I will call day 1 to be the day that she hatched, and I started interacting with little Lili.
Also, my general health care plan for my chocobo will be to have her listen mainly to music. I want her discernment to be high to learn her two abilities early on. Once she gets those two abilities, I may either keep raising her discernment and receptivity and keep her as a digging chocobo (I’m guessing a smarter chocobo might have a better dig rate) Or, I may raise her strength and endurance for racing, or raise another chocobo for that, we shall see.
I am feeding her Vegetable paste, mostly because it is easy for me to make. I don’t trust the worm paste because it uses Cupid worms, and since I don’t know how those work on a chocobo’s affection, I am hesitant to use them. I am assuming that it will either raise your chocobo’s affection to full, or make it hate you if you feed it worms at the wrong time. I don’t know though.
I need to look at the other pastes again to see what their base ingredients do for a chocobo, I might want to feed her carrot paste.
Also, I will edit this when I update it, which most likely will be once a day towards the evening. That way if a lot of people post on this thread you won’t have to scroll far to see updates.
I think you taking a chocobo out on a walk is different from Pulonono taking it out for a walk around town. In the outline of Type of Care Effect that you can give your chocobo, it says that, “Go on a walk. Strengthens bonds of affection, but depletes stamina.†So I think that I will go on daily walks with my chocobo from now on, only like 2 walks per day though, I still need to figure out how quickly she regains stamina.
Day 1
My chocobo egg hatched! It’s a girl and her name is LiliAudacieux, there is no space between the two names. I took her out for a walk, and watched over her for a bit, nothing much though. When I first got the egg, I selected a basic care plan just to be safe, I changed this to, “listen to music†> “restâ€
Day 2
Lili was neither hungry nor full, I went on a walk with her, and then I gave her a vegetable paste. After she ate it said that she was almost full, I didn't want to overfeed her, so I left it at that. Her affection for me went from “She seems to like you†to, “She seems to like you a lot†The stamina that she used on the walk was fully restored, she was at about ¾ stamina after her walk.
She was still under the basic care plan, and I changed it to “rest†> “listen to musicâ€
Day 3
She is resting today, and Pulonono says that my chocobo “seems to be quite hungry†I cannot wake her up, and Pulonono tells me to come back when Lili wakes up. So nothing much new here. I think that next time when it says that she is almost full, I should feed her another paste. I don't want to over feed her, but she's going to be starving tomorrow :/
One final thing to add. I can get updates on my chocobo around... I think it's about 7:30am pacific time I noticed it is the same time as when I can check the weaving guild for the new day's guild point items, I think it gives you the entire update for the day at this time, I'll check on Lili tonight and see if there is any change.
No change so far, and I am now reading some rather troubling news on the web. It would seem that people are having a problem with their baby chocobo not waking up when you tell it to rest. Since people are not being very clear about what they were doing with their chocobo prior to this, I have decided to conduct a test with Lili.
Now, my guess is that there might be two factors that determine when your chococo baby may wake up. It could just be that it needs a day to sleep, maybe people accidently put in two days to sleep or something. Or maybe your chocobo needs to have full stamina before they wake up, in which case you cannot look in on them since that will reduce their stamina. I checked on her while she was sleeping, her stamina decreased slightly as normal. If she doesn't wake up on day 4, then I will not do anything to her on day 4, and then check in on her on day 5. If she is still sleeping on day 5, when then we got a problem.
Day 5
Well, we've got a problem :/
When I checked on her, Pulonono said that she loved listening to music (cute CS with Lili chirping along to some tunes) I also got a CS where my chocobo was really upset at night, and Pulonono gave me a white handkerchief. Then the screen showed that my chocobo was sleeping, when I checked her condition, it said that she was starving, her affection towards me was "she likes you alot" still. However her energy was fully depleted, and I still cannot wake her up.
I think that I will switch her over to the basic care plan because I think that Pulonono will feed Lili, but I'm not sure on that and I need to double check what they do with your chocobo under the basic care plan.
So I'll try to figure out a way to get around this, in the meantime, I will notify SE about this and place a GM call later today to see if there is anything that they can do.
Day 6
I talked with Pulonono before 7:30 and before I could get a chocobo update, and she took the handkerchief from me. She said that Lili should sleep much better with this. I checked on Lili and it says that "she likes being around you" I got the handkerchief at about 8:00 am the previous day, and turned it in about... 6:00 the next morning, so I'd be guessing that you can turn it in within 12 hours after you get it, at the most.
Lili is sleeping right now, and I have switched her to the basic care plan in the hopes that she will restore energy under that. It should be noted that there seems to be a slight time lag between one day's plan and changing the next one. The next day's plan will be started once the day rolls around so you can check on your chocobo again. This seems to be about 7:00am pacific time, I haven't pinned down the exact time yet though.
