i got a fire cluster in the dunes on the first try there
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Chobi Digging Skill
This is a sticky topic.
I posted where to dig...I'm still refining when...drastically. Since posting this "guide" I've seen no real change in prices or quantities of items from the area I dig in on Ifrit...probably because there's a very important piece to the puzzle I left out. Dig at the wrong time you'll loose money...and not just a little money...10000 gil or more, lol.
I'll say at least that my Good and Bad day thoughts were semi-incorrect with the exception of lightning day...don't dig on lightning day in yhutunga unless you like to loose money.
As far Ebony logs, that I can't explain...I get tons of rosewood but never ebony...if your getting log clogs it means that your high level woodworkers, if there are any...aren't doing their part. I know one on Ifrit who comes through and buys out 40 petrified logs in San d'Oria, and makes money off them selling the results of his work to an npc...it baffles me how that works...getting a real craft up there certainly pays.
If digging has gone to the dogs, take advantage of it and become a woodworker, you'll make a fortune.
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Skill tests
It seems just digging up one of the skilltest items isn't enough to raise skill; I've still got a 15 second delay, and I've dug up Rattan and Danceshrooms before...
What got me down to 15 from 16 though, was rapid-fire digging up 4 Bone Chips. So maybe you have to dig up several of the targetted item... Who knows.
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Yea I've dug up TONS of bone chips, like 3 stacks of rattan lumber, 2 or 3 stacks of cinnamon sticks, and like 3 danceshrooms.
My wait time is at about 14 seconds or so. Maybe they changed what each level's wait time is in one of these last patches? or maybe I'm doing something wrong..
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i got a problem here ... iv been digging for a long time .. 2 weeks ago i was in highlands and i noticed my digging delay got much better .. i count error mssgs so went from 7 error mssgs to 3 and i was like nice finaly lv2 digging ... i logged off that night and loged back next day and my digging was back to 7 error mssgs ... been digging everyday since and no change in delayi dig mostly in highlands , both kazham jungles and few other zones
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heh.. i think im going back to smithing ... over 600k and few weeks spent on digging and no sign of profit.......... its fun to do but real waste of time/gil to me atleast now .. lv to 60 do hnm and nm make more profit ^^
huk .. your skill will increase the more you dig but paying off the greens will be abit slow cause you can only sell 7 items at once at AH haha .... GL diggers im out
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Ive onyl been digging for 2 days. Still not Lv1, at least I dont think... havent noticed any difference in wait time. And if the title goes in your profile... then its not there either. However Ive spent about 20k on it and made about 30k .. so im not disappointed yet.
Got 2 ebony logs in yuhtungah and got ALOT of giant femurs in e. altepa that i sent to my mule in windurst to sell. Also dug up wyvern scales in e.altepa. I moved to w. altepa and I didnt really dig up much .. jsut alot of bone chips and a few iron ores... and those took forever. I think Dust storms and the 2x earth element version hurts your digging... as soon as it started I didnt get anything til it stopped.
Also, in w. altepa I saw some Goblin welldiggers ( also goblin digger of the same level) and wondered if they did the same things ( buried items) as diggers. Maybe an upgraded version? Or maybe unrelated except its a gob with a similar name
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so does anyone really have any idea... how your digging skill is raised.. thats pretty much all i care about
because the entire item promotion system is incorrect.
just because you dig up the item does not mean you get promoted. Now they may give you some sort of skill up but i doubt it
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Choco Digging Info
Check out the Chocobo Digging Guide for some of the best info around on the topic. It can be a huge money sink, but it's pretty exciting (and lucrative) when you dig up a darksteel ore or philosopher's stone.ffxi.somepage.com - All FFXI facts, all the time.
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A quick question...the original starter of this thread listed that the cheapest greens price was 50 gil....with max fame with windhurst my greens price is 61 gil...
It could be they patched it up since then, that or the chocobo greens merchants will get cheaper yet if I max my fame with all 3 nations...I'm only maxed with windy atm...I'm just curious if anyone can varify they've seen greens for less than 61 gil. Thanks.
And I remember hearing about some JP guy who said he makes all his money digging awhile back on Midgard(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ====【†】 BIBLE FIGHT !
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Hmm I havn't tired digging yet but it sounds like it may be worth it in the long run. Maybe a silly ignorant question lol, but can you constantly dig in one spot or maybe a small area or do you have to run around all over the map?
RDM35 / WAR20 / DRG10 / DRK10 / RNG 10 / PLD 35 / BLM 17
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