telling their chocobos stories, hers is starving and refusing food, and the affection of the chocobo that once regarded her as a parent is fading away. If there's a way to screw up chocobo raising so bad in the first few days or some gene that says this chocobo will be prone to coma, that's a horrible system.
              I think part of the problem occuring though could be a design, which maybe is debatable. Though as I stated if it's design follows as I think then she should be able to escape this loop by fixing the care plan for the next day to be rest.

              Putting in numbers say it's something like this:

              Energy Starting Max (10)
              Rest (+5 Energy, +1 Max)
              Basic Care (-10 Energy)

              Care Plan 0: Basic Care(5 days)

              Day 1: -10 Energy (0/10), Plan Succeeds (Power/Edurance/etc. +1)
              Day 2: Plan Fails, Rests Energy (5/11)
              Day 3: Plan Fails, Rests Energy (10/12)
              Day 4: -10 Energy (0/12), Plan Succeeds (Power/Edurance/etc. +1)
              Day 5: Plan Fails, Rests Energy (5/13)

              This is just an example but it shows the point I'm making.

              The next likely thing I can see people screaming bug for is the chocobo's having the different additudes, chocobo might refuse to do something and see the similar thing with them not following the care plan.

              Sorry but I still see most of it as being intentional, the harder virtual pet games are constantly throwing something in your path to deal with. The faster you figure out what to do the more likely to improve the pets stats better.

              This can be anything from the pet getting sick, exaughted, disobedient, ill-tempered, hyper, lost affinity, lost intrest, etc...
              Last edited by Macht; 09-01-2006, 02:16 PM.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #82
                Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                At this point I'm also pretty sure that this is being caused by some kind of bug. My chocobo has been asleep for like three or four days now, and somehow she's managed to do all the things that I scheduled for her to do during this time. Oh and did I mention that during the past few days that she's been asleep, her energy bar has been fully depleted? Because it has.

                Now those of you who think this isn't a bug can explain away all these various reasons why it isn't a bug, saying that it's all part of the system and that it cannot be proven unelss Square Enix says something about it. But you know what? Square Enix may not have gone on the record to say that there is a bug, but at the same time there is no information given in-game or at the PlayOnline website that indicates anything like this should happen. So no matter how much you try to explain all these theories about how the chocobo raising system works, just keep in mind that there is just as little evidence to support your "theories" as there is to support the idea that this is all being caused by a bug. Oh, and for those of you who are saying that this happens based on the chocobos attitude and personality well... how about I just refer you to the chocobo raising NPC: "It does not have much of a personality, making it easy to care for." This comment is what the NPC has been saying about my chocobo every day from the day that she first hatched, and if I had to guess, I'd have to say that this is what most (if not all) other players are seeing for their chocobos as well. Need I say more?

                So now I'm coming to the part where I say something like, "But I hope that I am wrong about all this and everything turns out to be okay." But I'm not going to. Why? Because if I am wrong, then this means that the entire chocobo raising system is set up in a way that can only be described as flawed. When you think about it, players are basically being punished by having to watch their chocobo as he/she is in some comatose state for days on end even though they are hardly doing anything different from players who are not having this problem. You can say whatever you want, but that really just doesn't make any sense at all.
                Last edited by Anson; 09-02-2006, 08:14 PM.
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                • #83
                  Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                  Now I know 2 people, personally, who have super-sleeping chocobos.

                  They both get cutscene reports for the plans they've selected (walking, listening to music, basic care). But their chocobos continue snoozing away without any way to feed them.

                  One person's chocobo is at 0 energy (HP bar) and is starving. The other person's chocobo is at full energy. I don't recall what the hunger level was. Both of them have turned in their handkerchiefs.

                  One thing I noticed was that both of them were using plans that were set to 1 day.
                  They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


                  • #84
                    Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                    You guys shouldn't worry too much it takes like 2-3 days for your chocobo to recover from CSP...