Day 7
Nothing new, still asleep and her affection towards me seems dropping now
Thinking back on how this all unfolded... I am tempted to say that you get this handkerchief quest the first time you have your chocobo rest. I would say that you should setup your care schedule so that the day that your chocobo hatches, it rests. That way, your chocobo won't need food for one day before reaching the "neither full nor hungry" stage, and it gives your chocobo another day or so after that before becoming hungry.
Day 8
Lili is awake! FINALLY! She's starving, she's depressed, and she doesn't care for me at all, but she's awake!
I got a CS with Pulonono saying that my chocobo has been waking up every morning now.
I fed her 3 vegatable pastes, she only picked at her food though, but it got her up to being full. I also took her on 2 walks, and watched over her about.. 3 times since Pulonono said she was feeling neglected. Feeding her raised her affection for me by alot, and spending time with her helped some as well, but feeding seems to raise affection more. Her affection towards me is now "she seems to like being around you"I decided to go all out with the walks and watching over her because her affection towards me was so low.
Lili listened to music today, tomorrow she will rest (yes, I'm either brave or a fool) and then the next six days will be listen to music. I want her to rest so I can see if listening to music decreases her stamina and by how much. So it takes 4 days for this quest to run it's total, and I am guessing it is triggered the first time you have your chocobo rest, I think it might be best to have your chocobo rest as soon as you can since it isn't hungry for the first 2 days.
Well, update time. I'm afraid I've been rather busy the last few days so that I haven't had time to update this, so there will be a summary of several days since nothing too eventful happened during that time.
Day 9
Lili slept today, nothing much here.
Day 10
Lili woke up, and listened to music. I fed her, then I watched over her, then took her out on 3 walks.
Days 11-13
Same as above. I've noticed that Lili has full energy each day, so resting her to restore energy is not needed. Listening to music takes a little less stamina than watching over her does.
Day 14
Cutscene! I ran into Pulonono while talking Lili out for a walk. Lili made friends with Pulonono's baby chocobo, Spring. Listened to music, watched over her, and fed her. She views me as a parent now. Took her out for 2 more walks and watched over her some.
Day 15
Another cutscene, Pulonono told me that because I've been taking such good care of Lili, she is extremely happy, and is extremely receptive to lessons. Now instead of the little butt wiggle she jumps up and down when she sees me
I fed Lili, then took her out for 3 walks and watched over her twice afterwards.
Also, my general health care plan for my chocobo will be to have her listen mainly to music. I want her discernment to be high to learn her two abilities early on. Once she gets those two abilities, I may either keep raising her discernment and receptivity and keep her as a digging chocobo (I’m guessing a smarter chocobo might have a better dig rate) Or, I may raise her strength and endurance for racing, or raise another chocobo for that, we shall see.
I am feeding her Vegetable paste, mostly because it is easy for me to make. I don’t trust the worm paste because it uses Cupid worms, and since I don’t know how those work on a chocobo’s affection, I am hesitant to use them. I am assuming that it will either raise your chocobo’s affection to full, or make it hate you if you feed it worms at the wrong time. I don’t know though.
I need to look at the other pastes again to see what their base ingredients do for a chocobo, I might want to feed her carrot paste.
Also, I will edit this when I update it, which most likely will be once a day towards the evening. That way if a lot of people post on this thread you won’t have to scroll far to see updates.
I think you taking a chocobo out on a walk is different from Pulonono taking it out for a walk around town. In the outline of Type of Care Effect that you can give your chocobo, it says that, “Go on a walk. Strengthens bonds of affection, but depletes stamina.†So I think that I will go on daily walks with my chocobo from now on, only like 2 walks per day though, I still need to figure out how quickly she regains stamina.
Day 1
My chocobo egg hatched! It’s a girl and her name is LiliAudacieux, there is no space between the two names. I took her out for a walk, and watched over her for a bit, nothing much though. When I first got the egg, I selected a basic care plan just to be safe, I changed this to, “listen to music†> “restâ€
Day 2
Lili was neither hungry nor full, I went on a walk with her, and then I gave her a vegetable paste. After she ate it said that she was almost full, I didn't want to overfeed her, so I left it at that. Her affection for me went from “She seems to like you†to, “She seems to like you a lot†The stamina that she used on the walk was fully restored, she was at about ¾ stamina after her walk.
She was still under the basic care plan, and I changed it to “rest†> “listen to musicâ€
Day 3
She is resting today, and Pulonono says that my chocobo “seems to be quite hungry†I cannot wake her up, and Pulonono tells me to come back when Lili wakes up. So nothing much new here. I think that next time when it says that she is almost full, I should feed her another paste. I don't want to over feed her, but she's going to be starving tomorrow :/
One final thing to add. I can get updates on my chocobo around... I think it's about 7:30am pacific time I noticed it is the same time as when I can check the weaving guild for the new day's guild point items, I think it gives you the entire update for the day at this time, I'll check on Lili tonight and see if there is any change.
