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CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

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  • #46
    Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

    Originally posted by Hantz View Post
    This makes me wonder if you aren't just supposed to be more intensively caring for chicks on a personal basis, instead of immediately setting them up on a routine Care Plan.

    Actually, I haven't heard anybody say that they are caring for their chick directly. It seems like everybody has set their chick on a care plan already.

    All this may be nothing, but it also might be something. Somebody could see if they could take their chick off the care plan and care for it directly (assuming it's not already in a coma) just to see if there is a difference.

    Or maybe I just misunderstood this whole thing.
    My chocobo is one day old. At this point I have two "personal care" options: 1) Watch over chocobo, and 2) Take a short walk. I don't see how I can comprehensively care for my chick with these being the only options outside a care plan. Besides, if you do not set up a care plan, Basic Care will be implemented as the default plan. You cannot take your chocobo off care plans and care for it soley on a personal basis.

    I'm dying to know if my chocobo survived the night, I haven't been online since last night at 1 AM.
    Nibblonian: "You are the last hope of the universe."
    Fry: "So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
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    • #47
      Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

      Originally posted by Chveya View Post
      My chocobo is one day old. At this point I have two "personal care" options: 1) Watch over chocobo, and 2) Take a short walk. I don't see how I can comprehensively care for my chick with these being the only options outside a care plan. Besides, if you do not set up a care plan, Basic Care will be implemented as the default plan. You cannot take your chocobo off care plans and care for it soley on a personal basis.

      I'm dying to know if my chocobo survived the night, I haven't been online since last night at 1 AM.
      With it being 1 day old I'd go with the option of just Watching over it for now.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #48
        Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

        My chick is named BelleFleur... I haven't seen if she has awoken yet but I am so afraid of her dying like this. It's stupid to be sad over a stupid game... but she's so cute and small ; ;

        Does anyone know if they can die?


        • #49
          Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

          Birds shouldn't even expect for over a week, Ducks well something like 3-4 days.
          Well, from my own experiance with ducks, I see them running around the nest and crawling all over the mother duck by the end of the day, baby chickens seem to mostly sleep the first day.

          I wouldn't call you a negative nancy. Truth be told, I got the cutscene saying that my chocobo was up all night crying loud enough to wake the dead, so under normal circumstances, I would expect my chocobo to be sleeping today if she was up all night.

          However so many people are saying that their chocobos are still sleeping... Maybe I did push my chocobo too hard, but I am highly doubtful of that at this point in time.

          Ah well, time will tell. I switched my chocobo to the basic care plan, hopefully she will restore energy under that.

          This could just be all because of that cutscene I got, maybe she will sleep well and restore her energy once I return that handkerchief, I'll know more in... I'd say two days. (return the handkerchief tomorrow, wait a day to see what happens.)

          You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

          I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


          • #50
            Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

            Day 8, she awoke from a two day slumber, I think they sleep for longer amounts of time without the white hankerchief, I traded my before my 24h period(which is 3:34pm) and she was a wake and hungry full heath too.
            Good to know, I think I will be stocking up on some more vegetable paste since she's going to be hungry. If that's the case, I am more inclined to think that it is because of that cutscene with the white handkerchief.

            We should ask, when did your chocobo fall asleep and when did you get the cutscene for the white handkerchief? It'd be interesting to know. I got both on the same day.

            I also wonder how many people accidently selected a 7 day sleep plan and didn't realise it

            My chocobo is one day old. At this point I have two "personal care" options: 1) Watch over chocobo, and 2) Take a short walk. I don't see how I can comprehensively care for my chick with these being the only options outside a care plan. Besides, if you do not set up a care plan, Basic Care will be implemented as the default plan. You cannot take your chocobo off care plans and care for it soley on a personal basis.
            Just so you know, they regain stamina under the basic care plan as well. I would suggest taking it easy on your chocobo, maybe watch over it and maybe listen to music. Your chocobo regains stamina when you feed it as well. Do not select rest or take your chocobo on a walk until more about this is known. I would expect this to be solved pretty soon (hopefully)

            Does anyone know if they can die?
            So far I've heard that they can run away if you are ignoring them, but beyond that I know nothing.

            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


            • #51
              Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

              Day eight, Autumn woke up. I got a status report and a cutscene of my chocobo walking around town with the VCS. Then right after the VCS told me that she is sleeping much better at night, furthermore, I was told she is waking up every morning now.This leads me to the belief that the sleeping through the next day thing was part of the loneliness dilemma. It makes sense to sleep during the day if she was losing sleep due to crying. D:
              Last edited by Rinaminori; 08-29-2006, 08:22 PM.
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              • #52
                Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                LOL! I finally started this, I read through the VCS info about the chocobo.

                In the game it says:

                Originally posted by Kiria-Romaria
                "Energy" is a term used to describe the amount of power the chocobo needs to stay active for the day. If your chocobo has a lot of energy, care plans are more likely to be successful and you can provide more direct care for your chocobo.
                The game itself tells you the care plans are suggestive to the animals behavior. People running their chocobos around to early likely caused this sleep state.

                Sorry but after reading this in the game I can't help but feel this isn't a bug, just players failure to pay attention. Likely at first the best thing to do is feed it and let it sleep for a day or two, then start walking it around and what not.
                Last edited by Macht; 08-29-2006, 10:35 PM.

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #53
                  Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                  Sorry but after reading this in the game I can't help but feel this isn't a bug, just players failure to pay attention. Likely at first the best thing to do is feed it and let it sleep for a day or two, then start walking it around and what not.
                  Yeah, I think I'm in agreement, especially since SE just now announced a bug with chocobo raising that affects the PS2 crowd.