                    • #85
                      Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                      Day 4 or 5 of my choco's cycle I mistakenly put it down on "Rest". Did my handkerchief quest as soon as I got it, etc. Day 10 she finally woke up... she was starving, depressed from lack of attention, and didn't care for me one bit.

                      I think there's a check your chocobo has to make to get back up again after you do the hanky quest. Guessing the lack of stamina gives it a negative modifier to this check, as some of us are getting right up, and some of us are taking considerably longer.

                      One thing that seems to help is setting all of my Care cycles to 1 day instead of whatever they were before. I noticed within a day of doing this she was back up again. Maybe the check only happens at the end of a particular Care Plan.

                      Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


                      • #86
                        Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                        I dont know if this is a bug but dont know where else to put it.

                        I got Story of a youthful chocobo a few days ago when i took my chocobo for a walk. Read a story should be under care for chocobo but it isnt there i cant seem to read to it.

                        Anyone know if my chocobo needs to be older befor i can read to it or if its bugged befor i submit a bug report.


                        • #87
                          Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                          Originally posted by Daziz View Post
                          I dont know if this is a bug but dont know where else to put it.

                          I got Story of a youthful chocobo a few days ago when i took my chocobo for a walk. Read a story should be under care for chocobo but it isnt there i cant seem to read to it.

                          Anyone know if my chocobo needs to be older befor i can read to it or if its bugged befor i submit a bug report.
                          The stories aren't bugs. They're features! ^^ You got the story the 3rd time you met the trainer during a walk, right? And, yes, you'll probably get the option for story-telling when the chocobo gets a little older. The stories help your chocobo learn certain abilities.
                          They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


                          • #88
                            Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                            I knew the storys were not bugs just wondering if it was a bug since i couldnt read the story to my chocobo.

                            Hope ur right and just need to wait a little for it to get older.


                            • #89
                              Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                              I'm taking the side of the Bug Brigade. There is no logical reason for SE to make and program an illness that forces a person to give up on their chocobo because they were unable to care for it for an extended period of time, just because they rested their chocobo. That would be an unfair and flawed system, especially if it happens so often in so many chocobos. There shouldn't be any reason for people to be afraid of resting their chocobo, and being required to spend gil on chocolixirs just so they can avoid it. SE better fix this soon, so we can just give it a rest.

                              Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                              Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                              Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                              My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                              Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                              Susan>> Just smaller.
                              [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                              [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                              Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                              [GM]Dave>> ...
                              [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                              • #90
                                Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                                Still doubting it is, I've set my care plan as:

                                Rest (1 Day)
                                Basic Care (7 Days)
                                Rest (1 Day)
                                Walk around Town (4 Days)

                                Chocobo slept 1 Day and woke up just fine.

                                Though from the care I've been giving my chocobo he seems to be doing different then I've heard of people chocobo's here. On birth he regarded me as a parent. Before the Rest cycle went in I feed him hardily he was forcing himself a little was how stuffed I made him.

                                After his first sleep cycle I got a cutscene were the trainer said he is getting an excellent start, he sleeps without a worry and is Extreemly Happy. Chocobo even hops around and flaps his wings when I check in on him.

                                So far in Day 3 of the Basic Care and doing just fine. He's slept fine and already getting metion of his stats improving. My guess so far is if the chick isn't following the plan then something you are doing must be wrong.

                                Also if the chocobo looses affection for you then as I've already proven to myself not "Watching over the Chocobo" enough will ruin that stat. Likely the person saw the chocobo sleeping and just thought they couldn't do anything productive, even if sleeping you still should watch over it. I did that with the egg about 10 times an earth day till it hatched and it regarded me as a parent right away, so it does have an effect.

                                Still no mention about a personality, but so far from how the system works I would say the people having the sleeping chocobo's are just pushing them to hard. If I had to guess I would say the trainers are not watching over their chocobo's enough, the chocobo's start loosing affection and are rebelling. Due to that they don't follow the Care Plan or do much to what you want.
                                Last edited by Macht; 09-05-2006, 12:27 AM.

                                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