No change so far, and I am now reading some rather troubling news on the web. It would seem that people are having a problem with their baby chocobo not waking up when you tell it to rest. Since people are not being very clear about what they were doing with their chocobo prior to this, I have decided to conduct a test with Lili.
Now, my guess is that there might be two factors that determine when your chococo baby may wake up. It could just be that it needs a day to sleep, maybe people accidently put in two days to sleep or something. Or maybe your chocobo needs to have full stamina before they wake up, in which case you cannot look in on them since that will reduce their stamina. I checked on her while she was sleeping, her stamina decreased slightly as normal. If she doesn't wake up on day 4, then I will not do anything to her on day 4, and then check in on her on day 5. If she is still sleeping on day 5, when then we got a problem.

Day 5
Well, we've got a problem :/
When I checked on her, Pulonono said that she loved listening to music (cute CS with Lili chirping along to some tunes) I also got a CS where my chocobo was really upset at night, and Pulonono gave me a white handkerchief. Then the screen showed that my chocobo was sleeping, when I checked her condition, it said that she was starving, her affection towards me was "she likes you alot" still. However her energy was fully depleted, and I still cannot wake her up.
I think that I will switch her over to the basic care plan because I think that Pulonono will feed Lili, but I'm not sure on that and I need to double check what they do with your chocobo under the basic care plan.
So I'll try to figure out a way to get around this, in the meantime, I will notify SE about this and place a GM call later today to see if there is anything that they can do.
Day 6
I talked with Pulonono before 7:30 and before I could get a chocobo update, and she took the handkerchief from me. She said that Lili should sleep much better with this. I checked on Lili and it says that "she likes being around you" I got the handkerchief at about 8:00 am the previous day, and turned it in about... 6:00 the next morning, so I'd be guessing that you can turn it in within 12 hours after you get it, at the most.
Lili is sleeping right now, and I have switched her to the basic care plan in the hopes that she will restore energy under that. It should be noted that there seems to be a slight time lag between one day's plan and changing the next one. The next day's plan will be started once the day rolls around so you can check on your chocobo again. This seems to be about 7:00am pacific time, I haven't pinned down the exact time yet though.
Day 7
Nothing new, still asleep and her affection towards me seems dropping now
Thinking back on how this all unfolded... I am tempted to say that you get this handkerchief quest the first time you have your chocobo rest. I would say that you should setup your care schedule so that the day that your chocobo hatches, it rests. That way, your chocobo won't need food for one day before reaching the "neither full nor hungry" stage, and it gives your chocobo another day or so after that before becoming hungry.
Day 8
Lili is awake! FINALLY! She's starving, she's depressed, and she doesn't care for me at all, but she's awake!
I got a CS with Pulonono saying that my chocobo has been waking up every morning now.
I fed her 3 vegatable pastes, she only picked at her food though, but it got her up to being full. I also took her on 2 walks, and watched over her about.. 3 times since Pulonono said she was feeling neglected. Feeding her raised her affection for me by alot, and spending time with her helped some as well, but feeding seems to raise affection more. Her affection towards me is now "she seems to like being around you"I decided to go all out with the walks and watching over her because her affection towards me was so low.
Lili listened to music today, tomorrow she will rest (yes, I'm either brave or a fool) and then the next six days will be listen to music. I want her to rest so I can see if listening to music decreases her stamina and by how much. So it takes 4 days for this quest to run it's total, and I am guessing it is triggered the first time you have your chocobo rest, I think it might be best to have your chocobo rest as soon as you can since it isn't hungry for the first 2 days.
Well, update time. I'm afraid I've been rather busy the last few days so that I haven't had time to update this, so there will be a summary of several days since nothing too eventful happened during that time.
Day 9
Lili slept today, nothing much here.
Day 10
Lili woke up, and listened to music. I fed her, then I watched over her, then took her out on 3 walks.
Days 11-13
Same as above. I've noticed that Lili has full energy each day, so resting her to restore energy is not needed. Listening to music takes a little less stamina than watching over her does.
Day 14
Cutscene! I ran into Pulonono while talking Lili out for a walk. Lili made friends with Pulonono's baby chocobo, Spring. Listened to music, watched over her, and fed her. She views me as a parent now. Took her out for 2 more walks and watched over her some.
Day 15
Another cutscene, Pulonono told me that because I've been taking such good care of Lili, she is extremely happy, and is extremely receptive to lessons. Now instead of the little butt wiggle she jumps up and down when she sees me

I fed Lili, then took her out for 3 walks and watched over her twice afterwards.