                  I'm glad it's not a bug Nice planning on SE's part actually, that's a nice idea.

                  You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                  I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                  • #54
                    Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                    Well, I've been taking mine for a walk or two per day, but I don't let her stamina get below half, and I make sure to feed her whenever she's hungry. No problems so far. Well, I got the "crying at night" thing but already got, carried around and returned the handkerchief, so I think she'll be ok.

                    I think the rest care plan is probably not really needed for chicks - they can't do anything all that strenuous anyway. Most likely it is intended for older chocobos that can do more tiring activities (and probably have more maximum stamina, so they can't recover to full every day just by feeding).

                    Part of the problem is people not understanding how care plans work. Every 24 Earth hours (at the same time of day that you originally traded the egg) several things happen:
                    1. Your current care plan has whatever effects it has.
                    2. Your care plan schedule advances to the next day.
                    3. Your chocobo regains stamina based on its current status and how well-fed it is.
                    4. Your chocobo gets hungrier.

                    People who see their chocobo sleeping, change the care plan and expect it to wake up instantly might see a bug where there isn't one. Personal care activities take effect instantly. Care plans take effect at the scheduled time.

                    However, I *have* heard of people changing the care plan away from rest, waiting 2-3 Earth days and the chocobo is still asleep (and possibly also sick/hungry - which you can't do anything about since it has to be awake to feed). So it's possible that in the middle of all the confusion there may also be a genuine bug. That's why I'm avoiding the rest care plan for now.
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                    • #55
                      Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                      Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                      Yeah, I think I'm in agreement, especially since SE just now announced a bug with chocobo raising that affects the PS2 crowd.

                      I'm glad it's not a bug Nice planning on SE's part actually, that's a nice idea.
                      i thought i would post the message, it can be found here

                      Aug. 29, 2006 23:00 [PDT] From: FINAL FANTASY XI

                      Current Known Issue (Aug. 29)

                      Since the implementation of the latest version update on Aug. 21, 2006, we have confirmed the following issue with the Chocobo Raising feature. Investigation and recovery work are currently underway.

                      -Issue whereby the sky is not displayed, or game becomes inoperable after talking to a VCS trainer. (Playstation 2 version only)

                      Thank you for your patience in this matter.


                      • #56
                        Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                        Well I have to conceede. My bird awoke (after being asleep 2 days instead of 1) after the hankerchief was given back, and I recieved a message "your chocobo is waking every day" or something to that effect. I would guess that the extended rest is tied somehow into the hankerchief item. Not only did she awake but I also saw the listening to music graphic, got a message about her singing along and yet according to her care plan she was taking a walk in town.
                        My speculation is that this is indeed not a "bug" but that the birds sleep cycle is effected by the hankerchief. Bummer part was that she awoke not feeling well and it cost 42K for a sprig of toko-whatever-u-call-it grass.
                        I hope everyone elses' birds also awake after the key item trade/return.

                        she was on the listening to music care plan during her extra day of sleep.
                        Last edited by Jethreal; 08-30-2006, 05:52 AM. Reason: clarifying info


                        • #57
                          Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                          Well sofar so good my chick is three days old and no sleepy sickness. He seems to like frequent walks though. I keep running into Henton when I'm walking my chick wonder whats up whith that.


                          • #58
                            Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!


                            We should ask, when did your chocobo fall asleep and when did you get the cutscene for the white handkerchief? It'd be interesting to know. I got both on the same day.

                            I got the cut scene for the white hankerchief on the after two days passed, then I traded it back before my 3rd day and she a woke, I believe it is something with the loneiness not a bug.


                            • #59
                              Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                              Aug. 29, 2006 23:00 [PDT] From: FINAL FANTASY XI

                              Current Known Issue (Aug. 29)

                              Since the implementation of the latest version update on Aug. 21, 2006, we have confirmed the following issue with the Chocobo Raising feature. Investigation and recovery work are currently underway.

                              -Issue whereby the sky is not displayed, or game becomes inoperable after talking to a VCS trainer. (Playstation 2 version only)

                              Thank you for your patience in this matter.
                              This is an understatement. I checked on my hubby's chick, Azure Sky, and the poor little guy is still sleeping (9th day). I ran my hubby's character back to the MH and the sky was pitch black at 1150am on Earthday. I thought it was weird but then the buildings disappeared and my hubby's character looked like a photograph negative before everything froze and I had to do a hard reset on my PS2.

                              I'm concerned for my hubby's chick with this CSP thing though. I'm hoping his chick wakes up sometime today. It's such a cute little guy and I want to see what color he gets. Personally, I'm waiting for some data to come on how to raise them to get a blue one.


                              • #60
                                Re: CSP - Don't let your chickobo catch it!

                                Some of the symptoms of sleeping sickness may be what SE had planned. ie. The chocobo falls asleep and rests when it gets too fatigued.

                                However, *something* isn't quite right. For example. Day 3: the trainer says your chocobo is asleep due to fatigue and you can't feed it. Day 4: the trainer gives you a report (and cutscene) about how your chocobo was walking around town the day before!

                                Your chocobo shouldn't be asleep and walking around town at the same time. Unless it's sleepwalking I guess... >.>

                                For now, I'm seeing posts suggesting players not even "watch over" their chocobos for an entire RL day so the chocobo regains full energy and wakes up. Can anyone confirm or deny this as good advice?
                                They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

